(Draft of February 25, 2008)
Permit Number:I.D. Number: / OK0036161
In compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. §125 et seq.), hereinafter called the “Act,” and with the provisions of the Oklahoma Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act (OPDES Act), 27A O.S., §2-6-201 et seq., and the rules of the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality promulgated thereunder,
Terra International Oklahoma, Inc. (formerly Terra Nitrogen Corporation)(Woodward Plant)
1000 Terra Drive
Woodward, OK 73801
is authorized to discharge from a facility located approximately:
Four miles west of the City of Woodward on State Highway 15,at 1000 Terra Drive,
in the S/2, Section 29, Township 23N, Range 21WIM,
Woodward County, Oklahoma
to receiving waters: the North Canadian River,in Segment No. 720500 of the PanhandleBasin, from:
Outfall 001NW¼, SE¼, NW¼, Section 29, Township 23N, Range 20WIM,
Latitude N 36o 26’ 37.120”, Longitude W 99o 21’ 57.678”
Woodward County, Oklahoma.
and to receiving waters:an unnamed tributary of the North Canadian River,in Segment No. 720500 of the PanhandleBasin, from:
Outfall 002SW¼, NE¼, SE¼, Section 29, Township 23N, Range 21WIM,
Latitude - N 36o 26’ 18.649”, Longitude - W 99o 27’ 49.281”
Woodward County, Oklahoma.
Terra International Oklahoma (Woodward Plant)
Permit No. OK0036161Page 1
ID No. I-77000280Part I
in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, and IV, and the Appendix hereof.
The above-referenced facility is authorized to retain wastewater in two (2) total retention surface impoundments (T01 – T02) and eight (8) flow through surface impoundments (F01 – F08) as described in the Appendix. Direct discharge of wastewater from impoundments T01-T02 to waters of the state is specifically prohibited. Surface impoundments shall be maintained in accordance with Parts I, II, III, and IV hereof.
Issuance of this permit in no way or in any respect affects the permittee's civil or criminal responsibility regarding disposal and/or discharges of wastewater, except with respect to the permittee's legal responsibility under the OPDES Act and Department Rules.
This modified permit replaces and/or supersedes OPDES Permit No. OK0036161, the last modification of which became effective July 1, 2007.
This permit shall become effective on .
This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight, on .
This is to certify that the wastewater discharges set forth in this permit comply with the requirements of Oklahoma's Water Quality Standards, as amended, provided the permittee does not exceed the effluent limitations set forth in this permit.
Issued this day of , 2008.
For the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality,
______Leslie Smith, P.E., Manager
Industrial Permits Section
Water Quality Division / ______
Jon L. Craig, Director
Water Quality Division
SECTION A. Effluent Limitations, reporting And Monitoring Requirements
1.Outfall 001
During the period beginning the effective date and lasting through the expiration date, the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 001. The discharge consists of wastewater from cooling tower blowdown, boiler blowdown, wastewater from the water purification system and limited stormwater runoff. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:
Discharge Limitations and Reporting Requirements (Outfall 001)
Effluent Characteristic / Discharge Limitations and Reporting RequirementsMass Loading
(lbs/day unless otherwise specified) / Concentration / Other Units
(mg/l unless otherwise specified)
Average / Daily
Maximum / Daily
Min / Monthly
Average / Daily
STORET: 50050 / Report (mgd) / Report (mgd) / --- / --- / ---
Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand, 5-day (CBOD5)
STORET No. 80082 / Apr – May / 242.9 / 364.3 / --- / 40 / 60
Jun – Oct / 218.6 / 327.9 / --- / 36 / 54
Nov – Mar / 267.1 / 400.7 / --- / 44 / 66
Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
STORET: 00530 / 182.1 / 273.2 / --- / 30 / 45
Ammonia (as N)
STORET: 00610 / 66.8 / 100.2 / --- / 11 / 16.5
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
STORET: 00300 / Apr – May / --- / --- / 4 / --- / ---
Jun – Oct / --- / --- / 4 / --- / ---
Nov – Mar / --- / --- / 2 / --- / ---
Oil and Grease
STORET: 00556 / 60.7 / 91.1 / --- / 10 / 15
Total Dissolved Solids (dried @ 180 oC)
STORET No. 70296 / 10,350 / 16,300 / --- / Report / Report
Total Phosphorus (as P)
STORET: 00670 / 30 / 40 / --- / Report / Report
Total Residual Oxidants (TRO)
STORET: 34044 / --- / --- / --- / --- / No meas amt a
Selenium, total
STORET: 01147 / --- / --- / --- / --- / Report b
pH (std units)
STORET: 00400 / --- / --- / 6.0 / --- / 9.0
aNo measurable amount is defined as < 0.1 mg/l.
bDuring the fourth year of the permit only.
