3rdAnnual Early Career Biomass Network Symposium 2014

University of Southampton, 22nd & 23rdApril 2014

Preliminary Program

Day 1 – Tuesday 22nd April 2014

13.00 Registration & Lunch

Session 1

14:00Introduction– Zoe Harris

14:05Andy Robertson, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

Land use change to Miscanthus: measured and modelled changes in soil carbon fractions

14:30Zoe Harris, University of Southampton

The impacts of land-use change from grassland to Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) Willow on the crop and ecosystem greenhouse gas balance

14:55Jon McCalmont, Aberystwyth University

Carbon dynamics in land use change from grassland to bio-energy

15:20-15:45 Tea break & Poster session

Session 2

15:45Carly Whittaker, Rothamsted Research (Supergen Hub)

Streamlining the greenhouse gas emissions from bioenergy supply chains

16.10 Peter Alexander, Scottish Agricultural College

Modelling the UK perennial energy crop market

16.35Ian Stanton,BBSRC

The BBSRC perspective on Industrial Biotechnology & Bioenergy

17.00 – Open discussion

17.30 Close

19.00 Optional Dinner

Day 2 – Wednesday 23rd April 2014

9.00 Registration and refreshments

Session 3


9.20 Leticia Chico Santamarta, Harper Adams University

An evaluation of the production and combustion of fuel pellets from oilseed rape (Brassica Napus L.) straw

9.45Hoa Nguyen, University of Southampton

Modelling of organic waste digestion using ADM1 (Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1) integrated with Aspen Plus

10.10 Frankii Rouse, Plymouth University

Saccharification potential of black poplar: How does glucose release vary along the stem?

10.35-11.10 Tea Break & Poster session

Session 4

11.10Evangelia Stavridou, Aberystwyth University

Title TBC

11.40Christopher Nunn, Aberystwyth University

Environmental characterisation of Miscanthus in trial locations in Europe and Turkey

12.05Speaker TBC

12.30-1.30 Lunch

Session 5

13.30 Sarah Pogue, University of Southampton

Land Use Change and Ecosystem Services in a Complex Social-Ecological System: The New Forest National Park - A Case Study

13.55 Caitlin Burns, University of Warwick

Title TBC

14.20 Jake Snaddon, University of Southampton

Biodiversity in the Biofuel: linking biodiversity with ecosystem services in oil palm plantations

14.45 Open discussion

15.15 Wrap-up & Close