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Course Syllabus
Driver Education
Course number:
TT 109B
Course description:
This is a comprehensive 30-hour driver's education course. Students who successfully complete all course requirements will receive a certificate of completion from Great Basin College to present to the DMV. There are four Units with material divided into sessions covering topics in:
Traffic Laws and Rules of the Road
Vehicle Control Technique
Managing Risk with the IPDE Process
Natural Laws & Car Control
Basic Vehicle Maneuvers
Negotiating Intersections
Driving in Urban and Rural Areas, and on Interstate Highways
Defensive Driving Habits
Sharing the Road
Unfavorable Driving Conditions and Emergencies
Buying, Maintaining and Insuring a Vehicle
Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Driving
Planning For Travel
Driver Fitness
Review for the Final Examination
This class is completely Online.*** (DSL or T1 line connection is preferred. Students with a dial-up connection may request videos on CD or go to any of GBCs free college computer labs, a high school library, or public library)
Meeting day(s):
Meeting time(s):
You must turn 15 1/2 years of age prior to the end of the course
Instructor Information
Bernadette Kunkel
Use the Internal Mail within Web Campus. OR
Office location:
On line
Office hours:
Monday-Friday 9-5 or call for an appointment.
INSTRUCTOR: 702-706-8470 (cell)
TECH SUPPORT: 775-753-2167
State Certified Instructor
Course Goals
Course Goals/Objectives/Learner Outcomes:
Assessment of Learner Outcomes:
To provide the student, through online activities, videos, quizzes, and lessons, a thorough grasp of traffic laws and rules that apply to all drivers as well as basic vehicle maneuvers, defensive driving habits, sharing the road with other users, unfavorable driving conditions and emergencies, maintenance and insurance, and driver fitness.
Students must pass each of four Unit Exams with a score of 80% or higher.
Course participants are expected to complete the course within 10 weeks. Participants who do not pass the course must register again to participate in another session.
Additional Information:
Sessions are offered several times each semester as well as during the summer and end 10 weeks from the start date.
Required Reading:
Drive Right, Revised 11th, ISBN:0-13-068324-8
(You may rent this at the bookstore for $23.)
Required Reading:
Optional Reading:
Nevada Driver's Handbook, Motor Vehicles Branch, Department of Motor Vehicles and Public Safety, Current Revised 2011.
DMV Handbook Oct 2011.pdf
Nevada Beginning Driver Training Guide
Online Book Order Information
Drive Right Online Book Order:
Drive Right, 11th Ed., Pearson Publishing
ISBN #: 978-0-13-361260-8 (Hardcover); 978-0-13-367266-4 (Softcover)
Course Requirements
Participants are required to spend a minimum of 30 hours studying and grasping the lessons as well as taking all presentation, simulation, quizzes, & tests.
You need to pass each quiz with at least an 80% to be allowed to continue to the next unit.
You have 4 attempts to pass each quiz.
If you are unable to pass within the guidelines, you will then need to type a 2 page paper summarizing the contents of the unit to be able to continue to the next unit.
Participants are expected to check the email & discussion board within the course for relevant announcements on a daily basis.
Click here for the DE Checklist.
Pass or Withdraw (P or W)
Students must complete all activities & each unit exam with an 80% or higher to receive a Pass grade for the course.
It is the student's responsibility to monitor his/her grade book regularly. Review for completion of assignments, proper submission of assignments, and read comments on graded assignments. Students might need to redo assignments for credit.
All Discussions and Assignments need to be written using proper grammar and spelling. Grammar and spelling is taken in account for part of your total points.
View the Discussion Rubrics for a guideline to participating in the Discussions.
Discussion Rubric
Unit 1
Expected Learner Outcomes:
Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to:
Signs, Signals, & Roadway Markings
Identify the meaning of each shape used in traffic signs.
State the meaning of each of the eight colors used on traffic signs.
Describe the correct action to take when approaching red, yellow, and green traffic signal lights.
Identify the meanings and locations of common pavement markings.
Describe laws governing motor vehicle ownership and operation.
Successful completion of
Simulation Exercises
Review Quizzes
Unit Tests
Basic Vehicle Control & Using the IPDE Process
Identify Defensive Driving Terms
Explain steps to take before, during, and directly after entering a vehicle to maintain maximum safety.
