
11 St.Leonards Bank




Terms and conditions of booking:

  1. No visitor will be supplied with excisable liquor in the Club Premises, unless on the invitation and in the company of a Member. Unless Bar Service has been requested and a special license has been pre-booked
  2. Any excisable liquor consumed on the premises must be supplied by the Club.
  3. It is the expectation that there will be no damage caused to any of the Club’s property and/or premises or any in the neighbouring area and that all behaviour does not give rise to any complaints by Bar or Catering Staff or any other Members.
  4. All attendees are required to vacate the Club twenty (20) minutes after last orders at the bar. Or at the end of the booking period. The Club recommends that any public transport requirements are pre-arranged.
  5. Party Poppers, Confetti, Glitter,Indoor Pyrotechnicsor similar items are not to be dispersed within the Club.
  6. Please note that self-catering is not permitted– if catering is required please contact our Resident caterer Kay Smart for more information
  7. Any person in attendance at a function who is under the age of 18 years (deemed by the law as a ‘child’ or ‘young person’) must be accompanied and supervised by an appropriate adult at all times within the Club,this includes using toilet facilities.
  8. All booking forms must be completed in full and be accompanied by the appropriate fee. unless alternative payment has been arranged in order to be passed for consideration by the committee, a confirmation letter will be sent to the person booking the event by the Secretary.
  9. Please note: Admission Charges are prohibited unless authorised by the committee.
  10. Any cancellation/refunds will be in accordance with our ‘Booking Cancellation Calculator’
  11. Invoices are payable within 30 days of issue.
  12. The hiring of a photo-booth is entirely the responsibility of the booking member or function organiser, the siting of said photo-booth is prescribed by the committee and will reduce the capacity of the function hall by 20

Pleaseprint clearly,yourname,andthensignbelowindicatingthatyou,haveread,andagreeinfull, totheTermsandConditionsas statedabove.

Name:...... Organisation...... Address:......

Postcode:…………Contact..Tel..No:...... Email..Address:……………......

Event Contact Name

Name:...... Signature:...... Date:......

Dateof Application:...... RoomRequired:......

Dateof event:...... Session Required:AM – PM – Evening - All Day..


Approximatenumbersattending: (Including Under 18’s) ...... Cateringrequired?YES/NO

Hire Information

Dates Required:-

General Requirements:-

Malcolm Suite - Theatre style – U shape – Bas & bar service – Large TV & laptop connection - White-screen &


St Leonards Suite - Theatre style – U shape – Bas & bar service – Large TV & laptop connection – Projector & Full mounted Wall Screen

Basic Cost £………. Per Booking (Less any discount applied 10% - 15% - 20% See Discount Calculator) £……….

Bookings Calculator… 4 or less Basic Price…5 – 8 - 10%...... 9 – 12 - 15%...... 13 – 24 - 25%.

Frequency of Payment – Per Booking – Per Quarter – Direct debit

Method of Payment – Direct debit – Invoice – Cash – Cheque - Card

Is there a requirement for an occasional licence YES/NO (£10 extra charge) In which case will there be any persons under age 18 attending YES/NO

Cancelation/refunds (Only applicable to advance payments)

<6 Mos - 100%.. <5 Mos – 75%.. <4 Mos – 50%.. <3 Mos – 25%... >3 Mos 0%




ContactInformationcompleteinfull...... YES/NO AppropriateFeesreceived:...... YES/NO...... Cash/Cheque/Card Verifybookingdateis availableindiary...YES/NO HireFee £...... Occ. Licence fee £……. Total £………..

Receipt No …………………… Receivedcheckedby: ...... Date:......

Slip attached to cash sheet YES/NOApprovedbytheCommitteeYES/NOStampedindiary:...../...../......

ConfirmationLettersent:...... /...... /...... Secretary:......

Governing Law:

TheseconditionsshallbegovernedbyandconstruedinaccordancewithScotslawandanydisputewhichmayarisebetweenthe partiesconcerning theseconditionsshall bedeterminedby the ScottishCourtsand thepartiesherby submitto thenon-exclusivejurisdiction ofthe Scottish Courts for suchpurpose.