CEEWEB Academy

Strengthening civil participation in the implementation of EU nature conservation directives through the experiences gained by the 10 new Member States

24-28 August 2006, Kiten, Bulgaria


Thursday, 24 August

Topic: management of protected areas

Facilitator: Ildikó Arany

10:00 Introduction (Yordan Dardov, Deputy Minister of Environment and Waters Bulgaria and Hristo Bojinov NSPN chief)

10:15 Sustainable use of biodiversity: principles of the Convention on Biological Diversity (Klára Hajdu, CEEWEB)

10:40 Preservation, conservation, restoration of forests, grasslands, wetlands (Anton Gazenbeek)

11:30 Coffee break

11:50 Preservation, conservation, restoration of forests, grasslands, wetlands (Anton Gazenbeek) – continued

12:40 Ecosystem services management – linking ecology and economics (Klára Hajdu, CEEWEB)

13:20 Lunch

Facilitator: Klára Hajdu

14:20 Management and preparing management plans, with a special focus on Natura 2000 sites (Inga Racinska, Latvian Fund for Nature)

15:10 Experiences of NGOs dealing with protected area management:

Pawel Pawlaczyk, Naturalists Club Poland

Petra Djuric, Green Action, Croatia

Simeon Marin, Green Balkans

Maja Tesic, Young Researchers of Serbia

Mojmir Vlasin, Veronica, Czech Republic

Jaromir Sibl, BROZ, Slovakia

16:30 Coffee break

16:50 Tourism as a tool of management. Experiences of NGOs dealing with protected area management on areas focused by tourism (Stephanie Roth, Ecological Tourism in Europe)

17: 50 Closing the day.

Friday, 25 August

Field visit to coastal area of Strandja NP

In the field: discussion about the most necessary and effective fields of NGO involvement in connection with the topics of the previous day. Lead by the managers of the local protected area

Saturday, 26 August

Topic: Natura 2000, creation of Natura 2000 network

Facilitator: Klára Hajdu

10:00 Background of Natura 2000. How the system is built up, its strenghts, how it works. Changes in Natura 2000, as a result of new countries accession. (Simeon Marin, Green Balkans Bulgaria)

10:30 Presentation on the state of play in the accession countries: preparation procedure in Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia. (Tamás Papp, Milvus Group Romania, Simeon Marin, Green Balkans Bulgaria, Gabrijela Medunic-Orlic, SUNCE Croatia)

12:00 Coffee break

12:20 NGOs’ role in the procedure of creating Natura 2000 network. Experiences and lessons from the 10 new EU MSs, comparison of some different experiences. Andrzej Kepel, Salamandra and Pawel Pawlaczyk, Naturalists Club Poland

Mojmir Vlasin, Veronica, Czech Republic

Inga Racinska, Latvian Fund for Nature, Latvia

Eerik Leibak, Estonian Fund for Nature, Estonia

Ildikó Arany, CEEWEB, Hungary

13:20 Lunch

Facilitator: Ildikó Arany

14:30 Natura 2000 law enforcement, complaints procedure, examples of European Court decisions (Boris Barov, Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds)

15:30 Financing Natura 2000. How can NGOs get EU financing for their nature conservation activity on Natura 2000 sites? How Natura 2000 financing will be regulated in the next financial period? (Boris Barov, Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds)

16:30 Coffee break

16:50 LIFE + regulation (Anton Gazenbeek)

17:20 Natura 2000 workshop discussion.

Every attending organization brings a good example from its country on Natura 2000 preparation, site designation or implementation.

19:00 Closing of the day.

Sunday, 27 August

9:00 – 12:30 boat trip to Ropotamo Nature reserve – visit to the Sand Lily and Arkutino Reserves. Visitor’s Center of the Ministry of Environment and Waters

Discussion about the most necessary and effective fields of NGO involvement in connection with the topics of the previous day. Leaded by the managers of the area (marine sites possibly included)

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Natura 2000 impact assessment. Theory: on the base of EC Manual for N2000 impact assessment. Practical problems of appropriate implementation to the national law (examples from different countries). (Anna Liro, Polish Ministry of Environment)

15:40 Coffee break

16:00 Workshop on Natura 2000 impact assessment. (Pawel Pawlaczyk, Naturalists Club Poland)

18:00 Closing of the day

Monday, 28 August

Facilitator: Pawel Pawlaczyk

10:00 Discussion on the best possible implementation of Natura 2000.

The discussion is based on the good examples presented by the organizations the previous day, concentrating on the role of NGOs. Brainstorming, discussing possible cooperation.

12:00 Wrap up of the day: lessons learned from the workshop, agree on follow-up activities.