2018Arkport Angels Girls Indoor Soccer Tournament

Registration Form

Please fill the registration information below and return along with payment to:

Arkport Central School

c/o Chris Cooper

35 East Ave.

Arkport, NY 14807

Cost is $95.00 per team and $85.00 for a second team if they are in the same age group.

Checks payable to Arkport Angels

Please Mark all that Apply:

3rd/4th Grade Girls _____5th/6th Grade Girls ______

7th-9th Grade Girls ______10th-12th Grade Girls ______

Team Name: ______

Coach’s Name: ______

Email Address: ______

Phone #: ______

Total Amount Enclosed: ______

Arkport Angels Girls Tournament Team Roster

Team Name: ______

Coach: ______

Players Grade

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

7. ______

8. ______

9. ______

10. ______

11. ______

12. ______

* Each player must have a completed medical release form and risk of injury statement the day of the tournament in order to participate.*


There will be no warm-up on the playing floor; warm-ups can be done in the small gym with coach supervision.


Must wear shin guards

May not play on or have their name on more than one roster

Must be enrolled in school and be under 19 Years old


On the fly, near the bench area only or on a dead ball (goal kicks, restarts, etc.)

Must not interfere with the play

Penalty: indirect kick from point of infraction

Out of Bounds….

Ball hits above the dark blue line; ball hits ceiling and fixtures attached to the ceiling

Penalty = indirect kick



Indirect kick from point of infraction

Serious/intentional defensive fouls in the penalty area will result in a penalty kick

Poor sportsmanship:

1st offense: athlete will sit out remainder of game

2nd offense: athlete is out for the tournament

Serious intentional infractions may result in a yellow or red card

1st Yellow Card: 2 minutes in penalty

2nd Yellow Card: ejection from game

Defense must be 5 feet away on restarts, direct/indirect kicks


Ball must be inside the keeper box before the keeper can touch the ball with their hands

May throw the ball (must hit the floor, wall or a player by mid-court)

May play ball with their feet

May not punt

On intentional pass back from a teammate, the keeper may not use hands

Keeper has 5 seconds to release the ball

Keeper may not play with more than 1 team in the same age group.

The goalkeeper will start with the ball after each goal is scored. There will not be another kick-off except for the first initial kick-off at the start of the game.

Point System

Win= 5 Points plus 1 point per goal up to 3 goals maximum for winning team only

Tie= 3 Points

Shut-out = 1 Point

Team ties after round robin play….

A.Result of head to head match

B.Goal differential

C.Fewest goals allowed

D.Most goals scored

*** If 3 teams are tied; best record in games played by the 3 tied teams against each other

OT for Semis & Finals2 minutes of sudden victory; followed by 2 minutes with removal of one player per team; for each additional 2 minutes of play one player per team will be removed, down to 1 v 1. No subs allowed during OT.

Arkport Indoor Soccer Tournament

Medical Release Form


AGE GROUP: ______D.O.B. ______




HOME PHONE: ______WORK PHONE: ______


In case a parent/guardian cannot be reached in the event of an emergency, the following is to be notified:


Home Phone ______Work Phone______

Physician ______Phone #______

Hospital______Phone # ______

Known medical problems or allergies: ______


I hereby give permission for any and all medical treatment necessary for my daughter/son in the event of an injury/accident under the discretion of medial personnel until I can be notified. This medical information form is for the Arkport Indoor Soccer held at Arkport Central School. I release all persons associated with Arkport Central School and the Arkport Soccer Club from any and all legal responsibilities.



I am aware that competing or practicing in any athletic activity can be a dangerous activity involving risk of injury. I understand that the dangers and risks of competing and practicing in the activity include, but are not limited to, death, neck and spinal injury which may result in complete or partial paralysis, brain damage, injury to virtually all bone, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons and other aspects of a muscular-skeletal system and injury or impairment of future abilities to earn a living, to engage in business, social and recreational activities and generally to enjoy life.

If I am a participant in baseball, hockey, softball, football, lacrosse, soccer, basketball or wrestling, I specifically acknowledge that it is a contact sport involving even greater risk of injury than other sports.

Because of the possible dangers of participating in the activities, I recognize the importance of following the coaches’ instructions regarding playing techniques, training and other team rules and agree to obey such instructions.

In consideration of the school district’s permitting me to try out for and to engage in all activities related to the team including, but not limited to, trying out, practicing or participating in that activity, I hereby assume all risks associated with participation.

Date: ______, 20______

(Athlete Signature)

The undersigned, parent or guardian of the individual who has signed the Risk of Injury Statement, hereby acknowledges receipt of the Risk of Injury Statement and acknowledges awareness of the various risks set forth in the statement and, considering such risk, gives permission for the student to participate in an extracurricular athletic activity. If I withdraw my permission, I understand that the withdrawal must be in writing and given to the principal as well as to the coach of the particular athletic activity.

Dated: ______. 20______

(Parent/Guardian Signature)