Ingrid Creppell

George Washington University

Department of Political Science

2115 G Street, NW, Monroe Hall 420

Washington, DC 20052

(202) 994-4106

Academic Positions

2011 - Deputy Director, University Honors Program, George Washington University

2002- Associate Professor of Political Science and International

Affairs, George Washington University

Affiliated faculty:

- Elliott School of International Affairs, GWU

- Peace Studies Program, Religion Department, GWU

1996-2002 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, George Washington University

1992, 1993 Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Northwestern University

1992 Lecturer, Department of Political Science, University of Chicago


Ph.D. University of Chicago, Department of Political Science

B.A. Princeton University, Department of Politics (cum laude)

Research Interests

Contemporary political theory: conflict; identity; culture; norms; discourse, ideology, and narrative; toleration.

Early modern thought: origins of liberalism.

American political thought: identity-formation in historical perspective.



2008. Toleration on Trial, Edited with Russell Hardin & Stephen Macedo, Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield).

2003. Toleration and Identity, Foundations in Early Modern Thought, Routledge.


2014. “Anti-governmentism in Conservative Thought:A Note on Garnett’s Conception of Religious Freedom” forthcoming in NOMOS volume on American Conservatism, New York: New York University Press.

2013. “Moral Logics of Enmity: Indians and English in Early America” in Religious Tolerance in the Atlantic World, edited by Eliane Glaser, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

2011. “The Concept of Normative Threat” International Theory, 3:3, pp. 450-487.

2010. “Secularization: religion and the roots of innovation in the political sphere” in Secularisation Revisited: Religion and Politics 1500-2006, edited by Gareth Stedman Jones and Ira Katznelson, Cambridge University Press.

2008. “Toleration, Politics, and the Role of Mutuality” NOMOS, New York: New York University Press.

2003. “The Democratic Element in Hobbes’s Behemoth” Filozofski vestnik/Actaphilosophica 24, no. 2. Also published in Hobbes’s Behemoth, Religion and Democracy, edited by Tomaz Mastnak, Charlottesville, VA: Imprint Academic, 2009.

2001. “Montaigne: The Embodiment of Identity as Grounds for Toleration” Res Publica, Volume 7, No. 3.

2000. “White’s Weak Ontology: The Bearable Lightness of Being,” Spring, 2000 Theory & Event - symposium on Stephen White’s book Sustaining Affirmation.

1996. “Locke on Toleration: The Transformation of Constraint” Political Theory, May.

1989. “Democracy and Literacy: The Role of Culture in Political Life” Archives Européennes de Sociologie, Volume XXX.

Book Reviews

2012. The Pretenses of Loyalty: Locke, Liberal Theory, and American Political Theology, by John Perry, Oxford University Press, 2011, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, February 17, 2012.

2011. Locke on Toleration, Richard Vernon (Ed.), Cambridge University Press, 2010, Notre DamePhilosophical Reviews, March 24, 2011.

2007. On Justification: Economies of Worth, by Luc Boltanski & Laurent Thévenot, Perspectives on Politics, Vol. 5, No. I, March 2007.

2003. Locke and the Legislative Point of View, by Alex Tuckness, Perspectives on Politics, 1, 4, December.

1990. The Blue Guitar, Political Representation and Community, by Nancy Schwartz, Ethics, July.

1990. Toleration and the Limits of Liberalism, by Susan Mendus, Ethics, October.

Work in Progress

- Book: Making Enemies in American History

- Essay: “Unraveling Identity” – Lead essay commissioned for digital publication: Textile Museum Exhibit, George Washington University Museum, forthcoming

Fellowships, Grants, Awards and Prizes

- Institute for Global and International Studies (IGIS, Elliott School of International Affairs, GW),

conference grant, 2008 and 2009

- University Facilitating Fund Award, George Washington University, Summer 2008

- Russell Sage Foundation, conference grant, March 2001

- National Endowment for the Humanities, Fellowship for University Teachers, 2000: funded

completion of book published as Toleration and Identity, 2003

- University Facilitating Fund Award, George Washington University, Summer 1999

- Honorary Fellow, Mellon Foundation Sawyer Seminar, University of Chicago, 1995-96

