The Goals

1) Prepare students and staff to be safe, successful citizens by creating technology-rich opportunities at ACS.

2) Improve communication and productivity within the ACS community.

3) Administer and maintain a long-range commitment to technology’s role at ACS.

Goal 1: Prepare students and staff to be safe, successful citizens by creating technology-rich opportunities at ACS. (training/curriculum/access)


  • Integrate technology standards, resources, and opportunities into curriculum development process and instructional practices.
  • Maintain a strategic training program model for staff and school community awareness of technology.
  • Maximize access to facilities, equipment, opportunities and resources.
  • Support the needs of the Special Education students and staff with technology.

Goal 2: Improve communication and productivity within the ACS community. (practices/communication)


  • Effectively communicate policies for safe, ethical access and usage of services and data.
  • Communicate criteria and process for evaluating services and upgrading systems.
  • Maximize ACS’s link to the world and its resources.
  • Maintain communication with district committees regarding technology needs.

Goal 3: Administer and maintain a long-range commitment to technology’s role at ACS. (financial/policies and procedures)


  • Revisit the mission, structure and responsibilities of the Technology committee.
  • Maintain updated technology related policies and procedures.
  • Maintain a long-term strategic plan for financial commitment to technology (equipment, supplies, maintenance and training).

Projects/Topics to add for 16-17:

  • SMART Schools Bond (upgrade wireless and switches – increase classroom technology and/or devices)
  • 1:1 Program fully implemented in HS
  • Legos?
  • Maker Space?
  • Community-Based Program Survey?
  • LINKS?
  • CBT field test
  • Windows 10 upgrade
  • Matt will give me network update information
  • New interactive touch screen test
  • Increase access to iPads for Special Education

Goal 1: Prepare students and staff to be safe, successful citizens by creating technology-rich opportunities at ACS.

Integrate technology standards, resources, and opportunities into curriculum development process and instructional practices.

STEM Initiative / Vicky Gregory/MS / Robotics kits were purchased to being STEM implementations / May 2015 – Lego kits purchased
STEAM activities / Stacey Gridley, Nancy Phetteplace / Kopernik- third grade students build robots with Logos and computers.
Cubelets-fourth grade students used these to build modular robots. / March-June 2015
Adobe Created Cloud / Matt Bostelman / The Adobe Create Cloud was purchased to replace stand-alone media production and graphics programs
Online resources utilized with the implementation of the Digital Device Program / Stacey Gridley and 1 to 1 teachers / Schoology, Wiki Spaces, One Note, online text books, Socrative
Borrowed ipad cart from teaching center for 4th grade / N. Phetteplace, T. Beames, P. Wagner / Spring 2016
STEAM activities added / S. Gridley / 10-15 minute activity cards for grades 2-6 / Fall 2015
The K-8 Technology Curriculum includes Internet safety / Stacey Gridley, Eric Garlitz, Vicky Gregory / K: Brainpop Jr. Video
1: ‘Go Places Safely’ worksheet
2: PBS Kids – Personal Info.
3: Discussion – what is personal info? How to be safe. Netsmartz
4: Brainpop video (personal safety) and worksheet.
5: Brainpop video (digital Etiquette) and worksheet.
6: Unit – Personal Info, Digital Etiquette, Cyberbullying, Copyright issues – create posters.
Training with the Digital Devices / S. Gridley and 1 to 1 teachers / Staff share additional resources and experiences / Summer training and qrt meetings
Utilize on-line testing application for State SLO’s. / Administrators, Teachers, Stacy Huyck, Ronal Noone, Julie Sutton / i-Ready (which is a State approved, 3rd party online testing application) K-12 for ELA and Math benchmark tests
StaffTrac/Data Mate / staff / All state test results are available through DataMate for analysis

Maintain a strategic training program model for staff and school community awareness of technology.

