Obama Citizenship story update 2/23/09: Summary of selected links -

United States Senator Shelby (R-AL) questions Obama's eligibility /

YouTube Video - Alan Keyes: Stop Obama or U.S. will cease to exist /

State Legislators in OK, OH, MT consider candidate eligibility legislation /

State Legislators in Tennessee join lawsuit challenging Obama's eligibility / Now over 250,000 WND petitioners question Obama's



The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) on Monday, December 8, 2008, denied certiorari, refusing to hear oral arguments on the New Jersey case(Leo C. Donofrio v. New Jersey Secretary of State Nina Mitchell Wells) filed by attorney Leo C. Donofrio

( and )

Leo C. Donofrio, Applicant v. Nina Mitchell Wells, New Jersey Secretary of State

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) on Monday, December 15, 2008, denied certiorari, refusing to hear oral arguments on the Connecticut (2d) case(Cort Wrotnowski v. Susan Bysiewicz,

Connecticut Secretary of State) filed by attorney Cort Wrotnowski

( )

Cort Wrotnowski v. Susan Bysiewicz, Connecticut Secretary of State

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) on Monday, January 12, 2009, denied certiorari, refusing to hear oral arguments on the Pennsylvania (3d) case(Philip J. Berg, Petitioner v. Barack Obama, et al.) filed

by attorney Philip J. Berg ( )

Philip J. Berg, Petitioner v. Barack Obama, et al.

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) on Monday, January 26, 2009, denied "an appeal

for an injunction against the California Electoral College vote, which has already happened" in a

California (4th) case(Gail Lightfoot et al v. Debra Bowen, California Secretary of State) filed by attorney

Orly Taitz ( )

( )

Gail Lightfoot et al v. Debra Bowen, California Secretary of State


See also earlier (11/30/08, 12/4/08, 12/7/08, 12/8/08, 12/9/08, 12/14/08, 12/21/08, 12/31/2008, 1/12/2009, 2/1/2009) summary compilations of news regarding the Obama Citizenship story:

Obama Citizenship story update 2/1/09: Summary of selected links

- SCOTUS refused to hear California Lightfoot (4th) case Jan. 26 /

Case filed by attorney Apuzzo in New Jersey sues U.S. Congress

for failure to follow Constitution and make sure Obama qualified /

Now over 230,000 WND petitioners question Obama's eligibility /

Case filed by attorney Berg in D.C. on behalf of Air Force IRR Colonel (0-6)

Obama Citizenship story update 1/12/09: Summary of selected links

- U.S. Congress fails to object to Electoral College results; certifies electoral vote,

and declares Obama President in Joint Session Jan. 8 / SCOTUS refuses to hear

Pennyslvania Berg (3d) case Jan. 12 / Now over 210,000 WND petitioners question

Obama's eligibility / SCOTUS conference on California Lightfoot (4th) case Jan. 23

Obama Citizenship story update 12/31/08: Summary of new selected links

- Growing public concern about Obama's eligibility - Nearly 20 Lawsuits;

Over 200,000 WND petitioners / Electoral vote count in Congress Jan. 8 /

SCOTUS to consider "cert" for Pennyslvania Berg (3d) case Jan. 9

Obama Citizenship story update 12/21/08: Summary of new selected links

- SCOTUS refuses to hear Connecticut (2d) case / Electoral vote count in Congress Jan. 6 /

SCOTUS to consider "cert" for Pennyslvania Berg (3d) case Jan. 9

Obama Citizenship story update 12/14/08: Summary of new selected links

- Dec. 15: Electoral College meets / awaiting SCOTUS decision on "cert" for Connecticut case

Obama Citizenship story update 12/9/08: Summary of new selected links

- WND national campaign to contact 538 Electors of 50 States/DC

Obama Citizenship story update 12/8/08: Summary of new selected links

- SCOTUS refuses to hear New Jersey Donofrio case

Obama Citizenship story update 12/7/08: Summary of new selected links

- articles/National Press Club event Dec. 8

Obama Citizenship story update 12/4/08: Summary of new selected links - articles/video/ads in CT