- Grodzins Prize Lecturer, University of Chicago, 1992

- Charlotte Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1990-91

- Charles Merriam Fellowship, University of Chicago, 1982-1983

- University Fellowship, University of Chicago, 1982-85

- Philo Sherman Bennett Senior Thesis Prize, Princeton University, 1980

(Senior Thesis: Jefferson’s Scientific Lexicon)

Invited Presentations

- University of Texas, Austin, Panel on American Conservatism, paper: “American Conservatism

in Thought and Politics: Paradoxes of Church-State Separation and Religious Freedom”

September 2012

- Food for Thought Presentation, University Honors Program, GW: “Explaining Enmity”

September 2012

- NYU, Department of Philosophy, Keynote Speaker: Symposium on Locke’s Letter Concerning

Toleration, April 2011

- University of California, Irvine. The Center for Research on International and Global Studies

(RIGS). Talk presented: “Evolution of the Enemy Idea” October 2010

-Yale University, Nationalism Workshop, December 2009

-Washington University, “Liberal Democracy and the Idea of the Enemy,” May, 2008

-Cambridge University, King’s College: conference on “Religion & the Political Imagination”

paper: “Secularization: religious activism and the value of thepolitical sphere” July, 2007

-Association for the Study of Nationalism, Annual Conference: commentator on Aviel

Roshwald’s The Endurance of Nationalism: Ancient Roots and Modern Dilemmas (Cambridge

U.P. 2006), Columbia University, NYC, April, 2007

- American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy. Washington, DC, commentator on “‘Two

There Are’: Church-State Separation and Religious Freedom,” by Richard Garnett, January,


- Cambridge University, King’s College: conference on “Religion & the Political Imagination”

presentation on “Toleration and Secularization” July 2006

- The New School University, NY, NY, “The Liberal Democratic Enemy,” April 2006

- Women’s Leadership Program, Mt. Vernon. “The Origins of Toleration” September 2004

-Texas A & M. Paper commissioned for conference: “Must Political Theory be Secular?”

February 2004

- American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy, Paper: “Toleration, Politics and the

Common World” January, 2004

- Forum for Contemporary Thought, “Justice & Constructivism,” University of Virginia,

commentator on Gerald Cohen, March, 2002

- Conference for the Study of Political Thought, University of Virginia, commentator on Quentin

Skinner, April 2001

- Human Sciences Program Seminar, George Washington University, May 2000 Conference for

the Study of Political Thought, University of Virginia, commentator on Stephen White, October


- The Communitarian Summit, Washington, DC, February 1999 Workshop Discussant, Institute

for Humane Studies, George Mason University, November 1998

- Committee on Social Thought and Analysis, “Jean Bodin’s Toleration” Washington University,

April 1997

- Institutions of Toleration Conference, University of Chicago, May 1996

Conference Participation

- Teaching International Humanitarian Law for International Studies Faculty, Workshop-

conference, hosted by ESIA and the International Committee of the Red Cross, August


- International Studies Association, Annual Conference, San Francisco, April 2013

- Association for Political Theory, Annual Conference, University of South Carolina, October


- American Political Science Association, Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada, 9/09

- Association for the Study of Nationalism, Annual Conference, Columbia University, NY, NY,

April 2009

- American Political Science Association, Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, 9/07

- American Political Science Association, Annual Convention, Washington, DC 9/05

- Hosted international conference – “Toleration & Identity Conflict,” George Washington

University, 3/01

- UK Association for Legal and Social Philosophy Annual Conference, Exeter, England, 4/00

- American Political Science Association, Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA, 9/99

- American Philosophical Association Annual Meetings, Washington, DC, 12/98

- Midwest Political Science Association, Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 4/95

- American Political Science Association, Annual Convention, New York, NY, 9/91

- American Political Science Association, Annual Convention, Washington, DC, 8/91

- Public Choice Conference, Roundtable on Culture and Rational Choice Theory, New Orleans,

LA, 3/91


- Origins and Evolution of Modern Thought (Gospels to 21st Century)

- Modern political thought: 16th to 19th Centuries

- Twentieth Century Political Thought

- Liberalism and Its Critics

- Religion and Politics

- Identity: Political Conflict and Change

- The Idea of the Enemy

- Toleration: Historical and Contemporary Debates

- Foundations of Political Theory: State, Liberty/Rights, Public Sphere

- Fundamentals of Political Theory: Ancient and Anglo-American

- Theories of Justice



Speaker, Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science Honor Society), George Mason University, April 2011

Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) Standards Study (2-day workshop), New York City, June 2007

NEH Summer Seminar selection committee, March 2007

Tenure Review for American University, Department of Government, Fall 2006.