Monitoring Requirements (Outfall 001)
Effluent Characteristic / Monitoring RequirementsMonitoring Frequency a / Sample Type
Flow / Continuous / Record
CBOD5 / 1/Month / 24-hr. composite
TSS / 1/week / 24-hr. composite
Ammonia, total / 1.week / 24-hr. composite
DO / 1/week / Grab
Oil and Grease / 1/2 months (every other month) / Grab
TDS / 1/Month / 24-hr. composite
Total Phosphorus / 2/month / 24-hr. composite
TRO / 2/month / Grab
Selenium, toal / 1/month b / 24-hr. composite
pH (Standard Units) / Continuous / Record
aWhen discharging.
bDuring the fourth year of the permit only.
There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.
There shall be no discharge of a visible sheen of oil or globules of oil or grease.
NOTE: See Parts II, III and IV for additional requirements.
Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location:
Outfall 001: / At the southeast corner of impoundment F06, prior to entering the discharge pipe to Outfall 001, in the SW/4, NE/4, SE/4, Section 29, Township 23 N, Range 21WIM,Latitude N 36o 26’ 19”, Longitude W 99o 27’ 53”
Woodward County, Oklahoma
2.Outfall TX1 (Whole Efflluent Toxicity)
During the period beginning the effective date and lasting through the expiration date, the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall TX1, which is functionally identical to Outfall 001. Such discharge shall be monitored by the permittee as specified below. The permittee is encouraged to perform required biomonitoring activities as early in the reporting period as is practical so as to ensure sufficient time remains in the reporting period should retests/repeat tests be necessary. All laboratory analyses for biomonitoring and concurrent analysis parameters specified in this permit must be performed by a laboratory certified by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality for those parameters. Samples sent directly to the WET testing laboratory shall not undergo any preservation other than refrigeration to not more than 4 ºC prior to arrival and processing at the WET testing laboratory.
a.Acute WET Testing
(1)Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Reporting and Monitoring Requirements
Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Reporting and Monitoring Requirements (Outfall TX1)
Effluent Characteristic / Reporting and MonitoringRequirementsa
Test / Critical
Dilution b / Parameter / 48-hour
Min / Testing
Frequency / Sample
Routine Testing / Daphnia pulex,48-hour acute LC50 static renewal, freshwater / 100% / Pass/Fail Survival [TIM3D] / Report / 1/quarter c,d / 24-hr comp
LC50 Effluent Conc [TAM3D] / Report
% Mortality at 100% Effluent [TJM3D] / Report
Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow), 48-hour acute LC50 static renewal, freshwater / 100% / Pass/Fail Survival [TIM6C] / Report / 1/quarter c,d / 24-hr comp
LC50 Effluent Conc [TAM6C] / Report
% Mortality at 100% Effluent [TJM6C] / Report
Retesting / Retest #1 [22415] e / Report / As
required f / 24-hr comp
Retest #2 [22416] e / Report
aSee Part II, Section F, Acute Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing, for additional monitoring and reporting conditions.
bAll acute tests shall be run using the dilution series specified in Part II, SectionF, Item 1.
cSee provision for monitoring frequency reduction after the first year (Part II, Section F, Item 5).
dResults of retests conducted pursuant to prior test failure shall not be submitted on DMRs in lieu of routine test results (see Part II, Section F, Item 2.a).
eApplies to either or both test species according to results of test failure triggering monthly retests.
fMonthly retesting required only if routine test for reporting period (for either species) fails. Only the two retest parameters are to be filled in on retest DMRs. Results of the original retest-triggering test (the portion of the above table labeled “routine testing”) are not to be filled in for retests. The date to be annotated in the lower right hand corner of retest DMRs is the date retest results are submitted, not the date of the original retest-triggering test.
D. pulex whole effluent toxicity reporting and monitoring requirements apply beginning ______, and the first reporting period is ______to ______.
P. promelas (Fathead minnow) whole effluent toxicity reporting and monitoring requirements apply beginning ______, and the first reporting period is ______to ______.
WET testing summary reports: Reports of all acute WET testing initiated, regardless of whether such tests are carried to completion, shall follow the requirements of Part II, Section F, Item 4.