Winter Tech Sessions / Tech Team / Additional sessions will be added as needed. / Feb/March 2016
SafeSchools / All Staff / A variety of online courses are available for all staff, including Internet Safety
1-1 training/support / S. Gridley, S. Huyck / Use Schoology for online lessons / Summer 2016
Resources added to website / Stacy Huyck & Dan DeVona / The district website will host a page dedicated to PD resources – this will be update throughout the school year
Active Shooter Demonstration / Betty Briggs / Participation by all staff during a conference day /
February 1, 2016
Website resources including Internet safety resources on the district website and at Open House / Tech Team & Guidance Staff / The website is used as the tool for communication and distribution of resources – favorites including a section dedicated to Internet safety resources
Pamphlets distributed at Open House
Tech Session / Stacy Huyck / Conference Day Session for Non-Instructional Staff /
February 1, 2016

Maximize access to facilities, equipment, opportunities and resources.

MS/HS Library Maker Space / Dan DeVona
Borrowed ipad cart from teaching center for 4th grade / N. Phetteplace, T. Beames, P. Wagner / Spring 2016
Adobe Created Cloud / Matt Bostelman / The Adobe Create Cloud was purchased which gives all staff access to a suite of programs / September 2015
Expanded the Digital Device Program (1 to 1) to include 11th grade / Dave Glover, Betty Briggs, Tech Team, HS teachers / All students in grades 11 and 12 received a tablet
Some 10th graders also were included based on their course load / September 2015
Utilization of OneDrive for document access / Tech Team / Staff was trained and given access to OneDrive in order to store and access documents from anywhere with Internet access / September 2015
Continue to utilize distance learning tools to increase course opportunities for students the / Jill Nordberg, Dave Glover, Sarah Delarco, Jacquie Buckler, Vicky Glover, Kim Nutting, Eric Garlitz, Matt Bostelman, Stacy Huyck / TC3 and BCC online course offerings
Blended Learning
Credit Recovery
Use of laptop carts for whole class instruction 3-6 / Teachers, Tech Team, Beth Carsello / Grades 3 and 4 share
Grades 5 and 6 share
Continue to maintain student computers in the classrooms K-8 / District / The teachers are utilizing the laptops for centers. Middle School will have access to classroom computers
Laptops sign-outs available / Tech Support / Staff and students are able to sign out laptops for the use of tutoring or off-site meetings
Network and email accounts are now available for all staff (instructional and non-instructional) / Matt Bostelman / Users are now expected to login and check email regularly as the main mode of communication within the district

Support the needs of the Special Education students and staff with technology.

i-Ready / Marcella Rhodes, RTI Staff, Stacey Gridley, Stacy Huyck, Julie Sutton / i-Ready diagnostic and instructional licenses are being used to support RTI students
Purchase of ipads / M. Rhodes / Apps are being used for enlarging print and instructional practices in the Special Education classrooms. / Fall 2015
Use of ibooks for print enlargement / S. Gridley, S. Merrell / Scan pages, then import them to ibooks for student with IEP for enlarged print / Fall 2015
Audiobooks / Libraries / The library owns a number of them- both physical and digital, plus access to many more
eBooks / Libraries / The library has over 400 in inventory; a memo was sent out giving directions for public library access
Text to speech / Libraries / This is available on the majority of our databases and many of our eBooks

Goal 2: Improve communication and productivity within the ACS community.

Effectively communicate policies for safe, ethical access and usage of services and data.

Developed (or added to) Digital Citizenship curriculum for grades 7-12, using Common Sense Media lesson plans. / S. Gridley – shared with E. Garlitz (7), V. Gregory (8), B. Davis (9, 10), S. Delarco (11, 12) / Grades 7 and 8 – teachers use lessons from which include privacy, bullying, copyright laws, etc.
Grades 9-12 – teachers assist students to follow a Schoology course (approx.1 hour) and take a culminating quiz in class (40 minutes). Topics on digital citizenship and useful tech tools (email, cloud based software, etc.) are provided. / To be used beginning fall 2016.
Use on-line application for tracking APPR data / Stacy Huyck, Beth Carsello, Dave Glover, Betty Briggs, Marcella Rhodes / StaffTrac is being used by all instructional staff to manage SLOs and evaluation criteria
Updates put in place to accommodate new requirements / On-going
Grade Parent Portal available for parents of students in grades 5 through 12 / Building Principals, teachers and Stacy Huyck / Parents are now able to use PowerSchool to view student grades and attendance
Renewal of SSL on the student management system / Stacy Huyck, Matt Bostelman / Renewal and installing an SSL ensures that data is encrypted when accessing PowerSchool / Spring 2016
Opening Day Tech Session / Stacy Huyck / This session give the tech team an opportunity to share issue, policies and recommendations regarding digital citizenship and best practices / September 3 – 4, 2014
Board Policy Updates / Connie Beames, Betty Briggs, BOE, Stacy Huyck / A dedicated page for all BOE policy updates has been created on the website and will be updated as policies are updated
Student Resources: YES Program, Olweus, DASA / Dave Puglisi, Ronal Noone, Stacy Huyck / The website contains resources for each of these programs, including an anonymous reporting option
Create links on the website to Internet safety resources. / Stacy Huyck / Both Parent and Student have links to Internet safety sites
Employees have access to SafeSchools
Use of messaging system within PowerSchool / Stacy Huyck, Ronal Noone / Messages can be added to the public, teacher and admin login screens in PowerSchool
Use of School Messenger, automated calling system / Administrators, Stacy Huyck / Automated calls and emails are sent to inform parents and staff

