March 14, 2011

Consultant Name


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Dear Consultant,

Thank you for your interest in the FULCRUM NETWORK. We offer consultants a unique business development alternative–the FULCRUM NETWORK introduces you to client relationships that offer long-term revenue opportunities.

We work with clients who are seeking consultants for short-term or extended projects. Fulcrum presents to them, a profile of your style, skills, talents, and industry experience. Once chosen by the client, you contract with FULCRUM NETWORK to deliver the desired services.

The pillars of FULCRUM NETWORK are integrity, well-designed processes, and strong client and consultant partnerships. Thus it is our aim, to assure mutual benefit for you, our consultants, for our client organizations, and for FULCRUM NETWORK. To that end, Fulcrum Network:

  • enables you to focus on what you do best–consulting
  • assesses and qualifies each project to ensure that you succeed in adding value
  • handles the business relationship with the client
  • manages the sales process and brings you in at the appropriate time
  • prepares you for meeting with the client
  • collaborates with you to write proposals
  • coaches you on pricing and positioning your services
  • prepares you for the project and informs you of the organization’s culture
  • handles all contract negotiations and financial details including invoicing and collections
  • renegotiates project fees if the scope extends beyond the contract,
  • mediate conflicts or issues that arise between you and the client
  • obtains feedback from clients on your performance
  • provides client feedback and coaching for your professional growth.

FULCRUM NETWORK develops and manages the client relationship and consultants deliver the services. In a typical engagement, Fulcrum and the consultant share the income. To provide the above services, Fulcrum’s split ranges from 30 - 40% of the daily rate or project fee generated by each assignment in the relationship we share. This is negotiated on a project-by-project basis.

Enclosed is a packet of information that will help you understand how to engage with Fulcrum in business. Please review the following documents:

  • Consultant Recruitment and Service Delivery Process
  • Code of Ethics
  • Fulcrum Network Standards of Operation
  • Identifying FULCRUM NETWORK Partners
  • Referral Bonus Program

We are happy that you are considering Fulcrum Network services, and we look forward to collaborating soon!


Diane Kubal


How do consultants benefit from partnering with FULCRUM NETWORK?

Our services provide you with the following benefits:

  • Increased opportunities for work that suits your talents
  • Introduction into client relationships that can produce long-term revenues for your business
  • Identification of new projects that you may not have found
  • Focus on what you do best—consulting, coaching, instructional design and training
  • Opportunities to work in new industries and add experience
  • A sales partner who brings you into the right project at the right time
  • Professional growth from coaching and feedback on your performance
  • Assistance in proposal writing, pricing, and positioning of your services
  • Renegotiation on your behalf when the project scope increases beyond the contractual agreement
  • Collaboration with like-minded consultants who share your commitment to improving organizations

What can consultants expect when partnering with Fulcrum?

We begin with an initial meeting to help you understand Fulcrum’s operating philosophy, business model, and role in working with clients. Once you confirm your interest in working with Fulcrum, we schedule a second meeting. At this meeting, we deepen our understanding of your interests, skills, talents, experience, and consulting capabilities. Upon agreement to work together, you are placed in our comprehensive databank of qualified FULCRUM NETWORK consultants. When a fitting client project surfaces, after checking your client references, Fulcrum presents you, among others, to the client. We typically assist with proposal development, client orientation, account management, feedback, coaching, billing, and collections.

After the proposal and contracting phase, you work directly with the client. Fulcrum checks in with you and the client for feedback, mid-project, and upon completion.

What if consultants currently have a relationship with the client?

We look for professionals who have years of proven experience in many industries, so we expect consultants to have their own client relationships. In full confidence, we discuss and disclose client relationships. When you are being considered for a project with

FULCRUM NETWORK, INC, we create a “win-win” arrangement that is beneficial for everyone involved. If that excludes some projects, we move onto another more suitable project, where we can all benefit.

How do you respond to the concern that consultants may have about putting their destiny in someone else’s hands?

In order for FULCRUM NETWORK to be successful, consultants need to be successful. We consider ourselves to be a consultant’s business partner. Therefore, we work collaboratively with consultants as a team, to benefit everyone involved. We strive to build lasting relationships. Fulcrum does everything we can to support consultants in getting the contract, seeing the project through to completion, insuring client satisfaction on each engagement, and creating new opportunities for subsequent projects.

How much work can we offer?

Organizations are increasingly downsizing and outsourcing projects. Therefore, they seek to assist their internal consultants and acquire consulting services where internal resources do not exist. The FULCRUM NETWORK, INC continually looks to these organizations for assignments that help them meet their business goals and objectives. To initiate a relationship with them, Fulcrum has a formal marketing process and web site tools that introduce clients to our services. The better we understand your skills and consulting expertise, the better we can explain how your services meet our clients’ need, and the more opportunities we can offer you.

