Canada’s voting system

FPTP- First Past The Post

Can a party in Canada have more than half of the votes in an election and not win?

Answer: Yes and here’s how. (Note: this is a fictitious example)

The Conservatives win 168 Seats and the Liberals win the remaining 140 seats.

Conservatives 168Win with a Majority government!






Now lets look at a possible scenario for the break down of the votes:

There are 308 Ridings in Canada. To make it easier to calculate, lets pretend that there were exactly 1000 votes cast in each Riding in a Federal Election. That’s:

308 x 1000 votes = 308000 total votes cast in the election.

In the 168 ridings that the Conservatives won, the votes looked like this:

350 votes for the Conservatives

300 votes for the Liberals

300 votes for the NDP

50 votes for the Green Party

1000 total votes

In the140 ridings that the Liberals won, the votes looked like this:

800 votes for the Liberals

00 votes for the Conservatives

100 votes for the NDP

100 votes for the Green Party

1000 total votes

Total votes for Conservatives across Canada are:

168 x 350 = 58800 or 19% of the 308000 total votes cast in Canada(19% of the popular vote)

Total votes for the Liberals across Canada are:

168 x 300 = 50400 votes plus

140 x 800 = 112000 votes

= 162400 votes across Canada or 52.7 % of the 308000 total votes cast in Canada(52.7% of the popular vote)

So… our system of electing one candidate from every riding and the party with the most seats wins the election does not guarantee that the party with the most votes across Canada will win!

Now Lets look at the 2011 Ontario Election Results and Discuss what the results would be like if it was by popular vote.

Updated: Oct. 7, 2011, 8:56 AM EDT

Actual Election Results

Party / Elected / Share of the Popular Vote (%)
Liberal / 53 / 37.62
Progressive Conservatives / 37 / 35.43
New Democratic Party / 17 / 22.73
Green Party / 0 / 2.93
Independents / 0 / 0.20
Other fringe parties / 0 / 1.09
Totals / 107 seats / 100

Results if Done by Popular Vote (or by Percentage of the Votes Cast Across Ontario

Party / Popular vote / Translation into percentage of available 107 seats. /

Actual Seats Won

Liberal Party of Ontario / 37.62 / 40 / 53
Progressive Conservatives / 35.43 / 38 / 37
New Democratic Party / 22.73 / 25 / 17
Green Party of Ontario / 2.93 / 3 / 0
Independents / 0.20 / 0 / 0
Other / 1.09 / 1 / 0