The Berenstain Bears

Get Stage Fright




Sister Bear worriesabout her line in the play while brother bear has no fear. Guess who forgets their lines!!

--- Conversation Questions---

(1) / Share your favorite part of the story.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
`(Follow Up) / Tell why you enjoyed this part.
(2) / Guess how Sister Bear's practice helped her.
(Answer) / Shy performed without any problems.
(Follow Up) / Share how practicing really helps you.
(3) / Assume Brother Bear had taken the play more seriously. How might things be different?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Share a story about a time y you did not take something seriously.
(4) / Remember a play you have seen.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Tell of a play you would like to be in.
(5) / Explain what nervous is.
(Answer) / Easily excited or upset.
(Follow Up) / Name a time when you were nervous.
(6) / Name who Sister Bear's teacher was.
(Answer) / Teacher Jane.
(Follow Up) / List why Sister Bear likes her so much.
(7) / Find the name of the story the class was acting out in page 4.
(Answer) / Grizzzlystilskin.
(Follow Up) / Name another story you have heard of like this one.
(8) / List Brother Bear and Sister Bears part in the play.
(Answer) / Brother Bear was woodsbear and Sister was the princess.
(Follow Up) / Find on page 9 how they felt about the play.
(9) / List who Sister practiced in front of for the play.
(Answer) / Her toys, her forest friends, and mama and papa.
(Follow Up) / Name the feelings Sister had on stage.
(10) / Find what happened to brother bear on page 25.
(Answer) / He forgot what he was supposed to say.
(Follow Up) / Look to find how he got through his part.
1. / Make a flyer giving details about the play. Be sure to include date, time, when, where and a brief description of the play.
2. / Draw a picture of Brother and Sister Bear in costume and name their parts in the play.
3. / Create a setting for the play "Grizzlystilskin". Write a few sentences describing what will take place there.
4. / Write a paragraph of your favorite part of the story and tell why this is your favorite part.
1. / Show the book Rumplestilskin. Ask the students if they ever read this book. Ask what a play the Bearenstain Bears pit on might be called. Today we are going to read about Brother and Sister putting on a play. Wonder what will happen.
2. / Show a ticket to a play. Ask students if they ever seen a play being put on be the Bearenstain Bears? Let's find out what happens.
3. / Show the students the title of the book. Ask them what they think that the book will be about. Say now let's read the book and see if you are correct or not.

Book Title: The Berenstain Bears-Get Stage Fright

Author: Stan and Jan Berenstain / Illustrator: Stan and Jan Berenstain
ISBN: 0-394-87337-8 / # of Text Pages: 26 AR: 3.8 LEX: AD580
Building Oral Vocabulary
20 / audience / 21 / auditorium / 23 / production
Prediction Questions
4 / Will Sister Bear guess Grizzlystilskins name?
12 / How do you think Sister Bear feels after seeing the auditorium?`
22 / How do you think Sister Bear will feel when the curtain goes up?

This resource is provided by THE LEARNING CORPS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.