Obama Citizenship story: Summary of selected links - articles/videos/ad in WT/petition

(compiled November 30, 2008)



Demonstrating their characteristic, now multiple-generations-long modus operandi, the CFR-dominated Big Corporate NWO Media are largely continuing their silence on radio and televison news -- ignoringmost of the

past and ongoing court challenges to the constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama to be inaugurated as

U.S. President, as has now occurred on January 20, 2009. As you listen to the radio and TV network news,

notice some of the far less serious (and some foolish, inane) stories that pass for "news" that are covered in

their broadcasts, but NOT news on a potential looming national constitutional crisis. This brainwashing, propagandizing, and hiding of real news from the American peopleis intentional and by design, to keep most of the American people uninformed about many important matters (such as the North American Union,

the "amero" to replace the U.S. dollar, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, plans for

one-world, global government, etc.).

-- As New World Order kingpin David Rockefeller said to the Bilderberg group on June 5, 1991 meeting in Germany:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications

whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.

It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights

of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a

world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely

preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

A word to the wise, be wary of what you believe from CFR-member Brian Williams (NBC anchor-propagandist); or from former interim NBC's "Meet the Press" host CFR Director Tom Brokaw(and former NBC anchor-propagandist),

orfrom CFR-member Katie Couric (CBS anchor-propagandist), or from CFR-member, former CFR Director

Diane Sawyer (ABC News-propagandist), or from CFR-member Barbara Walters (ABC News-propagandist),

or from FOX News (overseen by CFR-member Rupert Murdoch, Newscorp. CEO), or from the PBS Newshour

("CFR Evening News") crew, including CFR-member Jim Lehrer, CFR-member Judy Woodruff, or CFR-member Margaret Warner(and the many Establishment, CFR-member guests they interview on the program),or any of the other CFR mouthpieces in the broadcast (radio/televsion), print, or internet media. These names are only the

"tip of the iceberg" of CFR members occupying influential positions in the nation's most influential media –

print (newspaper and magazine), and television. See the CFR Membership list links below yourself to verify.

Yet another example of CFR-dominated Big Corporate NWO Media's censorship: see the article below how FOX, CNN, CNBC, and MSNBC refused to air even paid commercials questioning Obama's eligibility ! See the 60-second TV ad yourself below that Big Media censored.


Watch Obama commercial they don't want you to see

Fox, CNN, MSNBC refuse ads questioning Barack's eligibility

Posted: January 08, 2009

Obama Vs. Constitution (60 Sec. TV Ad)

Video (1:02) Views: 356,703

2006 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster

The CFR controls American media

Video (4:32) Views: 131,154

Treasonous agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations

Posted: June 17, 2005

Do your own research from independent and varied sources, especially on the internet (blogs, e-mail). Check out attorney Phil Berg's website for information on his further litigation of Obama citizenship cases

( ),and the United States Justice Foundation (California case) website

( ). See also Arlen Williams' informative blog ( )andWorld Net Daily ( ). Links

to several articles are provided below, through February 22.



WTP Obama Citizenship Challenge - National Press Club, DC Dec. 8 2008

Video - 2:37:49

WTP Foundation -

We The People Foundation's Obama citizenship Press Conference at the National Press Club on Dec. 8, 2008. Speakers included WTP Chairman Bob Schulz and attorneys w/ cases pending at the U.S. Supreme Court challenging Barack's Obama citizenship status as a "natural born citizen" as is required by Article II of the Constitution. See the evidence and read the legal pleadings at

WTP Foundation is a not for profit 501(c)3 educational foundation. All donations to the tax-exempt WTP Foundation are fully deductible.


