Present: Councillors - Will Sutton (Chair), Jill Bliss (Vice-Chair), Wesley Poole,Nigel Russell, Alison Small,Fred Yeulett (CCC) and Phil Webb (FDC), Stephen Cowell (Clerk), PC Julie Coalesand 6 members of the public.

Apologies received and accepted: Councillors – Jacky Wincote, Andrew Sweetman andMac Cotterell (FDC).

  1. Opening, Welcome and Apologies

Cllr. Sutton opened the meeting thanked everyone for attending. A minutes silence was held in remembrance for Eve Green a long time Fenland District Councillor for the Parishes of Elm and Christchurch who died recently, Cllr. Russell had attended the funeral representing Christchurch Parish Council.

  1. Signing of Minutes

The minutes of the Council meeting of the 10thDecember 2007 were accepted as true record and signed by the Chair.

  1. Disclosure and Declarations of Interests

Cllrs. Sutton, Russell and Poole declared an interest in the two resolutions relating to payment of Recreation Ground Insurance and Grass cutting as they are Trustees of the Recreation Ground Charity. Cllr. Bliss declared an interest in payment 10 (4). Cllr. Webb declared an interest in any discussion relating to planning applications as he sits on the District Council Planning Committee.

  1. Update on action points from previous meeting

The Clerk reported that all his action points have been undertaken. He reported that the proposed meeting with Christchurch Pre-School reps has not taken place due to the illness of the Treasurer’s son. The meeting will be arranged in the coming month. Mr Horton is interested in updating the Christchurch Web-site that he has started to include Parish Council information, the Clerk was asked to liaise with Mr Horton regarding updates. Cost details for a new Village sign have been obtaining and were passed to Cllr. Sutton. After further review Cllr. Sutton feels that a ‘no smoking’ signs is not required in the Bus Shelter as it is not more than 50% enclosed.

  1. Public Adjournment

The Chair closed the Council meeting for the Public Adjournment.

A recent planning application for a Vacuum Station, relating to the Anglian Water Services Sewage Scheme for the villages of Christchurch and Welney, on land at the end of Crown Avenue near to the school is causing concern to some residents and School Governors.

Concerns included:

  • Why is it so close to the houses and the school, why can’t it be situated in another part of the field?
  • Will the chemicals used be harmful if there is a spillage?
  • Will there be any smell and how noisy will it be?
  • Access will be via Crown Avenue which is not wide and is already in need of repair as the road floods when there is any significant amount of rain. It would be better sited off a main road where access would be easier.
  • Why has this application been made when the site of the Sewage Lagoon has not been agreed?

There is was also concerns that the main Sewage Lagoon would also be sited in the field.

After a discussion the Councillors confirmed that Anglian Water Services had informed both Christchurch and Welney Councils that the Sewage Lagoon will be between the two villages in the Tipp’s End area. Concerned residents were encouraged to make their concerns known to the Planning Department in Fenland District Council. The planning application will be on the February Agenda and the Council’s response will be made after a review of the application during this meeting.

Concerns were also voiced about the entrance to The Croft development as safety measures included in the planning application have not been completed. The Clerk reported that he had only last month reported this problem to both Cambs County Council Highways and Fenland District Planning departments who are putting pressure on the Developers to complete the works. A reduction in the speed limit along Church Road would also help make the junction safer. Cllr. Yeulett reported that Cambs County Council Highways are undertaking a Speed Limit review throughout the County so a reduction may now be in order.

It was again mentioned that the Green Lane/Upwell Road/Church Road junction is a concern due to the 40 mph speed limit, the high hedge and cars parking near the corner. The Clerk was asked to contact Highways and request them to look at the junction to see if they have any recommendations for making it safer.

The Chair closed the Public Adjournment and resumed the Council meeting.

  1. Police Update

PC Julie Coales reported that crime in the villages around Wisbech has been very low of late; most crime is in Wisbech its self. She stressed the need for residents to report crimes themselves and not rely on others. It was confirmed that a 999 call should be made if a crime is taking place and there is a danger that property will be stolen or damaged or there is a fear of actual personal injury. The 0845 number should be used to report other problems of a less immediate nature.

There was a reminder that the next Safer Neighbourhood Panel meeting will be held at Elm School on the 30th Jan and people attending planning to report problems should come prepared with information relating to the problem.

PC Coales said she would mention the Green Lane/Upwell Road/Church Road problem to her colleagues in Traffic.

In answer to a question it was confirmed that there has been only one serious break-in in the Parish recently.

PC Coales is to visit Euximoor Drove to review the parking problems that are at times causing concerns to the School Bus and other large vehicles using the road.

  1. Correspondence Received

The Clerk highlighted the following items of correspondence received:

  • An invite to Fenland District Council’s Town and Parish Council Liaison meeting on 6th Feb. Cllrs. Sutton and Bliss to attend, the Clerk to notify FDC.
  • A resident has contacted the Clerk regarding her concerns of cars illegally parking on pavements in the village requesting that a notice be placed in The Heron.
  • An invite to the Campaign to Protect Rural England’s Planning Working has been received – cost £35.
  1. Finance

It was resolved to:

  • Continue to pay the Recreation Ground Insurance on behalf of the Recreation Ground Charity.
  • Continue to pay the Grass Cutting bill at the Recreation Ground on behalf of the Recreation Ground Charity.
  • To approve the Precept level recommended circulated to Councillors with the agenda.

It was resolved that the following items be paid;

  1. Clerk’s Salary £173.37
  2. HM Revenue & Customs (3 months PAYE on Clerk’s Salary) £149.90
  3. Office Costs– Printer Cartridge£9.98
  4. The Heron £35.00
  5. Cambridgeshire ACRE Membership £25.00
  6. Christchurch PPC – Cemetery Maintenance £107.50
  1. Planning

None received for completion this month.Two have been received in the last few days that Councillors looked at after the meeting with a view to them being on the agenda next month.

  1. 2008 Risk Assessment (copy circulated to councillors with the Agenda)

Risk Assessment prepared by the Clerk was accepted without amendment.

  1. To discuss management of the Village web site

Clerk to discuss with Mr Horton as mentioned in action points from previous meeting.

  1. Parish Plan

Awaiting comments from Fenland Links, Cllr. Sutton to speak to Rosie Cooke.

  1. Village Concerns

The following subjects were discussed:

  • Thelack of a path on one side of the road at the Church Road/Padgett’s Road junction.
  • Ruts and holes in Scott’s Road are getting worse.
  • Lack of working Street Lights in Crown Avenue.
  • Church Road gullies need clearing as the road gets flooded during heavy rain.
  • Flooding problems in Crown Avenue
  • Pot holes in Euximoor Drove.

Clerk to report the above to the appropriate County or District Council Offices.

The Chair closed the meeting at 8.40pm

1 of 3signed Chairman