63rd Session

The Original North Mississippi Baptist State Congress of Christian Education


Dr. Michael O. Minor, President

Minister Lena Dean-Bond, Vice-President-at-Large

Ms. Phyllistean Albright, Secretary

Dr. Michael O. Minor, Office of the State Dean

National Theme 2013-14:

Solidarity with the Savior through His Works (Matthew 5.16; John 10.32; Titus 2.14; Hebrews 13.21)

March 18-22, 2013

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church

1190 West Oak Grove Road

Hernando, Mississippi

Pastor CJ Thomas, Host

63rd Session

2013 The Original North Mississippi Baptist State Congress of Christian Education


Monday, March 18, 2013

6:00 p.m. Registration/Church School Representation

6:30 – 7:10 p.m. Devotional Period/Plenary Session/Business Period

7:10 – 7:30 p.m. Lecture 1 (Matthew 5.16): Dr. Henry Knox, St. Peter-Pace (Matthew 5.16)

7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Class Period 1

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

6:00 p.m. Registration/Church School Representation

6:30 – 7:15 p.m. Devotional Period/Plenary Session/Business Period/Special Projects

7:15 – 8:55 p.m. Class Period 2

9:05 – 9:55 p.m. Congress Sermon: Dr. Gene Fowler, President, General Missionary Baptist Educational and State Convention and, Pastor, Mercy Seat-Greenville

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

6:30 p.m. Church School Representation

6:30 – 7:00 p.m. Devotional Period/Plenary Session/Business Period

7:10 – 7:30 p.m. Lecture 2 (John 10.32): Dr. Joe C. Smith, Jr., New Zion-Ruleville

7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Class Period 3

Thursday, March 21, 2013

6:30 p.m. Church School Representation

6:30 – 6:50 p.m. Devotional Period/Plenary Session/Business Period

6:50 – 7:30 p.m. President Minor’s Fourth Annual Address

7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Class Period 4

Friday, March 22, 2013

6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Congress Board Meeting/Closing Business Period

7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Youth Rally

Award Presentations/Final Report

Official Closing of the 63rd Session

Closing Prayer and Benediction

2013 Courses and Workshops

1.  S200 State Teachers’ Academy: 7 P’s of Teaching on Fire - Rev. Jevon Marshall (How to pray prepackage, purpose, prepare, prescribe, push, and praise your teaching to the next level?”).

2.  W205 Performing and Creative Arts: Song, Dance, and Drama - Ms. Tameka Jones and Ms. Fertashia Clayton-Hill (“How can we be creative in worship without being worldly?”)

3.  W210 The Solid Rock: Children’s Workshop (Ages 5-11) - Ms. Virdia Bowdre, Ms. Trimikia Bowdre, Ms. Lorene Orr (“How can we get our children involved in Sunday worship?”)

4.  W220 iROCK: Youth Workshop (Ages 12-18) - Pastor Glen Newson, Evang. Marsha Campbell, and Rev. Randy Dandridge (“How can youth learn how to rely on Christ the King”?)

5.  W910 Sister Mary Lesure Music Workshop - Ms. La'Queila Mitchum-Conley (How can we keep Spirit and truth in our praise and worship?)

6.  **1104 James - Pastor Curtis White (“How do we avoid having ‘dead’ faith?”)

7.  **7013 Witnessing to Un-churched People - Pastor Robert L. Hymon, III (“How do we reach the ‘unreachable’?”)

8.  7015 Church Growth Seminar - Pastor Brandon Blake (“How do we fill the pews without sacrificing the sanctity of worship?”)

9.  8064 The Challenge of Being Christian in America - Pastor Callaway Bain (“Why is it being a Christian more than just being morally good?”)

10.  **9918 The Prophets of Ancient Israel (PATP) - Bishop Brian Olden (“How do these prophecies of “old” still shine “new” today?”)

Original North Mississippi Baptist State


Dr. Michael O. Minor, President
Ms. Lena Dean-Bond, Vice-President-at-Large

Ms. Phyllistean Albright, Secretary

Dr. Michael O. Minor, Office of the Dean

Hammond Hill Congress

Pastor Bernard Montgomery, President

Sardis Northeast Congress

Pastor Rebin Jones, President


Read the instructions for this form on the next page.

Part I: General Registration Information

1. Date: ______Total Number Registered: ______

2. Contact Person: ______Phone (Day): ______Phone (Evening): ______

3. Church Name ______Phone ______

Fax ______E-mail Address ______

Mailing Address ______

City ______Zip ______

4. Pastor’s Name ______

Mailing Address ______

City ______Zip ______

E-mail Address: ______

5. Superintendent’s Name ______E-mail ______

Mailing Address ______

City ______Zip ______

6. Youth Ministry Leader’s Name ______

Mailing Address ______

City ______Zip ______

E-mail Address: ______

7. Sunday Church School

Number Enrolled ______

Average Attendance ______

Number of Classes Offered ______

8. Weekly Church School (Bible Class)

Night Offered ______

Average Weekly Attendance ______

Number Classes Offered ______

9. Name of Publisher for Sunday and Weekly Church School Material (Check all that apply.):

Sunday School Publishing Board 

Urban Ministries 

Boyd 

Townsend Press 

Cooks Sunday School Commentary 

Expositor 

Standard Lesson Commentary 

Other  Name: ______

10. Does your church school have a “Guest Sunday School Day”? (Circle one.) yes no If yes, what is the date and time? ______

11. Does your church have an active health ministry? (Circle one.) yes no If yes, how many years? ____


Abbreviated Course Listing

·  S200 State Teachers’ Academy: 7 P’s of Teaching on Fire - Rev. Jevon Marshall

·  W205 Performing and Creative Arts: Song, Dance, and Drama - Ms. Tameka Jones and Ms. Fertashia Clayton-Hill (“How can we be creative in worship without being worldly?”)