God says, "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people,

they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12

and, "For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." Isaiah 9:16

To paraphrase this nation's Founding Fathers, Only a Virtuous People is Capable of Liberty; Only a Moral People

is Capable of Freedom; Only a People which can Govern Themselves as Individuals, can practice Self-Government corporately. To apply the Scriptures above, America has gotten wicked rulers because we ourselves as a People are wicked: a nation that practices, tolerates, enshrines, advertises, supports financially both privately and publicly, and

protects in law: child-murder-by-abortion, fornication, adultery, and sodomy, etc. Can such a nation survive ? NO. Those who commit, defend, fund, and legitimize immorality are NOT Patriots !

America's only hope is Repentance, beginning with those who profess to be Christians.

Repent Church (2 Chronicles 7:14). Repent America (Psalm 9:17, Proverb 14:34, Deuteronomy chapter 28).

Steve Lefemine

February 23, 2009



Senator questions Obama eligibility

Shelby: 'They said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven't seen any birth certificate'

Posted: February 22, 2009

[emphasis added]

United States Senator Richard Shelby, R-Ala.

WASHINGTON ­ A U.S. senator has weighed in on the continuing controversy over Barack Obama's eligibility

for office by saying he has never seen proof the new president was actually born in Hawaii.

"Well, his father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven't seen any birth certificate,"

Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., told constituents in Cullman County. "You have to be born in America to be president."

Where's the proof Barack Obama was born in the U.S. or that he fulfills the "natural-born American" clause in the Constitution? If you still want to see it, join more than 250,000 others and sign up now!

WND has reported on multiple legal challenges to Obama's status as a "natural born citizen." The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States,

at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

Some question whether he was actually born in Hawaii, as he insists. If he was born out of the country, Obama's American mother, the suits contend, was too young at the time of his birth to confer American citizenship to her son under the law at the time.

Other challenges have focused on Obama's citizenship through his father, a Kenyan subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom at the time of his birth, thus making him a dual citizen. The cases contend the framers of the Constitution excluded dual citizens from qualifying as natural born.

Here is a partial listing and status update for some of the cases over Obama's eligibility:

* New Jersey attorney Mario Apuzzo has filed a case on behalf of Charles Kerchner and others alleging

Congress didn't properly ascertain that Obama is qualified to hold the office of president.

* Philip J. Berg, a Pennsylvania Democrat, demanded that the courts verify Obama's original birth certificate

and other documents proving his American citizenship. Berg's latest appeal, requesting an injunction to stop

the Electoral College from selecting the 44th president, was denied.

* Leo Donofrio of New Jersey filed a lawsuit claiming Obama's dual citizenship disqualified him from serving

as president. His case was considered in conference by the U.S. Supreme Court but denied a full hearing.

* Cort Wrotnowski filed suit against Connecticut's secretary of state, making a similar argument to Donofrio.

His case was considered in conference by the U.S. Supreme Court, but was denied a full hearing.

* Former presidential candidate Alan Keyes headlines a list of people filing a suit in California, in a case

handled by the United States Justice Foundation, that asks the secretary of state to refuse to allow the

state's 55 Electoral College votes to be cast in the 2008 presidential election until Obama verifies

his eligibility to hold the office. The case is pending, and lawyers are seeking the public's support.

* Chicago attorney Andy Martin sought legal action requiring Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle to release Obama's

vital statistics record. The case was dismissed by Hawaii Circuit Court Judge Bert Ayabe.

* Lt. Col. Donald Sullivan sought a temporary restraining order to stop the Electoral College vote

in North Carolina until Barack Obama's eligibility could be confirmed, alleging doubt about Obama's

citizenship. His case was denied.

* In Ohio, David M. Neal sued to force the secretary of state to request documents from the Federal Elections

Commission, the Democratic National Committee, the Ohio Democratic Party and Obama to show the

presidential candidate was born in Hawaii. The case was denied.

* In Washington state, Steven Marquis sued the secretary of state seeking a determination on Obama's

citizenship. The case was denied.

* In Georgia,. Tom Terry asked the state Supreme Court to authenticate Obama's birth certificate. His

request for an injunction against Georgia's secretary of state was denied by Georgia Superior Court

Judge Jerry W. Baxter.

* California attorney Orly Taitz has brought a case, Lightfoot vs. Bowen, on behalf of Gail Lightfoot, the

vice presidential candidate on the ballot with Ron Paul, four electors and two registered voters.

In addition, other cases cited on the RightSideofLife blog as raising questions about Obama's eligibility include:

* In Texas, Darrel Hunter vs. Obama later was dismissed.

* In Ohio, Gordon Stamper vs. U.S. later was dismissed.

* In Texas, Brockhausen vs. Andrade.

* In Washington, L. Charles vs. Obama.

* In Hawaii, Keyes vs. Lingle, dismissed.




Alan Keyes: Stop Obama or U.S. will cease to exist

Claims 'communist usurper' plunges country into chaos

Posted: February 21, 2009

[excerpts, emphasis added]

Alan Keyes, a 2008 presidential candidate who is also a plaintiff in one of the many lawsuits challenging Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, charged at a pro-life rally that unless Obama's social and economic policies are stopped, the United States as we know it is over.

Keyes' comments were part of an interview with a reporter from KHAS-TV at a fundraiser for the AAA Crisis Pregnancy Center in Hastings, Neb.

"Obama is a radical communist, and I think it is becoming clear. That is what I told people in Illinois and now everybody realizes it's true," said Keyes, who ran unsuccessfully against Obama for the state's open Senate seat

in 2004. "He is going to destroy this country, and we are either going to stop him or the United States of America is going to cease to exist."

Keyes also reasserted his belief that unless the question of Obama's eligibility to serve as president is answered definitively, America may face the startling crisis of an executive branch run by a "usurper."

"Is he president of the United States?" Keyes asked the reporter of Obama. "According to the Constitution, in order to be eligible for president you have to be a natural born citizen. He has refused to provide proof."


"I'm not sure he's even president of the United States," Keyes continued, "neither are many of our military people now who are now going to court to ask the question, 'Do we have to obey a man who is not qualified under the constitution?' We are in the midst of the greatest crisis this nation has ever seen, and if we don't stop laughing about it and deal with it, we're going to find ourselves in the midst of chaos, confusion and civil war."

Keyes, who stated he refuses even to refer to Obama as president, labeled the man in the Oval Office as "somebody who is kind of an alleged usurper, who is alleged to be someone who is occupying that office without constitutional warrant to do so."

Video of the interview can be seen below:


Keyes: Stop Obama or U.S. will cease to exist

Video (4:07) Views: 147,564



CCL Note: Alan Keyes is Roman Catholic, and an ardent pro-life spokeman and defender of the unborn. He was also a

UN Under-Secretary for (the late) CFR-member, CFR-director US Ambassador to the United Nations,

Jeane Kirkpatrick. Alan Keyes did not endorse the heroic stand of former Army Specialist Michael New,

who stood in the gap for the military service members of this nation by refusing an (illegal) order, i.e., to put

United Nations insignia and accouterments on his United States Army battle dress uniform (BDU). In the

opinion of this author (Steve Lefemine, US Army, 1977-82, ARCOM (2), ABN, FA, CPT), Michael New is

an American hero, who will one day be vindicated (Michael is a Christian who was homeschooled, not

dumbed-down by the socialist government schools).

Roman Catholicism is NOT Biblical Christianity



States reviewing 'eligibility' challenges

Montana tables plan while Oklahoma's gets committee approval

Posted: February 20, 2009

[excerpts, emphasis added]

Campaigners who have brought dozens of lawsuits challenging President Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval

Office under constitutional requirements he be a "natural born" citizen continue chasing those cases through arguments over discovery and hearing schedules, but now they also have turned their attention to state legislatures, which could require their states to verify such information about candidates.