Preparing the Reflective Practitioner
COE Summer 2015 Conference
What was the most beneficial aspect of the conference?
· Sharing ideas with each other on discussions, Bb Collaborate, rubrics and the session with the 3 students was VERY informative.
· Haley Lewter's section that let us know what students really think, want, expect, like, don't like, etc.
· More information on Blackboard Collaborate and ER 323/ EL 413 session
· I felt that the breakout sessions throughout the day were very informative and beneficial!
· Seeing the adjunct faculty and spending time with them
· The breakout sessions
· Being able to meet new people, keep informed about the COE and just be a part of the team are my goals and expectations as an adjunct.
· The variety of choices all day was a great addition. I appreciate the effort that went into coordinating the day. It was refreshing to have colleagues share in their areas of expertise. I was also glad to learn of new things (Master's program, EdTPA). Also I appreciate the snacks in the morning, lunch and door prizes.
· I believe each topic served a different propose for those who wants to learn how to utilize the resources more effectively and efficiently. I found this conference very beneficial to all faculty and staff.
· It was beneficial to have a meeting with both faculty and adjuncts.
· Learning from each other during the breakout sessions.
· Being able to select seminars and talk to other instructors about issues.
· Learning and connecting with our adjunct faculty
· Learning about Blackboard Collaborate and information from students.
· I enjoyed meeting the people in person from whom I have received e-mail. The technology sessions were great. The BEST was the presentation by the ASU students!
· Getting a chance to collaborate with the other instructors of my course. There were some important updates that I was not aware of also.
· Learning more about the technology: apps, Blackboard Collaboration, etc.
· The sessions were relevant and well presented.
· I really gleaned some great information in the Grade Center session and I also enjoyed just getting to hear about the COE updates and being with peers.
· I attended two sessions that Kim Roberts taught; "Become a Grade Center Pro," and "Infographics..., both were very good and I learned so much I did not know. Dr. Hyde's "Tips and Tricks..." was great and interesting. And, the three college students talking about what makes a great instructor and course was good and entertaining. All the sessions that I attended were very good and helpful.
What other session topics are of interest to you for a future conference?
· Would like further Google Drive Basics - presenter covered information too quickly/too much at once - didn't have time to ask questions Would like a session on specific content areas - how to advise students and be given information about minors, discussions, etc. Would like a session on how to publish/working with other adjunct faculty or collaboration with faculty across subjects
· I would have like the course updates to be done earlier in the day since I had to leave and go to work in the afternoon. I feel like I missed an important part of the conference.
· Review of basic blackboard collaborate. Something between beginner and advanced.
· More technology topics that will enhance student/teacher learning.
· Include Grade Center, Student/Faculty, and Google Drive sessions again
· Step by step, how to "update" a course - maybe an all day option of necessary, like updating your course start to finish. Bring your materials and ideas. Hands on help available. Each session walk thru what to update and then time to do it.
· current trends in education
· This isn't really a session topic, but an endorsement of the discussion format of the sessions. I learned a lot of new information from my fellow instructors that is very worthwhile.
· EdTPA Using VoiceBoard in Bb
Please provide any additional comments or suggestions for future improvements.
· I think there would be more in attendance if the date of the conference wasn't right before final exams. Although I enjoyed the conference, I was so distracted about all that I have to do to finish up grading!
· Thank you for providing this opportunity1
· I enjoyed yesterday and felt it was a very productive day of learning. Thank you!
· Just glad to be a part of the team. I love to teach and be a positive influence on a new generation of teachers.
· The conference could be conducted in a shorter period; maybe in the morning hours. Thanks
· Less options Also, more for those who teach land based courses
· While the conference date was okay, an evening would work better for many adjuncts - there seemed to be low turn out of adjunct professors and the ones I spoke with said they worked day jobs for supplemental income
· The conference was wonderful (as usual)! I always look forward to our yearly meeting!
· A half-day annual adjunct meeting may be as useful as the conference.
· None. Everything was well-planned; sessions were very informative.
· Shorter time for general information.