To all interested in becoming a boy's lacrosse official .
To become a boys lacrosse official you must be 14 years of age or older by
April 1st, become a member of US Lacrosse with an Official designation
(officials membership expires on September 30th of each year), pass all
required test with an 80% or better, and attend ALL required training
sessions. Training includes 12 hours of classroom training and an additional
3 hours of on-field training. New youth officials, once approved, must
market themselves to local youth programs in order to secure youth games to
Each year returning officials must attend a 1 day Rules Interpretation
meeting and pass all required test with an 80% or better in order to
recertify for the upcoming year.
Cost includes an annual fee of $75 for new officials and $65 for returning
youth officials. New youth officials are also responsible for purchasing the
correct uniform and equipment required by all lacrosse officials. Uniform
and equipment specifics will be outlined in class.
There will be 2 options for the classroom trainings in 2018. The 1st option
will be 5 -- 2.5 hour classroom sessions in the Londonderry area on weeknights in
January and February. The 2nd classroom option will
be in the Wolfeboro area on 2 Sundays – 9am to 3pm in March. Attendance at all classroom
sessions (either weeknights or both Sundays) is mandatory.
On field training opportunities will be held on Sundays in late March and
early April. Dates, times, and locations for classroom and on-field
trainings will be posted on the web site once finalized.
Registration will take place in early November on the NHYLA web site. Click
on Home then Officials Registration on the drop down menu.
If you have further questions please contact me at or
call at 603-778-8411.
Wayne M. Demers
Boys Youth Officials Coordinator

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