Council Rock High School SOUTH/ 2016-2017

Ms. Van Eysden: AP World History: Annotated Timeline (50 pts)

For each of the 5 remaining AP World time frames (Unit II-VI) you will produce an annotated timeline to be handed in at the end of each unit.

1. You will choose two regions of the world to focus on for each timeline. Choices include: East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, Europe, (sub-Saharan Africa, North America) and Latin America.

2. You will select at least 2 APWH Themes. You must rotate these selections throughout the year so that you can have as broad of an exposure as you can to APWH events. Select 10 events in each geographic area that provide the greatest evidence for the themes that you have selected. You will annotate each event by explaining WHY each event was significant to the history of that geographic area and to the world. You should annotate events relating to region 1 ABOVE your timeline, region 2 should be annotated BELOW your timeline.

For example: If you have selected Europe and the Middle East as your regions and the theme of ECON/SB, you will look for 10 events that represent economic/state building during your time period in Europe and 10 events that represent economic/state building in the Middle East in your time period. Your annotations would explain WHY those events are significant to an understanding of the economic/state building of Europe and the Middle East.

3. You will also utilize the following Historical Thinking Skills to extend your understanding of each time period. Choose ONE from each category to apply to the historical events that you have selected for your timeline. This analysis should come AFTER your timeline is complete. Your responses to this HTS analysis should be thorough and specific (think one part of an SAQ for example- two or three sentences per response). Please type these up for me and make it clear which skill you are analyzing.

Your HTS choices should rotate throughout the timelines/time periods.

4. Finally, make sure that your timelines are NEAT, LEGIBILE, and evidence TIME AND EFFORT.

For each region: (50 points total)

10 events appropriate to time period, geographic areas and SPICE themes: 10 pts

10 detailed annotations, one per event: 10 pts

Timeline is set up correctly as per instructions 10 pts

HTS analysis is specific, thorough and accurate 10 pts

overall impression, neatness/ time and effort: 10 pts

total: 50 pts


Theme 1: Interaction between humans and the environment (ENV)

·  demography and disease

·  migration

·  patterns of settlement

·  technology

Theme 2: Development and interaction of cultures (CUL)

·  religions

·  belief systems, philosophies and ideologies

·  science and technology

·  the arts and architecture

Theme 3: State-building, expansion and conflict (SB)

·  political structures and forms of governance

·  empires

·  nations and nationalism

·  revolts and revolution

·  regional, transregional, and global structures and organizations

Theme 4: Creation, expansion and interaction of economic systems (ECON)

·  agricultural and pastoral production

·  trade and commerce

·  labor systems

·  industrialization

·  capitalism and socialism

Theme 5: Development and transformation of social structures

·  gender roles and relations

·  family and kinship

·  racial and ethnic constructions

·  social and economic classes

Historical Thinking Skills:


C2- Compare different historical individuals, and/or processes, analyzing both similarities and differences in order to draw historically valid conclusions.


C3- Situate historical events, developments, or processes within the broader regional, national, or global context in which they occurred in order to draw conclusions about their relative significance.

Patterns of Continuity and Change Over Time (CCOT)

D3- Identify patterns of continuity and change over time and explain the significance of such patterns.

D4- Explain how patterns of continuity and change over time relate to larger historical processes or themes.


D5- Explain ways historical events and processes can be organized into discrete, different, and definable historical periods.

D6- Evaluate whether a particular event or date could or could not be a turning point between different, definable historical periods, when considered in terms of particular historical evidence.


D1- Explain long- or short-term causes and effects of a historical event, development or process.

D2- Evaluate the relative significance of different causes/effects on historical events or processes, distinguishing between causation and correlation and showing an awareness of historical contingency.