May 3, 2006
The Saratoga Town Board met at 6:00 p.m. in the town hall. Chairman Rickaby called the meeting to order. All members were present. The meeting was officially noticed.
Frank made a motion to accept the April 19, 2006 minutes after corrections. Nelson seconded it. Motion passed.
Karen Mast and Daniel Shawbitz from the Community Fireworks Committee spoke to the board about an ongoing donation for the 4th of July fireworks. Wisconsin Rapids cut the fireworks out of their budget in early 2006. The committee would like all the surrounding communities to give a portion to purchase the fireworks. Frank encouraged them to ask for contributions from businesses that would benefit from the large crowds at the fireworks display. The matter was tabled until the next regular meeting.
The re-evaluation of the Town with assessor Claude Riglemon was tabled until the next meeting, when the Town will have a contract to sign.
Jay Potter, 8949 Pine Street, had a complaint about his neighbor building a wooden fence too close to the lot line. The fence was built in 2005, after the fence ordinance was adopted. The clerk will send a letter to the neighbor informing him to move his fence to the required 12 inch distance from the lot line.
Lorelei Feuher lives in the Town of Saratoga and would like the Town to consider her for the building inspector when the contract with Vierbicher Associates is over. She is in the process of getting certified with the state right now. She will let the board know when she has gotten her certification.
Passineau made a motion to have the Town charge for the publication fee for beverage licenses before printing. Nelson seconded it. Motion passed.
Forbes and Frank told the board there are 9 members on the Smart Growth Committee. The meetings for the committee are on the last Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m.
Linda Foley gave the Treasurer’s report.
Correspondence was read and bills were paid.
Nelson made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Forbes seconded it. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Heidi Kawleski
Town Clerk