Classroom Syllabus

Ms. Geneen Donk – Fourth Grade

San Tan Elementary School


The goal in our classroom is for each student to grow and learn to the very best of his/her ability in a safe, nurturing and respectful environment. In addition, our classroom goal is for each child to master at least 80% of the Arizona State Standards for fourth grade. Personal responsibility and good character traits will be emphasized in all activities both in and out of the classroom.


In order to achieve our classroom goals, each student should come to school every day, on time, and ready to learn. Students should be sure to eat a healthy breakfast each morning and get plenty of rest in order to do their best work.


1. Listen while others are talking.

2. Follow all directions carefully.

3. Work quietly and allow others to work quietly as well.

4. Show respect for school and personal property.

5. Work and play in a safe manner at all times.

6. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.


Activities in fourth grade will generally follow a regular weekly routine. Language Arts will be major focus, including reading fluency, comprehension, and decoding skills. Writing will emphasize the Six Traits of Writing, and will include learning to write paragraphs with strong verbs and interesting adjectives in several different writing genres. In math we will build on previously learned skills using a variety of methods using manipulatives, group problem solving and finding many different methods to arrive at a solution.

Special areas include music, art, library, P.E

and computer lab, which will rotate on a 4-day schedule. There will be several field trips scheduled during the year to help expand our horizons and supplement areas of study. All students are expected to do independent reading nightly for at least 30 minutes each night. Parent initials on the weekly Math/Reading Log will indicate reading was completed as assigned. Please refrain from signing days in advance.


A rubric system will be used this year.

Report cards will be sent home quarterly, with students earning grades according to the school district’s grading guidelines:

Grades will be posted regularly on our online grade book called Parentvue. ParentVue will also show the relative value and effect of each grade on the final grade, including tests, quizzes, and class work. Parents will be able to view all assignments given a value and grade.


  • Students should enter the classroom quietly and begin work immediately on assignments written on the board or any other method of engagement.
  • Students who are tardy are to enter without interrupting the class, and leave their tardy slip on the front table.
  • Students should use pencil only for daily work – no pens or markers unless otherwise instructed. Sharpened pencils will be available at the sink and they will be able to sharpen pencils at their desk with personal sharpeners.
  • Assignments are to be turned in to labeled baskets. In order to learn mastery of a skill students will not earn zeros, rather they will accountable for every assignment.
  • Students and parents may view grades and/or current progress at any time using ParentVue. Students are welcome to discuss any grades or assignments with me at any time. ParentVue should be updated approximately every week, and progress reports emailed to parents at that time.
  • When a student is absent, he/she is responsible for completing work they have missed. Students will receive extra time to complete work due to an absence that is equal to the length of the absence. For example, if a student is absent for 3 days, he/she will have 3 extra days to complete the work. Special circumstances may sometimes arise, in which other arrangements may be made.
  • During lessons, students must raise their hand to ask questions or to ask for assistance. During group work/activities, students are expected to ask table partners or group members for help before raising their hand.
  • Students may use the restroom at any time; however they must indicate to me that they need to leave with a hand signal using American Sign Language. Students must take a restroom pass and go directly to and from the restroom. No more than one boy and one girl may use the restroom at a time, and all school rules for using the restroom must be followed. The restroom pass must be returned to its proper place when the student returns.
  • Communication with parents is an extremely important part of our classroom. Newsletters, notes, and other information will be sent via email whenever possible, unless you have notified me of other preferences. Parents may reach me at any time by calling the school at 480-279-7200 x 319, or by district email: Messages are generally returned daily.
  • At the end of each day, students are expected to clean their desks and work areas completely. A designated student will excuse students to line up for dismissal when their area is clean and they are sitting quietly. No students will be allowed to leave the classroom until the last bell rings unless previous arrangements have been made with the office. If your child is to go home with another student or in any manner other than their usual routine, a note must be sent to school stating what the arrangements are, signed by the parent. If the child is to ride a different bus that day, a bus pass must be issued by the office.


Our rules will be established by our learning community and all students will have the chance to show ownership in the rules by helping establish and carry out the rules. Each student is responsible for following the rules.

In order to have an atmosphere in which we can do our best at all times, we must have respect for ourselves, other people, possessions, and the world that we all share. Classroom rules will be established to maintain that atmosphere. Appropriate behavior will be positively reinforced with praise, rewards, and specialactivities as well as a monetary learning system. I reward appropriate choices with nickels (plastic). The idea is to gain knowledge of our real-world monetary system. The students will have an opportunity to do “banking” on certain days. Then at the end of the quarter we will have a Scorpion celebration of purchasing things at the Scorpion Store. Inappropriatechoices will be discouraged and monitored with a student behavioral log, as well as “paying” the teacher a nickel.

I appreciate your support at home in consistently enforcing standards of good citizenship and behavior. As a team, we can work together to help your child develop self-control, good character, and strong study habits.