·  W210 The Solid Rock: Children’s Workshop (Ages 5-11) - Ms. Virdia Bowdre, Ms. Trimikia Bowdre, Ms. Lorene Orr

·  W220 iROCK: Youth Workshop (Ages 12-18) - Pastor Glen Newson, Evang. Marsha Campbell, and Rev. Randy Dandridge

·  W910 Sister Mary Lesure Music Workshop - Ms. La'Queila Mitchum-Conley

·  **1104 James - Pastor Curtis White

·  **7013 Witnessing to Un-churched People - Pastor Robert L. Hymon, III

·  7015 Church Growth Seminar - Pastor Brandon Blake

·  8064 The Challenge of Being Christian in America - Pastor Callaway Bain

·  **9918 The Prophets of Ancient Israel (PATP) - Bishop Brian Olden

Instructions for Completing the Church Registration Form

E-mail to by 11:59 p.m. Saturday, March 16, 2013.

Mail to North MS Baptist State Congress Early Registration c/o Dr. Michael O. Minor, 2969 Inverness Parkway Drive; Memphis, TN 38115 by Wednesday, March 13, 2013.

Line 1. Fill the date that form was mailed or faxed. List the total number of class attendees including youth and children.

Line 2. List the name, day and evening phone numbers, and e-mail address (if applicable) for the person to be contacted for any clarification of information completed. The contact person can be the pastor, superintendent, or another person.

Line 3. Complete the church information. Be sure to list the church mailing address and not the physical address. If your church does not have an e-mail address, list the e-mail address of the pastor or other designee.

Lines 4-6. Complete the information for the pastor, superintendent, and youth ministry leader. You can include either the church mailing address or his or her mailing address. Only include the e-mail address if it is different than the church’s e-mail address.

Lines 7 and 8. Churches who wish to be considered for the attendance banner must complete the section for Sunday School. Using your written enrollment lists for Sunday School and Bible Class, put the total number from each list on the appropriate line. Based upon the last quarter (December, January, February), determine the average attendance of each church school. Finally, list the total number of classes offered. If your church has a men’s and women’s adult class, that counts for two classes not one.

Line 9. Consider all your Sunday and weekly church school literature including Vacation Bible School, Nurture for Baptist Churches, S.E.E.D., and Awana. Check all the boxes that apply. List others not listed beside “Other.”

Line 10 and 10b. If your church has a “Guest Sunday School Day,” circle yes and give the date.

Line 11. Indicate if your church has an active health ministry.

Note: We are strongly encouraging all Congress churches to pre-register. There are several benefits for pre-registration including room assignments better suited for course enrollment, church eligible to receive attendance banner, and adequate course material.

Part II: Representation and Registration

Section 1: Church or Individual Representation (for non-quarterly pay churches)

Churches: (Check only one category)

_____ Founders Circle $200 or more

_____ Regular Representation $175

_____ All Other Representations $174 or less

Note: A registration fee of $25.00 will be required of class participants who are not a member of a representing church.

Note: During the congress individuals are asked to contribute to the President’s Challenge $25 and/or Congress Rally $10.

Total Section 1: $______

Section 2. List voting delegates and annual members below ($5 each)

Name Address City State Zip

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

Total Section 2: ______x $5 = ______

Section 3. List officers, board members, pastors, and teachers below ($10 each)

Name Position

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

7. ______

8. ______

Total Section 3: ______x $10 = ______

Section 4. List ministers and evangelists below ($5 each)

Name Position

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

6. ______

7. ______

Total Section 4: ______x $5 = ______

Section 5: (Necrology) List deceased members since March 2012 from your church below
(no fee required):

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

Grand Total (Section 1 + Section 2 + Section 3 + Section 4) = $______

Registration Fees enclosed (circle one): yes no If yes, check amount: ______check no.______

Regular Registration Sheet

Delegate’s Name (Dr., Pastor, Min., Evang., Mr., Ms.) Address Course # (1st Choice) Course # (2nd Choice)

Ms. Jane Smith 1234 Main St.; Memphis, TN 38000 White: 1104 Bowdre: W210
























Page ____ of ____ Church Name ______(Note: If your church has more than 46 class attendees, simply duplicate this page.)

Registration Sheet

Delegate’s Name (Dr., Pastor, Min., Evang., Mr., Ms.) Address Course # (1st Choice) Course # (2nd Choice)

Ms. Jane Smith 1234 Main St.; Memphis, TN 38000 White: 1104 Bowdre: W210
























Page ____ of ____ Church Name ______(Note: If your church has more than 46 class attendees, simply duplicate this page.)