Critical Behaviors are observable acts that, when done safely, can help keep an employee from having an equipment or injury accident. What do these behaviors look like when being done safely? If you can answer “YES” to the following questions, then the person is doing these behaviors safely. If you can’t answer “YES”, then the person is probably at risk of injury or other accident. If the risk is there, it is only a matter of time!

1.1 PPE Eye and Face

Does the person use eyewear of face-shields to protect against flying debris, dust, chemicals or weld flash, and do safety glasses have side shields and fit snugly to the face?

EX: When using a hand held or bench grinder, does the person wear safety glasses and a face shield to protect against flying metal fragments?

EX: When washing down equipment, does the employee use a face-shield and goggles that will protect against the caustic making contact with eyes and face?

EX: When using compressed air, does the worker use safety glasses and a face-shield that will protect against dust and other debris?

EX: When working in windy, dusty conditions, does the employee use goggles or safety glasses?

1.2 PPE Foot

Does the employee use footgear that protects the feet, gives good traction and control, good foot support, and is the footwear free of holes or excessive wear? Does the employee use steel toed boots, metatarsal boots or rubber boots (are they job specific)? Are the shoes or boots fitted snugly and laced to the top?

EX: Does the employee use boots that are free of grease, oil, holes, or loose soles?

EX: Does the employee use footwear that has a full sole, designed for traction?

EX: Does the employee use footwear that protects from rain and puddling water?

1.3 PPE Hearing

Does the person use hearing protection when necessary?

EX: When working in or around heavy equipment when in operation?

EX: When working at or around the separator plant when in operation?

EX: When performing a task such as grinding, arc welding, cutting/lancing or scarfing?

1.4 PPE Respiratory

Does the employee take steps to protect the mouth, nose and lungs from airborne particles or gasses by using proper respiratory equipment?

EX: Does the person wear a respirator when welding in an area without ventilation?

EX: Does the person use a respirator when working with K061 or cleaning out the spark box?

EX: Does the employee wear a dust mask when in dusty conditions?

EX: Does the employee wear a respirator when required by Industrial Hygiene Testing?

1.5 PPE Body/Flame Retardant

Does the person wear flame retardant clothing when handling hot materials or when welding or burning? Are the clothes clean, dry, grease free, free of holes and not made of synthetic material? Does the person use appropriate body protection for the task being performed?

EX: Does the employee wear flame retardant clothing when working around hot steel or slag?

EX: Does the employee wear proper body protection when welding, cutting, lancing or handscarfing?

EX: Does the employee wear proper body protection when working with corrosives?

1.6 PPE Hands

Does the person use hand protection that is appropriate for the task, clean, dry, free of grease and free of holes?

EX: Does the worker wear leather weld gloves when welding?

EX: Does the worker wear leather gloves when handling sharp objects such as cable or scrap?

EX: Does the worker wear rubber gloves when handling chemicals or solvents, such as when cleaning parts or machines?

EX: Does the person use hand protection that is appropriate for the task being performed?

1.7 PPE Fall

Does the employee use fall protection when there is a risk of falling more than 6 feet, or when working above a surface that would cause injury?

EX: Is there evidence that the employee checked the harness and or lanyard for wear, frayed edges, etc, before putting it on?

EX: Does the employee take steps to attach the lanyard to a solid surface?

EX: When working on conveyors more than 6 feet above ground or the platform below, does the employee use a harness and lanyard?

EX: When working from man-lifts or bucket trucks does the employee use a harness and lanyard?

1.8 PPE Head

Does the employee use head protection when necessary? If worn backward, has the suspension been reversed in the shell? Is the shell in good condition, not painted, and free of excessive decals/stickers? In high radiant heat conditions, is the shell fiberglass instead of plastic?

EX: Does the employee wear a hard hat when working in areas where there is danger from flying or falling materials?

EX: Does the employee wear a hard hat when walking or climbing through areas where there is a danger of bumping the head?

2.1 Grip

Does the employee take steps to make sure his grip is firm and secure, using both hands when necessary to insure he won’t lose control of the load or work?

EX: When handling heavy or awkward loads, does the employee use both hands?

EX: When carrying tools or parts, does the employee limit his load to what can be carried with full control.

2.2 Force –Pushing/Pulling

Does the employee maintain a balanced position and remain able to push or pull and avoid jerking motions that may result in loss of control?

EX: Does the person work with a load in such a way that he does not have to jerk on it when pushing or pulling?

EX: When the employee must pull, does he keep feet spread apart for balance and does he only use as much force as he can completely control?

EX: When using a pry bar, does the employee position himself to push instead of pull the bar?

EX: Does the person push away from the body using an open hand, so that if force suddenly releases his hands or knuckles will not strike against a hard or sharp object?

2.3 Twisting

Does the person take steps to keep from twisting at the waist when performing a task or moving a load? Does the employee turn with his feet instead of twisting at the waist?

EX: When picking scrap from a conveyor belt, does the employee turn with the feet rather than twisting the upper body?

EX: When cleaning tail pulleys, does the employee move the full body instead of twisting the upper body?

EX: When shoveling material, does the employee turn with the feet instead of twisting the body?

2.4 Overextending

Does the employee take steps to maintain control and balance by keeping work close to his body?

EX: When changing a light bulb, does the employee use a work platform that is tall enough to reach the work comfortably?

EX: When reaching for a tool, does the employee move toward the tool, or move the tool storage close enough, so that he can maintain balance?

2.5 Ergo Risk/ Repetition

Does employee take measures to protect himself from repetitive-stress type injuries?

EX: When tapping numerous holes with a hand tap, does the employee take adequate rest to exercise and stretch hand, arm and wrist muscles?

EX: Does the worker take steps to use power tools when available, in order to avoid repeating a specific motion many times?

2.6 Lifting

Does the person “test” the load, then lift with the legs, keeping back straight, object close to body, and limiting the lead to what is completely controllable?

EX: When lifting a powder bucket, does the employee keep his back straight?

EX: When unloading paper boxes, does the employee lift with legs and keep load close to body?

3.1 Three-Point Contact

Does the person maintain three-point contact with hands and feet while ascending or descending?

EX: Does the person use handrails when ascending or descending stairs?

EX: Does the employee not attempt to carry tools or other objects in hands when ascending or descending a ladder?

EX: Does the employee maintain three-point contact when mounting or dismounting equipment?

3.2 Line of Fire

Is this person positioned so that if something gives way, lets go, releases, sprays, falls or releases energy that person will not be hit?

EX: Does the employee pry away from body with a pry bar on loader tracks?

EX: Does the employee stand off to one side while pressing out a bucket pin?

EX: When working around a suspended load, does the employee stay away from the path where the load may fall?

EX: Does the employee push and pull tools away from the body?

EX: Does the employee stay clear of equipment that is working in the area?

3.3 Pinch Point

Does the person avoid placing body hands, feet, or other body parts in a position where they could get caught, pinched, or crushed?

EX: When installing or removing belts, does the employee keep hands or fingers away from between the belt and the pulley?

EX: Does the person keep body or body parts away from moving and stationary objects, such as hydraulic arms and the machine body?

3.4 Eyes on Path

Does the employee keep his eyes on his path of travel when on foot or in equipment? Does the person pause momentarily to look for potential danger before proceeding?

EX: Do equipment operators look behind or check mirrors where available prior to backing equipment?

EX: When walking to or from the work area, does the worker inspect the area for debris and or obstruction?

EX: Does the employee step around over or under obstructions instead of simply walking on them?

EX: When ascending/descending a ladder, does the employee first make sure the steps and rails are clean and in good condition?

3.5 Eyes on Task

Does the person keep eyes and face turned in the direction of the task he is performing? Does the person avoid looking away from work?

EX: When using a grinder, does the employee keep eyes focused on the grinder wheel or the object being worked?

EX: Does the person move to the best possible position to be able to keep eyes on hands when working on machinery or equipment, avoiding placing hands in blind spots where they could be cut or burned by unseen hazards?

4.1 Tools or Equipment Selection/Condition/ Use

Does the employee take steps to select and use tools or equipment that are designed for the task at hand? Does the employee discard, retire, or ask for repair of tools that show obvious wear?

EX: Does the employee take the time to make sure all the tools and equipment needed for the task are available and in good repair instead of using whatever is handy?

EX: Does the employee keep tools organized, both while using and when storing them?

EX: Does the employee choose a box end wrench instead of a crescent wrench or channel lock?

EX: Does the employee check hammer handles for looseness, cracks or splits?

EX: Does the employee check that guards are in place and properly adjusted on hand/bench/stand grinders or other equipment?

EX: Does the employee only use drift or chisels that are free of mushrooming?

