DEX 7 Status at 16 Mar 04


·  Have agreed list of capabilities to be developed

·  70% of capabilities now complete and ready for review.

·  Details of capability progress is shown separately in table on final page of this update.

Reference Data

·  Agreed with ISO 15926 / DNV how to reuse ISO 15926 reference data.

·  Started development of high level ontology.

·  Development of initial business reference data considered 40% complete.

·  Proposed and agreed W3C standard OWL as the RDL representation

·  Recommended use of Protégé for RDL development

·  Developed simple demonstration showing database serving OWL files based on ISO 15926 database.

Test Data

·  Initial scope of the test data set agreed

·  Started instantiation of the test data as PLCS files.

·  DEX 7 members have had several meetings with Adrian Blenkiron and Gordon Robb to extend Bike Data to make it robust enough to be used to test DEX 7 (and other DEXs).


·  John Dunford has completed a business review of DEX 7


Good progress is being made, capabilities are being developed (70% completed) and reviewed.

Work on the infrastructure e.g. long form generation and HTML generation, has been completed early to facilitate testing and review of DEXs.

The use of OWL (W3C semantic web standard) as the RDL representation has been agreed and dexlib is being extended accordingly.

Overall DEX 7 is considered to be 70% complete

DEX 7 Capabilities

No / ID / Project Leader / Editor / % complete
C019 / assigning_approvals / Nigel Newling / Mike Ward / 90
C025 / assigning_observation / Nigel Newling / Rob Bodington / ?
xxxx / assigning_process_properties / Robert McBride / Ian Bailey / 60
Cxxx / assigning_product_properties / Robert McBride / Ian Bailey / 60
Cxxx / assigning_resource_properties / Mike Newton / Ian Bailey / 60
C047 / product_change / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / ?
C069 / referencing_activity / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 90
C070 / referencing_person_organization_typical / Mike Newton / Mike Ward / 0
C060 / referencing_product_as_realized / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 0
C068 / referencing_product_as_realized_configuration / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 0
C050 / referencing_resource / Mike Newton / Mike Ward / 0
C071 / referencing_work_order / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 0
C072 / referencing_work_request / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 0
C032 / representing_activity / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 90
C048 / representing_condition_evaluated / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 90
C044 / representing_environment_actual / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 90
C043 / representing_environment_typical / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 90
C056 / representing_evolution_of_property_values / Robert McBride / Rob Bodington / 90
C058 / representing_justification / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 0
C051 / representing_person_organization_typical / Mike Newton / Mike Ward / 0
C045 / representing_product_as_realized / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 70
C067 / representing_product_as_realized_configuration / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 10
C063 / representing_product_configuration / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 10
C049 / representing_product_location / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 90
C033 / representing_product_usage / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / ?
xxxx / representing_properties_numerically / Robert McBride / Ian Bailey / 60
xxxx / representing_properties_textually / Robert McBride / Ian Bailey / 60
C052 / representing_resource / Mike Newton / Mike Ward / 0
C041 / representing_state_observed / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 90
C046 / representing_variance / Nigel Newling / Rob Bodington / 10
C064 / representing_work_done / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 90
C065 / representing_work_order / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 90
C066 / representing_work_request / Mike Newton / Rob Bodington / 90


90% indicates complete and review still required
? indicates not sure if capability is required required.