University of Virginia, outside examiner on Honors Program graduates, 2006

Georgetown University, examiner for political theory graduate students, 2006

University of Virginia, outside examiner on Honors Program graduates, 2005

NEH Summer Seminar selection committee (seminar on “Political Obligation, Democratic Legitimacy, and Human Rights,” Georgia State University, Center For Ethics) 2005

Midwest Political Science Association. Political Philosophy: Modern Theorists & Texts, Section Head,2005

Manuscript Reviewer: Cambridge University Press

Journal Peer Reviewer: American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, European Journal of Political Theory, International Political Science Review, International Theory, The Journal of Politics, Perspectives on Politics, Political Science Quarterly, Political Studies, Political Theory, Review of Politics, Sophia Journal

University (GW)

University Honors Program/Philosophy Search Committee, Chair, 2013-14

Reader, Enosinian Scholars Program, Spring 2012

Reviewer, CCAS, Facilitating Funds grants, March 2012

Judge, Research Day, March 2012

Teaching and Learning Collaborative, Advisory Committee, Fall 2011 -

Innovation Task Force, Learning Subcommittee 2009-10

Undergraduate Studies Committee, CCAS, 2007-10, Chair of committee AY 2008-09

The University Writing Program Advisory Committee (UWAC), CCAS Representative for SocialSciences (2007-2010)

IGIS research grant. Organized and hosted “Threat Conference” April 2009

CCAS General Curriculum Review Committee, 2007 – 09

University Writing Program, Search Committee for Executive Director, 2008-09

Department of Religion, Faculty Search committee for Religious Ethics/Peace Studies position, 2008-09

University Writing Program, committee to search/hire UW20 special services faculty Summer 2008

University Seminar Review Committee, Review of applications, June 2008

WID Big Read Review, Social Sciences, August 2008

IGIS research grant. Organized and hosted “Threat Workshop” May 2008

Undergraduate Studies Committee, Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, 2007-08

Global Humanities Center, Co-director of pilot program. 2006-2008

Honors Program, Search Committee for Political Science faculty recruitment, 2006-07

Steering Committee, Global Humanities Center, 2006-07

Task Force on a 4x4 Undergraduate Curriculum, May 2005-2006

Humanities Advisory Council for GW “Global Humanities Center” 2005-

Peace Studies Committee, 2005-

Honors Program, Search Committee for Philosophy faculty recruitment, 2004-05

Humanities Program Review Committee, 2004-05

Fulbright, Marshall & Rhodes Fellowship review panels

Honors Advisory Committee, CCAS Representative (2002-2006)

Human Sciences Program, Executive Committee Member Exam Subcommittee

Early Modern European Studies Program, Member

Ph.D. Dissertation advisor, Program in the Human Sciences


Intensive graduate reading course, spring 2014

Undergraduate Writing Committee, 2012-13

Search Committee for Politics and Values Program Director, 2012-13

Thesis (undergraduate) adviser (2 students), Spring 2013

Dissertation Reader, 2012-13

Search Committee for Politics and Values Program Director, 2008-09

Chair Nominating Committee, Fall 2007

Recruitment Committee for Theory of Institutions Search, 2006-07

Recruitment Committee for Politics & Values Director/Professor, 2002-03

Recruitment Committee for Political Theory position, 2001-02

Recruitment Committee for Department of Political Science 2000-2001

Recruitment Committee for Political Theory position, 1999-2000

Coordinator of GW Department of Political Science Lecture Series, 1998-99

Strategic Plan Subcommittee on Undergraduate Education (Department of

Political Science, GW), 1997-98

Recruitment Committee for Politics & Values Director/Professor, 1996-97

Undergraduate faculty adviser, 1997-98

Advisor: Graduate & Undergraduate on honors papers, masters and dissertations

Conference Membership

Political Theory in the Expanded Field Seminar, Fall 2013 -

GW Medieval and Early Modern Studies Institute

University Seminar: "Modernity and Its Discontents" 2012-13

University Seminar: “Performance Theory” 2007 – 09

Professional Membership

American Political Science Association

Association for Political Theory