(2)Concurrent Testing Provision for Acute WET Testing
Concurrent analyses of total ammonia and pH are required for each individual effluent sample collected for acute WET testing or retesting of the Fathead minnow species. Concurrent analyses of TDS and constituent ion species are required for each individual effluent sample collected for Daphnia pulex WET testing or retesting. TDS constituent ion species are: K+ (potassium), Na+ (sodium), Ca+2 (calcium), Mg+2 (magnesium), Cl (chloride), HCO3 (bicarbonate) and SO42 (sulfate). Samples collected for acute WET testing purposes, including static renewals, shall be of sufficient volume to allow for the required concurrent analyses in addition to the WET testing itself. Samples sent directly to a state certified analytical laboratory for concurrent testing purposes must be composite samples that are properly preserved, and the results of these samples may be included in the monitoring requirements for Outfall 001. Reporting of concurrent testing results shall be in accordance with the following requirements. Results shall also be submitted in or concurrently with each full WET test report.
Concurrent Effluent Testing for Acute WET Tests – Reporting and Monitoring Requirements
Outfall TX1
Effluent Characteristic / Concentration(mg/l unless otherwise specified) / Monitoring Requirements
Min / Monthly
Avg / Daily
Max / Monitoring
Frequency / Sample
Ammonia, total a
[STORET 00610] / Report / --- / Report / 1/quarter b / 24 hr composite
pH (std units) a
[STORET 00400] / Report / --- / Report / 1/quarter b / Measured in each composite effluent sample, including static renewals, just prior to first use c
Total Dissolved Solids d
[STORET 70300] / --- / --- / Report / 1/quarter b / 24 hr composite
aReport only those effluent samples collected for WET testing of the Fathead minnow species. Two sets of samples for concurrent analyses are required for ammonia and pH, including those taken for static renewals. The first concurrent analysis is performed on a sample preserved in accordance with 40 CFR 136 (acidification is performed after pH measurement on-site) and delivered directly to a state certified analytical laboratory for total ammonia analysis. These results shall be reported as required in the above table for Outfall TX1. The second concurrent analysis is required on the composite samples that are delivered to the WET testing laboratory. Just prior to the first use of each composite sample for WET testing purposes, the biomonitoring laboratory shall take an adequately-sized portion of each composite sample, measure the pH, acidify it in accordance with the preservation requirements in 40 CFR 136, and have it analyzed for total ammonia at a state certified laboratory. The pH and ammonia results for the latter sample are for documentation only and shall not be used to fulfill the concurrent testing requirements in the above table. The results from both sets of samples for concurrent testing (that acidified on site and delivered directly to an analytical laboratory as well as the one acidified and analyzed after receipt by the WET testing laboratory) shall be recorded in the full WET test report.
bSee provision for WET testing monitoring frequency reduction after the first year (Part II, Section F, Item 5).
cThe pH measurement must be taken just prior to the acidification step.
dReport only the first effluent sample collected for WET testing of the Daphnia pulex species. The sample must be sent directly to a state certified analytical laboratory for TDS and constituent ion analysis.
b.Chronic WET Testing
(1)Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Reporting and Monitoring Requirements
Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Reporting and Monitoring Requirements (Outfall TX1)
Effluent Characteristic / Reporting and MonitoringRequirements a
Test / Critical
Dilution b / Parameter / 7-day
Min / Testing
Frequency / Sample
Routine Testing / Ceriodaphnia dubia, 7-day chronic NOEC static renewal, freshwater / 29% / Pass/Fail Survival [TLP3B] / Report / 1/quarter c,e / 24-hr comp
NOECL Survival [TOP3B] / Report
% Mortality at Critical Dilution [TJP3B] / Report
Pass/Fail Reproduction [TGP3B] / Report
NOECS Reproduction [TPP3B] / Report
% Coeff of Variation [TQP3B] / Report
Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow), 7-day chronic NOEC static renewal, freshwater / 29% / Pass/Fail Survival [TLP6C] / Report / 1/quarter d,e / 24-hr comp
NOECL Survival [TOP6C] / Report
% Mortality at Critical Dilution [TJP6C] / Report
Pass/Fail Growth [TGP6C] / Report
NOECS Growth [TPP6C] / Report
% Coeff of Variation [TQP6C] / Report
Retesting / Retest #1 [22415] f / Report / As
required g / 24-hr comp
Retest #2 [22416] f / Report
aSee Part II, Section G, Chronic Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing, for additional monitoring and reporting conditions.
bAll chronic WET testing shall be run using the dilution series specified in PartII, Section G, Item 1.
cSee provision for monitoring frequency reduction after the first year (Part II, Section G, Item 5).
dSee provision for monitoring frequency reduction after the first two years (Part II, Section G, Item 5).
eResults of retests conducted pursuant to prior test failure shall not be submitted on DMRs in lieu of routine test results (see Part II, Section G, Item 2.a).
fApplies to either or both test species according to results of test failure triggering monthly retests.
gMonthly retesting required only if routine test for reporting period (for either species) fails. Only the two retest parameters are to be filled in on retest DMRs. Results of the original retest-triggering test (the portion of the above table labeled “routine testing”) are not to be filled in for retests. The date to be annotated in the lower right hand corner of retest DMRs is the date retest results are submitted, not the date of the original retest-triggering test.
