1. Deadlines

Apply by latest 15th November 2016 for study start 1st February.

Apply by latest 15th March 2017 for study start 1st September.

2. Contact Information








3. Study programme

I am applying for re-enrolment to the following CBS bachelor programme:
Concentration if applicable:
Reason for initial withdrawal from programme:
Date of initial enrolment to programme:
Date for withdrawal from programme:

4. Fulfilling the current general and specific entry requirements

Entry requirements for the programme
(general and specific) / The following education / courses fulfil the entry requirement
(Please check http://www.cbs.dk/en/study/bachelor/undergraduate-admission-step-1 if you are in doubt) / Appendix no.
For example, Maths level B / International Baccalaureate Mathematics SL / Appendix no. 5

5. Fulfilling the language requirement

Language (English A or Danish A?) / I fulfil this requirement through: / Appendix no.
For example, English A / IELTS score 6.5 / Appendix no. 7

6. Statement for re-enrolment

If you have been withdrawn from your previous study programme at CBS because you have used all your exam attempts or because you did not stick to the rules and regulations for the programme and CBS (e.g. you didn’t pass 1st year or you didn’t register for the year), CBS will need to first approve that you can apply for re-enrolment or admission to the programme in the normal admission round. This approval can be given if A) CBS has evaluated on the basis of concrete, academic assessment that your chances for finishing the programme have been greatly improved or B) where the programme curriculum has been changed.


Bachelor: http://www.cbs.dk/en/study/bachelor/other-paths-to-cbs

I have included a statement for the above / YES ☐ / NO ☐

7. Signature

I accept that should my application be approved and I am re-enrolled to my former degree programme at CBS, any other applications I have made for admission via Optagelse.dk will be annulled.

I have attached a motivational essay should selection be necessary.

Date and signature

Checklist – have you remembered everything in your application?

☐Documentation that you fulfil the current general and specific entry requirements

☐Checked and document that you have passed the courses required for the 1st year of the study programme’s current curriculum?

☐ Grade transcript

☐Documentation for the language requirement

☐Statement for re-enrolment (if relevant)

☐Course descriptions for all courses mentioned

☐Motivational essay if needed for selection criteria

☐Further information that may be relevant to your application

Send the form and all relevant documentation to