North Carolina Division UDC - Credentials Report
ThursdayPositions ofthe Executive Board
*This is a count of each person in these positions
Officers (9)
Ex-Division Presidents (varies)
Chairman of the Board of Trustees (1)
Chairman of the Finance Committee (1)
Honorary Division Presidents (varies)
District Directors (8)
Chairmen of Division Committees(varies)
Chapter Presidents (varies)
Total of Pre-Convention Executive Board Meeting*Majority of Members Present needed for a vote
1st Session / 2nd Session / Final Session
Personal Votes*This is the count of those registered
Individuals in multiple positions above have onlyone personal vote
Ex-Division Presidents
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Chairman of the Finance Committee
Honorary Division Presidents
District Directors
Chairmen of Division Committees
Chapter Presidents
Total Personal Votes
Chapter Delegates
Total Entitled Votes (personal votes + delegate votes)
*For business, 1 vote per warm body may be cast
Warm Body QUORUM
2/3 majority
Majority of voters
Total Entitled Votes (personal votes + delegate votes)
*For an election, 2 votes may be cast if so entitled
Election QUORUM
Majority of voters
CofC Members
Total Non-Voters
On-site Registration
Total Registered
Total In Attendance
First Time attendees
The top shaded section is a recognitionof registered members of the Executive Board at Division Convention.We do not have a Credentials report on Thursday during the Executive Board meeting because it is a different voting body. It is just like a Winter Board or Spring Board, we just happen to hold it the day BEFORE the convention opens on Friday morning with the first business session. It is important to note that the count for the Executive Board is done from the Roll Call of the meeting not from registered convention attendees.
a. The voting body of the Division Convention shall consist of all Division Officers, Ex-Presidents, dues paying Honorary Division Presidents, Chairmen of Committees, District Directors, Chapter Presidents, and all duly elected delegates.
Personal votes are different than Entitled votes. Each member of the Executive Board has one personal vote. If they happen to hold more than one position, they are only entitled to one personal vote. During an election, if a member of the Executive board is also a delegate for their chapter, they are entitled to one personal vote as well as the delegate(s) votes. Otherwise, all votes made at Convention are made with those in attendance - those with personal votes plus delegates. If a member of the Executive board is also a delegate for their chapter, they are entitled to only one vote at that time.
Revised April 2015