The only way to guarantee 100% that your child’s image appears in the Senior section of the yearbook is to utilize the School’s photographer!

If you plan to use an outside photographer, the following information is absolutely critical for you to understand:

  1. You'll need a formal black drape pose with a neutral background
  2. I'll need a hi-res jpeg the size of which is 4x6 at 300d.p.i. burned to a recordable CD. I CAN’T USE PRINTED PHOTOS!!!
  3. I'll need the disk mailed to the school and addressed to my attention (Richard Hartman)
  4. I'll need this disk by December 13th, if I receive the image after that date, I can NOT guarantee it’s inclusion in this year’s book.
  5. I'll also need for you to verify that we've received the image and have it placed in the Senior Section next November.
  6. Lastly, I'll need a copyright release signed by your photographer stating that we are allowed to use the image in our publication.

So, please print this out and make sure that your photographer is ok with this before committing to spending any money with them. You need to understand that, when you use an outside photographer, the onus of responsibility falls 100% onto the student and parent to verify that I have received all deliverables, in the correct format, by the due date.

I have 400+ seniors and 1,100 underclassmen to take care of not to mention the rest of the yearbook. I will NOT chase down seniors, their parents, or their photographers. In the past, up to and including this past year, students and parents who did not verify the above items bought a yearbook only to find that their photographer never sent the image disk, or sent it in the wrong format, resulting in their image not being present in their Senior yearbook.