Will all information be disclosed to consultants—pricing, client feedback, contracts, etc.?

Yes. We believe that open, honest, and direct communication is essential to maintaining positive business relationships with both clients and consultant partners. Consultants have open access to all information pertaining to projects in which they are involved.

Will FULCRUM NETWORK, INC. use consultants’ copyrighted materials as their own?

No. FULCRUM NETWORK, INC. is clear and ethical about the use of copyrighted or proprietary materials and information. We support the fair and equitable use of training materials and other tools and resources. In all cases, proprietary information and intellectual property rights will be protected. FULCRUM NETWORK, INC. maintains the highest standards of professional conduct and judgment.

How does FULCRUM NETWORK, INC. make our affiliation seamless?

The FULCRUM NETWORK, INC prides itself on a professional image and requires consultants to present themselves in an equally professional manner. We work with you to insure that we present a consistent image. We have tools that assist in this process. We provide consultants with standard formats for biographies and proposals, which make it easy for us to do business together.

So what qualifies FULCRUM NETWORK, INC. to do this work?

The people of FULCRUM NETWORK, INC. are skilled, experienced, and passionate about what we do.

Diane Kubal, CEO, has a graduate degree in Organization Development and a training and Organization Development background. She has worked as an internal and external

consultant. She has hired consultants as clients, and she has been a sub-contractor. She has also served in business development roles, in selling HR, and training and consulting services. Therefore, at the head, there is a complete understanding of all perspectives when working with clients and consultants. Diane hires people who strengthen all aspects of the company and gives them freedom and tools to carry out their best work.

What we do best is build long-term relationships with clients and consultants. As a whole, we are aware of various options that can address client needs, so we continually scout the market for top-notch talent and innovative products and services that fit the needs.

We take pride in our professionalism and we are committed to the highest level of client satisfaction and responsiveness. Our clients and consultants consistently give us high

ratings. We are always looking at new and innovative ways to do business in the virtual marketplace.

Consultant Recruitment and Service Delivery Process

Consultant Initiation

  • Complete the online profile and bio on the FULCRUM NETWORK, INC. web site at and inform Nancy Herz, , of completion.

Step 1: Attend a FULCRUM NETWORK Information Meeting

  • Receive overview of the business model, operating arrangement, and role
  • Learn about sub-contractor relationship
  • Understand fee sharing arrangement

Step 2: Provide references and sign consultant contracts

  • Provide 3-5 client references in your web site profile for Fulcrum to contact
  • Sign a letter of agreement and an independent consultant contract

Step 3: Consider Consultants and Present Them to Clients

  • Demonstrate your skill
  • Walk through a previous client project
  • Receive project information by means of project information email
  • Customize a project bio that focuses your skills on the project at hand. Discuss with Fulcrum representative to receive coaching.
  • Notify Fulcrum when complete
  • Meet with client to discuss project details
  • Prepare a proposal using Fulcrum’s standard proposal format
  • Email proposal to Fulcrum for posting to web site
  • Negotiate consultant project fees with Fulcrum Network

Step 4: Initiate Engagement

  • Sign and return copy of schedule of services to Fulcrum
  • FULCRUM NETWORK, INC posts Client and consultant contracts and Schedule of Services to web site

Step 5: Deliver Consultant Service

  • Work directly with client to deliver services
  • FULCRUM NETWORK, INC Client Relations performs in-process check (around mid-project)
  • FULCRUM NETWORK, INC provides client feedback to consultant

Step 6: Complete the Project

  • Complete online invoice(s) and expense report to the FULCRUM NETWORK, INC
  • Include participant/client evaluations if appropriate for delivery of training
  • Complete Fulcrum Network online consultant project evaluation

Step 7: Evaluate the Engagement

  • FULCRUM NETWORK, INC requests feedback from client and consultants upon project completion
  • FULCRUM NETWORK, INC provides client feedback to consultant

Step 8: The FULCRUM NETWORK, INC Invoices Client

  • INVOICE Fulcrum ONLINE, via our web site through your Fulcrum account
  • FULCRUM NETWORK, INC issues payment to consultant after FULCRUM NETWORK, INC. receives payment from client within 5 days
  • Payment information is posted on Fulcrum web site under “project” link

FULCRUM NETWORK - Code of Ethics

  • Our clients and consultant partners come first.

FULCRUM NETWORK, INC. is committed to the delivery of outstanding consulting services and results to our clients. Fulcrum is equally dedicated to the development and professional treatment of our consultant partners.

  • We are committed to the highest level of client satisfaction and responsiveness.

Please contact Fulcrum immediately, if at any time, you are not satisfied with the progress of the engagement to resolve the issue expediently.

