Current Ocean News

(haha…get it!)


You are going to be required to turn in current news articles about something that is happening that ties into the ocean and what we are learning. You must print the article or cut the article out. If you hear it on the news, go to the web page and they will have the story in print. It must have the date and location on it. I do not like articles without those because they typically are not true. If your source is not at the top or bottom, you must hand write it in. In front of your article, please have a paper with the following either hand written or typed:

Your Name:

Article Due Date: Very important if you turn it in early or late

Article Name:

Date of article and/or occurrence:

Location of news occurrence: (sometimes just the ocean name or country)

Paragraph 1=Summarize article:

Paragraph 2=How it fits into oceanography and the unit you are learning about or have already learned about:

Paragraph 3=Your reactions or thoughts about this news

This is to be roughly a page, single spaced, written or double spaced 12 font type. Do not skimp or I will return it without a grade and you will have to do it again and reduction in points. DO NOT EMAIL IT TO ME. I WILL NOT ACCEPT IT!

You can turn in your article at anytime, but the following dates are the LAST date I will take each. The articles are 25 pts each and will equal a test grade each quarter. That can be a big help or a big hurt to your grade.

Qtr1 Write in the focus of article as given / Qtr2
Jan 19Historical Discovery in ocean / Mar 16 Oil spill/ Marine Resources
Feb 2 New invention for ocean / Apr 13Seawater or Pollution
Feb 16 New marine creature discovery / Apr 27 Ocean & Earthquakes or Plate tectonics
Mar 2 Saving marine life/ conservation / May 11 Waves, Currents, Tides, Tsunami

Depending on the schedule and things that may arise, I may push back dates, but this is a good outline so that you know when each is expected to be due. Any changes will be posted on the door with a two day notice. If nothing is posted, assume it is due. Remember, it must be related to what we are currently learning or what we have already learned. For example, if we have not yet learned about weather, do not utilize an article about the ocean and global warming. ARTICLES MUST BE WITHIN TWO YEARS OLD TO BE CURRENT NEWS.