David Blumenthal: Welcome to the Community Call! Please introduce yourself - Name, State, Number of months or years in your position.

guest: Tim Dryman-North Carolina Department of Public Instruction-Federal Programs Administrator. Six months

Katie Deal (NDTAC): Good morning! This is Katie Deal from NDTAC; I work with the Teal Community. Good to be with you all today.

Karen Auble (Ohio): Karen Auble, Program Specialist, Office of Federal Programs, Ohio Department of Education. One year.

Ada Daniels: Good morning: This is Ada Daniels, Washington State, 6 weeks

Katie Deal (NDTAC): Ratasha, Tim, Jen, and Ada - welcome! We're glad you're here. You'll feel like Title I, Part D pros in no time. ;)

Ratasha Bradley: Thanks Katie!

Ada Daniels: Thanks

Katie Deal (NDTAC): It's hard to have an elevator speech about N&D, right?

Katie Deal (NDTAC): Karen and Adam, I think you're at "pro" level now. :)

guest: Thank you! Glad to be a part of the team.

Kristi Peters: Kristi Peters, Maryland State Department of Maryland, Coordinator Research and Evaluation. In support of our N&D Coordinator for data submissions. Favorite costume: Mime

David Blumenthal: Webinar:

David Blumenthal: Toolkit:

Katie Deal (NDTAC):

David Blumenthal: Past Presentation:

Katie Deal (NDTAC): Are any of you planning state or regional conferences this year that will focus in part or whole on Title I, Part D?

Karen Auble (Ohio): Survey has been sent out; still collecting responses through early December

Karen Auble (Ohio): We reach out to all facilities who have previously responded as well as those meeting the criteria who are identified through the licensing agents (for subpart 2)

Katie Deal (NDTAC): That's quite common, Karen D; that happens in our community, too.

Katie Deal (NDTAC): During the Teal Community call, several folks talked about providing proactive information and capacity-building opportunities (e.g. a webinar, presentation, newsletter) to help subgrantees and facilities understand the count - the purpose, process, who gets counted, etc - then provides technical assistance as needed during the count process.

Katie Deal (NDTAC): Karen D: See the annual count requirements checklist in our annual count toolkit - covers what you were just describing:

Karen DeCoster: thank you Katie

Ada Daniels: Thank you Katie

David Blumenthal: Tip Sheet:

Katie Deal (NDTAC):

Katie Deal (NDTAC):

Katie Deal (NDTAC): Karen: cage-shaker and fear-inducer. ;) Doin' it right.

Karen Steinhaus: HA!

Karen Steinhaus: I always try to help them understand that there is a way to meet requirements.

Katie Deal (NDTAC): Indian has a statewide transition coordinator who supports the local transition coordinators. Their model was featured on one of our recent webinars:

Katie Deal (NDTAC): *Indiana

Katie Deal (NDTAC):

Katie Deal (NDTAC): bye everyone!