Explain the purpose of common vehicle controls, the locations and functions of instruments and devices, and the different steps to driving automobiles with both automatic transmissions and manual transmissions.
Use the IPDE process to search zones, identify and analyze traffic situations, predict possible outcomes, and make wise decisions for executing safe actions.
Unit 2
Expected Learner Outcomes:
Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to:
Controlling Your Vehicle
Describe natural laws, such as gravity, energy of motion, friction, traction, and stopping distance, and how they apply to driving.
Identify how restraint devices can help reduce the force of impact in a collision.
Explain basic maneuvers you will need to steer, change lanes, make turns, execute turnabouts, and park in various situations.
Successful completion of
Simulation Exercises
Review Quizzes
Unit Tests
Intersections & Sharing the Roadway
Describe safe ways to search and negotiate intersections.
Explain the procedure for negotiating a roundabout intersection.
Identify good judgments involving time, space, and distance related to intersections and railroad crossings.
Explain situations in which you would yielding the right of way.
Correctly judge gaps in traffic.
Unit 3
Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to:
Expected Learner Outcomes:
Driving in Urban, Rural, & Expressway Areas
Explain unique factors in urban, rural, and expressway areas that can make driving difficult.
Successful completion of
Simulation Exercises
Review Quizzes
Unit Tests
Driving in Adverse Conditions & Handling Emergencies
Describe how to use the IPDE Process for these situations
Tell how to use the IPDE Process to manage risks in poor weather
Identify weather situation that may change driving conditions
Tell how to use the controlled-braking technique
Describe what to do in situations like: blown tires, mechanical malfunction, and steering problems.
Explain how to avoid or minimize collisions.
List steps to take after a collision.
Unit 4
Expected Learner Outcomes:
Upon completion of this unit,
you will be able to:
Buying & Maintaining a Vehicle, & Insurance
Identify routine preventive-maintenance checks that can help assure trouble-free vehicle operation.
Define the terms:- liability coverage, medical payment coverage, comprehensive coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, under-insured motorist coverage, no-fault insurance, premium, and deductible as used to identify vehicle insurance.
State the benefits of having adequate vehicle insurance.
Obtain price quotations for vehicle insurance.
Successful completion of
Simulation Exercises
Review Quizzes
Unit Tests
Writing /Synthesis Essay
Alcohol, Other Drugs, Distractions and Driving
Describe how physical condition can affect driver performance.
Describe how an individual's emotional state can affect driver performance.
Explain the risks associated with operating a cell phone while driving
State the laws governing use of alcohol and the serious consequences drivers face if found guilty of driving under the influence.
Discuss ways peer pressure can be a positive or a negative influence on the decisions you make about driving and drinking.
Identify the effects of alcohol and other drugs on your body.
Planning Travel
Describe how to prepare for short and long road trips.
Tell what techniques you can use to stay alert while driving.
Identify how road markers can help in calculating distances and understanding direction of travel.
Describe extra precautions you need to follow when driving special vehicles such as recreational vehicles and rental trucks and when pulling a trailer.
Students with Disabilities
GBC is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For more information or further assistance, please contact Julie Byrnes, ADA Officer, at 753-2271.
Policy of Academic Integrity
GBC subscribes to the traditional policy of academic integrity: Students are expected to be honest. Students are expected to do their own work. Students who plagiarize or commit academic dishonesty are violating the standards of academic integrity and are subject to consequences ranging from failing the assignment or course to dismissal from the institution.
Date Day Details
Jun 14 Fri
Intro Quiz due by 11:59pm
Unit 1 Exam (Limited to FOUR attempts) due by 11:59pm
Jun 21 Fri
Unit 2 Exam (Limited to FOUR attempts) due by 11:59pm
Jun 28 Fri
Unit 3 Exam (Limited to FOUR attempts) due by 11:59pm
Jul 3 Wed
Unit 2: Roundabouts due by 11:59pm
Unit 2: Texting While Driving due by 11:59pm
Unit 4 Exam (Limited to FOUR attempts) due by 11:59pm
Unit 4: How to Buy a Car due by 11:59pm
Unit 4: In the Blink of an Eye due by 11:59pm
Jul 4 Thu
Buying a Car due by 11:59pm
Jul 6 Sat
Survey due by 11:59pm
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