  • The FULCRUM NETWORK, INC is clear and ethical about the use of copyrighted or proprietary materials and information.

FULCRUM NETWORK, INC. upholds fair and equitable use of training materials, evaluation instruments, and other tools and resources. In all cases, proprietary information and intellectual property rights are protected. Fulcrum Network does not offer consulting or training services. Fulcrum Network only offers the services of the consultants in our network. Therefore, Fulcrum Network is your partner, not your competitor.

  • We maintain the highest standards of personal and professional conduct and judgment.

The FULCRUM NETWORK, INC demonstrates integrity in all that we do. We practice within the limits of each consultant partner’s competence, while working to continuously improve professional skills and enhance our professional standards.

  • Open, honest and direct communication is essential to maintaining positive business relationships with both clients and consultant partners.

The FULCRUM NETWORK, INC believes in open access to information for both clients and consultant partners, pertaining to projects in which they are involved. At the same time, the FULCRUM NETWORK, INC will protect any information deemed “confidential” by a client or consultant partner.

Fulcrum Network Standards of Operation

Fulcrum is pleased with the continuing interest shown by many individuals who want to become a part of our consulting network or refer someone. Many of the people are highly qualified professionals with exceptional ethics. They are often between jobs and looking for contract work..

We appreciate your interest and your referrals of consultants to be included in our network. Because you understand Fulcrum’s need to guarantee consistent and predictable service delivery, we have compiled a list of our expectations for all consultants. It is likely that you do these things already, and being that a major part of collaboration is to be on the same page, we want to openly share with you, our minimum standards from the standpoint of business professionalism. This will assure that referring people you know is less complicated.

The standards are:

1.Consultants must be committed to being in business, and not between jobs. For example, we have had consultants propose on projects, meet clients, etc. then pull out at the last minute because they were offered full-time positions. We are sure you agree that this is not good for Fulcrum or for our clients. It takes everyone's time and energy. Thus it can be unproductive, embarrassing, and tiring for all involved. Please keep this in mind when referring your friends and colleagues.

2. Consultants must have voice mail. We cannot rely on an answering machine, call waiting, email, or fax for urgent matters. Clients need to reach you. They do not tolerate a busy signal or interruptions with call waiting.

3. Sample deliverables must be clean and presentable. During the initial presentation, clients expect to see work that you have done on other projects. Please take care of these documents. Put them in plastic, or find ways to keep them from getting dirty and "dog eared". Care and attention to these matters makes an impression on clients.

4.Many companies' dress codes are business casual. Even though this may be the case, clients are paying a good deal of money for your services. Therefore, it is important that you dress one step up from them. We recommend upscale business casual, unless the client specifically requests that you dress casually for a plant tour or something of that nature. For men, laundered shirts, jackets, and ties are best. Suits are fine,though not always necessary unless you know that there is a formal dress code within the client organization. Women have a bit more flexibility, however, we recommend at minimum, a pantsuit or skirt with jacket. Please contact Fulcrum aboutclient dress codeif you have any questions. We typically know this kind of information about our clients.

We have received comments from clients on all of these types of issues, both positive and negative. Feel contact me if you have questions on any of these standards.

Fulcrum Network Referral Bonus Program

Fulcrum Network can be used to enhance your business and add services for your clients! If your client has a need outside your area of expertise, Fulcrum can partner with you to serve your client. This enables your business to meet the more of your clients’ needs and to add more clients. To this end, we offer a referral bonus program. The program allows you to strengthen your relationship with your client by:

  • satisfying your client’s resource needs
  • broadening the value you bring to your client (with a minimal amount of effort)
  • increasing your revenue stream
  • strengthening your relationship with Fulcrum.

It’s a big win for everyone!

Fulcrum Network offers bonuses to consultants who refer new clients to Fulcrum. The monetary compensation is cumulative and is paid on the first project contract*.

Project SizeBonus

1st project $1000 to $50,00010% of Fulcrum’s gross profit

1st project continuing $50,001 to $100,00012% of Fulcrum’s gross profit

1st project continuing above $100,00015% of Fulcrum’s gross profit


A project is referred to Fulcrum with fees of $110,000. Fulcrum’s gross profit might be 30% or $33,000. The consultant would be paid bonuses on the first project as follows:

Calculation Bonus Amount

Profit on first $50,000 is $15,000 x 10%)$ 1500

Profit on continuing $50,001-$100,000 is $15,000 x 12%)$ 1800

Profit above $100,001 [$110,000] is $3,000 x 15%)$ 450

$3750 total bonus

All payments will be made within 5 days of receipt of payment from clients. This includes payments made in increments; you get paid as we get paid.

* Subsequent contracts with the same client organization do not qualify for bonuses.