Chronic whole effluent toxicity reporting and monitoring requirements for C. dubia apply beginning ______, and the first reporting period is ______to ______.
Chronic whole effluent toxicity reporting and monitoring requirements for P. promelas (Fathead minnow) apply beginning ______, and the first reporting period is ______to ______.
WET testing summary reports: Reports of all chronic WET testing initiated, regardless of whether such tests are carried to completion, shall follow the requirements of Part II, Section G, Item 4.
(2)Concurrent Testing Provision for Chronic WET Testing
Concurrent analyses of total ammonia and pH are required for each individual effluent sample collected for chronic WET testing or retesting of the Fathead minnow species. Concurrent analyses of TDS and constituent ion species are required for each individual effluent sample collected for Ceriodaphnia dubia WET testing or retesting. TDS constituent ion species are: K+ (potassium), Na+ (sodium), Ca+2 (calcium), Mg+2 (magnesium), Cl (chloride), HCO3 (bicarbonate) and SO42 (sulfate). Samples collected for chronic WET testing purposes, including static renewals, shall be of sufficient volume to allow for the required concurrent analyses in addition to the WET testing itself. Samples sent directly to a state certified analytical laboratory for concurrent testing purposes must be composite samples that are properly preserved, and the results of these samples may be included in the monitoring requirements for Outfall 001. Reporting of concurrent testing results shall be in accordance with the following requirements. Results shall also be submitted in or concurrently with each full WET test report.
Concurrent Effluent Testing for Chronic WET Tests – Reporting and Monitoring Requirements
Outfall TX1
Effluent Characteristic / Concentration(mg/l unless otherwise specified) / Monitoring Requirements
Min / Monthly
Avg / Daily
Max / Monitoring
Frequency / Sample
Ammonia, total (mg/l) a
[STORET 00610] / Report / Report / Report / 1/quarter b / 24 hr composite c
pH (std units) a
[STORET 00400] / Report / --- / Report / 1/quarter b / Measured in each composite effluent sample, including static renewals, just prior to first use c
Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) d
[STORET 70300] / --- / --- / Report / 1/quarter e / 24 hr composite
aReport only those effluent samples collected for WET testing of the Fathead minnow species. Two sets of samples for concurrent analyses are required for ammonia and pH, including those taken for static renewals. The first concurrent analysis is performed on a sample preserved in accordance with 40 CFR 136 (acidification is performed after pH measurement on-site) and delivered directly to a state certified analytical laboratory for total ammonia analysis. These results shall be reported as required in the above table for Outfall TX1. The second concurrent analysis is required on the composite samples that are delivered to the WET testing laboratory. Just prior to the first use of each composite sample for WET testing purposes, the biomonitoring laboratory shall take an adequately-sized portion of each composite sample, measure the pH, acidify it in accordance with the preservation requirements in 40 CFR 136, and have it analyzed for total ammonia at a state certified laboratory. The pH and ammonia results for the latter sample are for documentation only and shall not be used to fulfill the concurrent testing requirements in the above table. The results from both sets of samples for concurrent testing (that acidified on site and delivered directly to an analytical laboratory as well as the one acidified and analyzed after receipt by the WET testing laboratory) shall be recorded in the full WET test report.
bSee provision for WET testing monitoring frequency reduction after the first year (Part II, Section G, Item 5).
cThe pH measurement must be taken just prior to the acidification step.
dReport only the first effluent sample collected for WET testing of the Ceriodaphnia dubia species. The sample must be sent directly to a state certified analytical laboratory for TDS and constituent ion analysis.
eSee provision for WET testing monitoring frequency reduction after the first two years (Part II, Section G, Item 5).
c.Sampling Location
Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above for Outfall TX1 shall be taken at the same location as for Outfall 001: at the southeast corner of impoundment F06, prior to entering the discharge pipe (see Outfall 001 above for latitude/longitude and legal location).
3.Outfall 002
During the period beginning the effective date and lasting through the expiration date, the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall 002. The discharge consists of flow from natural springs and limited stormwater runoff. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: