Chapter 3 ID’s – Age of Reformation 9/17

1. Why was Europe (especially Northern Germany) ripe for the Protestant Reformation to begin.

2. How were everyday people (commoners-peasants-artisans) affected by the Reformation (at least 3 effects)

3. Indulgencies (define) and John Tetzel

4. Martin Luther, Oct. 31, 1517, and 95 Theses

5. Why was the election of Charles V important for the HRE, Luther and the Reformation?

6. How as the Reformation able to spread so quickly despite the best efforts of the Church (3 reasons)

7. Diet of Worms

8. German peasant revolt and its outcome. Why could this have been avoided? What changes came from it?

9. Why were Zwingli’s beliefs both popular with some groups of people and unpopular with many others? Why did they tear Switzerland apart?

10. How were Anabaptists radical in their views and why were they so disliked and condemned especially by Catholics?

11. John Calvin (brief description). Define Predestination and explain why other major religions had major issues with it.

12. After reading pg. 114 “Calvin on Predestination”

a. why do you feel Catholics (especially) dislike his ideas

b. why would Thomas Jefferson and John Locke not like the last sentence?

13. Diet of Augsburg and Cuius Regio Eius Religio.

14. Charles V (may help you answer # 3 better). What were his roles in the Reformation. Do you feel he helped it or hurt it…explain.

15. What are (at least 3) main differences between Lutherans and Calvinists. Please do not say one is headed by Calvin and one is led by Luther.

16. To what extent was the Reformation successful in its spread? What conditions allowed it to spread in the HRE and other areas? What do you think would have happened to Luther and his reformation if he had been Italian, Spanish or French?

17. Why was England fertile ground for the reformation and then again why was England opposed to it? Include in your answer

a. Edward I

b. Henry VIII- to what degree was he truly Protestant.

c. Reform Parliament

e. Act of Supremacy

18. The Catholic Reformation aka Counter Reformation and Loyola and the Jesuits

19. Council of Trent

20. What were 3 main differences in life from 15th to 16th centuries-explain continuity what changed over time.

21. In what ways were the roles of Protestant women changed? Did Catholic women enjoy the same degree of freedom why or why not?

22. List and explain 3 changes in marriage and family during this period.

23. After reading “Table Manners” on pg. 129. What are your thoughts? What 3 rules surprise you?

24. Briefly explain the works of Cervantes and Shakespeare as well as their similarities and differences. Yes, I know one is Spanish and one is English….

Be sure to take a look at the review questions on page 133. You do not have to answer them.


1. Tyranny/Tyrant

2. Ecclesiastical

3. Vernacular

4. Magistrate

5. Purgatory

6. Eucharist

7. Theocracy

9. Catechism

10. compulsory