Using your TI-83.
Most functions we need on calculator are in stat menu. This is accessed by hit STAT button near blue arrow keys. There are three submenus : edit, calc, and tests. Use the right and left blue arrow key to highlight the appropriate submenu.
Entering Data.
- In the stat edit menu choose option 1 (or enter since the 1 is highlighted) to edit data.
- Use the blue right arrow button to scroll to an empty column.
- Key in first data and hit enter. Continue until all data has been entered.
- Remember which column your data is in. It will be L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,or L6.
Clearing data.
- In the stat edit menu choose option 4.
- The word ClrList followed by a blinking cursor will appear. Hit the yellow key followed by a number 1-6 which corresponds to which list you want to clear. (You can give multiple lists if you separate them by commas which is the key above the 7.)
- Hit enter. All entered lists will be cleared.
Calculating the sample mean, etc.
- Enter data set into a list.
- In the stat calc menu choose option 1 (or enter since the one is highlighted) to calculate one variable statistics.
- It will say 1-Var Stats with a blinking cursor. Hit the yellow key and then a number from 1-6 (corresponding to where your data is). Then hit enter.
The first line says . This is the sample mean.
The next two lines are info we will not be using.
The fourth line says . This is the standard deviation.
The next line says . We will not use this value.
The next line says . This gives the number of data.
Hit the blue down arrow to see the minimum data value.
Hit the blue down arrow again to see the 1st quartile.
Continue hitting blue down arrow to see the median, 3rd quartile, and maximum.
Calculating Correlation.
- Enter data into twolists. Both lists must be same length.
- In the stat calc menu choose option 8 (LinReg(a+bx)).
- When the blinking cursor comes up key in one list name, then key in a comma, then key in second list name. Hit enter. Correlation is the number given in r = _____.
- WARNING: If correlation is not given in output, then you must turn your diagnostics on. To do this enter catalog (this is yellow function of 0 key).Scroll down to DiagnosticOn. Hit enter twice.
Finding Regression Line.
- Store explanatory data in one list. Store response data in another list.
- In the stat calc menu choose option 8 (LinReg(a+bx)).
- When the blinking cursor comes up key in list where the explanatory data is stored, then key in a comma, then key in list where response data is stored. Hit enter.
Finding binomial coefficients.
First type the value of n. Then hit the math button. Use left arrow to scroll over to PRB (which stands for probability). Hit three. Enter the value of k. Finally, hit enter.
Finding a binomial probability.
Hit DISTR (it’s the yellow key aboveVARS). Then hit a 0 or scroll down to choose binompdf(. A flashing cursor shows up. Give the value of n, then a comma, then the value of p, then a comma, then the value of k. Hit enter.