Current occupation: / Retired
Previous Occupations: / School Teacher and Principal of Helena College, Junior School
and Co-ordinator of the Senior School in 1988-1989.
Skills and Experience: / Sally has been a member of the Helena College Council since 1973.

She facilitates the ‘Alternatives to Violence’ Project and other workshops in the community, schools and prisons. Sally co-ordinates “Women Together” – a Monday morning activity and cooking class for refugees and immigrants at the Edmund Rice Centre in Mirrabooka.

Sally has been on the ERDSVN Board since September 2005


Vice Chairperson

Current Occupation: Program Manager, Midland Family Relationship Centre, Centrecare

Previous Occupations:Executive Manager, National Programs; Project Manager, Mental Health; Coordinator of Sexual Assault Services

Skills/experience: Elizabeth holds both a Master’s and Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work with a concentration in working with children and families. Elizabeth has held a range of roles in the non-profit sector spanning youth, women’s support, counselling, aged care, and dispute resolution services. She has experience working directly with individuals and families, with diverse and complex needs including disabilities, aging issues, mental health concerns, victims of domestic or sexual violence and family conflict. Elizabeth also has experience in program leadership and in building diverse and responsive teams.

Current Occupation: / Semi-retired: Board Member on several Community Associations.
Previous Occupations: / Chartered Accountant - Business owner - College Bursar.
/ Skills/experience: Fellow of Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (qualified 1968)
Business owner and manager-10 years.
College Administration - 21 years.
Treasurer and Auditor for many Community Organisations - 40 years.
ERDSVN Board member since January 2014.
Secretary ROBYN / CAIN
Current occupation: / Curriculum Officer – Department of Training & Workforce
Previous occupations: / Schoolteacher, Teacher Librarian
/ As a member of Soroptimist International, Robyn has contact with many relevant bodies and is able to access information regarding important initiatives worldwide. Computer literate.
Robyn has been an ERDSVN Board since September 2008.


Board Member

Current Occupation:FDV (Family Domestic Violence) Consultant, Co-ordinator “Menstime”, Counsellor/Facilitator.

Previous Occupations:Counsellor AVRO Clinic (Mental Health), Counsellor Holyoake.

Skills/experience:Chaz is passionate about FDV and working with the perpetrators. I run groups for DV in East Perth and facilitate an anger management group at Karnet Prison. Chaz is experienced in working with DV perpetrators as well as Management skills, networking. He is the Secretary of the Men’s Advisory Network Board, as well as the National MFR Leadership Group and the National Men’s Health Conference Organising Committee.

Chaz has been a Member of the Koolkuna Board since 2010.

Craig Davis

Board Member

Current occupation:Police Officer- Office in Charge Midland Police Station – Senior Sergeant

Previous occupations:Detective for 17 years - Office in Charge Weatbelt Detectives Office

Skills/experience:Other position – Armadale/ Cannington Detectives – Forensic Division

Koolkuna Board member since October 2014

Board Member
Current Occupation: / Tax Officer, Justice of Peace, Governing Councillor (Community & Public Sector Union), Executive Member (Unions WA), President (Perth Labour Women). Member Friends of Koolkuna
Previous Occupations: / Teacher, Secretary Tax Agents’ Board
/ Helen is a Justice of Peace for WA and is available to provide a service at all times.
Helen has worked at the Australian Tax Office for 28 years and has a wide experience in the human resource areas including: health and safety, diversity, skilling and development, change management, mediation, facilitation, negotiation, strategic planning, workforce management, advocacy, continuous improvement, team leadership and work and job design.
Helen has a personal interest in social justice and is actively involved in the community as an advocate for workers’, the disabled and disadvantaged.
Helen was a member of the CPSU team who worked with the DV Clearing House and the Australian Public Service Commission to ensure a consistent, respectful and supportive approach is taken across Australian Government employment in relation to employees who are affected by domestic or family violence
Helen has good contacts in the local and political arena.

Leah Billeam

Board Member

Current occupation:

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Board Member

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Coralie Flatters

Board Member

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