“With you, this year will beeunbeelievable!”

(Count the # of “bee” words in the letter below as we read. How many can you find?)

Dear Students:

Welcome to the beeginning of a new school year! It is my beelief that you can succeed and beecome the best student that you can bee. In this class, we will discuss topics that are buzz worthy, but I hope that you can bee respectful and not beelittle others for their thoughts and ideas beecause everyone in this class should feel like they beelong. When you sit beeside someone in class, I want you to beefriend them while also beeing focused on the assignment or lesson. You need to beehave respectful and beegin on your work promptly. Beehind you is where you will turn in most of your work (beeside the cupboards). Beefore turning in an assignment, make sure that you put your name on the assignment so that you will get credit for your work. I do not tolerate beelligerentbeehavior or people who beerate others. Beeneath the surface, we all have feelings and need to bee treated with respect. Respect & kindness are beeautiful things. Beelieve in yourself and others beecause I beelieve in you!


Ms. Duke

(Assignment Directions: On the back of this letter, correct the spelling of each of the misspelled “bee” words.)


With you, this year will beeunbeelievable!”

(Count the # of “bee” words in the letter below as we read. How many can you find?)

Dear Students:

Welcome to the beeginning of a new school year! It is my beelief that you can succeed and beecome the best student that you can bee. In this class, we will discuss topics that are buzz worthy, but I hope that you can bee respectful and not beelittle others for their thoughts and ideas beecause everyone in this class should feel like they beelong. When you sit beeside someone in class, I want you to beefriend them while also beeing focused on the assignment or lesson. You need to beehave respectful and beegin on your work promptly. Beehind you is where you will turn in most of your work (beeside the cupboards). Beefore turning in an assignment, make sure that you put your name on the assignment so that you will get credit for your work. I do not tolerate beelligerentbeehavior or people who beerate others. Beeneath the surface, we all have feelings and need to bee treated with respect. Respect & kindness are beeautiful things. Beelieve in yourself and others beecause I beelieve in you!


Ms. Duke

(Assignment Directions: On the back of this letter, correct the spelling of each of the misspelled “bee” words.)
