EX: Does the employee use mechanical help (hoists, lifts, etc) for handling heavy objects?

EX: Does the employee use an assistant to help steady an extension ladder while first ascending and finally descending, and keep it tied off at the top while working from it?

5.1 Energy Isolation / LOTO

Does the employee shut down all power supplies, release and test for stored energy, lock and/or place a tag on the device and notify affected personnel before working on any equipment?

EX: When welding on an elevated bucket, does the employee first properly shut down the equipment, block wheels, remove keys, tag equipment, secure bucket so it cannot move or drop, and make it obvious to others that the equipment must not be energized?

EX: When working on an electrical problem, does the employee first de-energize and secure the circuit at the electrical main?

EX: When the employee is removing a cylinder from the tilt, does he lock out all equipment related to the tilt and bleed the hydraulic lines before working on the cylinder?

EX: Does the employee use LOTO prior to maintaining equipment?

EX: Does the employee use LOTO prior to doing daily routine maintenance?

5.2 Communication/ Barricades

Does the worker take steps to keep communication equipment in operating condition and make sure he is able to communicate with those working around him? When two workers are working together, is there evidence that they are communicating risks to one another?

EX: Does the worker take time to make sure he makes eye contact, or verify hand signals with those working around him?

EX: Does the worker take steps to make sure others around him know of hazards he is creating with his work?

EX: When operating equipment does the operator take steps to make sure there is positive communication with his signalman and/or sound his horn or alarm to notify others of his presence or equipment movement?

EX: When visual signals cannot be used, does the employee make sure there is a two-way radio available?

EX: Does the employee use warnings and barricades such as tape, railings, berms, chocks or weld curtains, to protect himself and others when performing tasks?

5.3 Seeking Assistance

Does the person seek additional help when lifting/moving objects beyond what he can safely handle, or when the task requires two or more people to complete?

EX: Does the employee seek assistance when working with weights too heavy for one person to handle safely?

EX: Does the employee seek assistance when working on awkward tasks?

EX: Does the employee seek assistance when in an emergency situation?

5.4 Walking/ Working Surface

Does the worker take steps to make sure that his walk or work surface is stable, secure, clean, free of debris and capable of supporting his body and the work?

EX: Does the worker choose a work platform that does not shift or rock?

EX: Does the worker use a work surface that is not slippery or covered with debris?

EX: Does the worker clear snow or ice from the vehicle tracks or other working surface?

EX: Are oil spills cleaned up as they happen?

EX: When using cords or hoses, has the employee taken steps to be sure that they are free of kinks or twists and will not get caught up on obstructions?

EX: Are hoses and cords kept coiled, hung, or put away when not in use?

EX: When finishing up any task, does the employee take steps to clean up the area and make sure it is ready for other workers?

5.5 Water Hazard Management

Does the employee take steps to keep water and hot steel or slag apart?

EX: Does the person take steps to make sure when operating a vehicle it stays out of fast moving water (flood).

EX: Does the employee use footwear that protects from rain and puddling water?

6.1 Temperature Extremes/ Heat Management

Does the employee take frequent breaks and stay hydrated during hot weather or in hot work conditions? And, in cold weather, does the employee keep all extremities covered, stay dry and warmly dressed, and not let bare skin come in contact with extremely cold surfaces?

EX: When working in extreme heat, does the employee have fluids readily available and drink them frequently?

EX: Does the employee step away from the work or drive away from hot water periodically, allowing his body an opportunity to cool down?

EX: When working in cold environments, does the employee periodically check for signs of frostbite or hypothermia?

7.1 Vehicle Use/ Maintaining Control/ Pre- Operation Inspection

Does the operator use the vehicle safely and maintain control? Does the worker take steps to make sure that a load moved with a vehicle is secure and stable? And, is there evidence that the worker has checked his equipment prior to operation?

EX: Does the operator work within the limits of the machine design, and not overstrain the equipment?

EX: Does the operator follow designated roadways?

EX: Is there evidence that the employee has checked alarms, lights, fire extinguishers, ladders, seat belts, horn, fluids, and leaks prior to operating the equipment?

EX: Does the employee use speeds that are safe for the equipment, load, conditions and environment?

EX: Does the employee adjust vehicle speed to compensate for bad roads?

EX: Does the employee use seat belts while operating or riding in all mobile equipment that has ban or other rollover protection?