Communicate criteria and process for evaluating services and upgrading systems.

KACE Support Center / Matt Bostelman / Offers staff the ability to create issues and track them through an online system
SchoolDude / Brian Phetteplace / Online maintenance program for reporting issues and problems, inventory, etc / September 2015
Financial package upgrade / Ken Howard / The Finance Manager application was upgraded and is now nVision / March 2016

Maximize ACS’s link to the world and its resources.

Live streaming of district events / Tech Team, Dan DeVona / Utilization of a video streaming service through BOCES which allows the district to broadcast live events at the district / April 2016
Gather current policies and review the status / Tech Team, Betty Briggs, Connie Beams / NYSSBA is used for sample policy updates / Update where necessary
Network Requirements / Matt Bostelman / At this time, the devices and network meet the specs for online testing
WiFi Requirements / Matt Bostelman / Developing an upgrade plan for our current wireless network / May 2016
District website / Website Committee / Continue to utilize and update the district website

Maintain communication with district committees regarding technology needs.

Model Schools / P. Sheridan, chair / Chromebooks research
Google apps for education
Robotics programs / Ongoing. DCMO converted to Google fall 2015
Incorporate related goals and initiatives of district committees into the current technology plan / Committee Chairs / LINKS, Safety Committee/Crisis Response, CSE, Libraries, STEM/STEAM Council, Data driven instruction team
TechSupport email / Tech Team / An email address is available to end-users to report problems

Goal 3: Administer and maintain a long-range commitment to technology’s role at ACS. (financial/policies and procedures)

Revisit the mission, structure and responsibilities of the Technology Committee.

Update the Technology Plan / Tech Committee / The focus of the meetings has been to review and update the current tech plan
BOE Updates / Betty Briggs / An overview of the upcoming technology purchases are reviewed, along with the technology planning for the next year / Spring

Maintain updated technology related policies and procedures.

Certificates of completion are available through SafeSchools / staff / Available to the individual for printing
District office receives copies of sign-in sheets for after-school tech sessions / Stacy Huyck, Connie Beames / A copy of the sheets are stored at the district office and reference for PD hours
Implement data protection protocols and process / Administration, Tech Team, Tech Committee / Update the Parents’ Bill of Rights, SSL on PowerSchool server, PII Vendor Procedures put into place / Fall 2015
Stipend/Sub Reimbursement / DCMO BOCES / BOCES provides the listing of staff in their quarterly billing
Inventory System / Tech Team / All instructional purchases (hardware and software) tracked in KACE

Maintain a long-term strategic plan for financial commitment to technology (equipment, supplies, maintenance and training).

SMART projectors/board replacements / Tech Team / The hardware line will be used to replace projectors and printers
Tech Team Meetings / Tech Team / Updates and discussions on this topic at weekly meetings
Classroom Visitations / Tech Team / Stacey Gridley visits regularly and the Tech Team sets up periodic meetings to share and gather information / Visited classrooms available to students/ staff 7:30-8:30 AM
Surveys / Tech Team and Administrators / Staff, student and parent surveys will be distributed in order to gather information for next year’s implementation / Surveys were sent October, January, May.
IPA through Broome-Tioga BOCES / BOE, Building Administrators, Tech Team and Tech Committee / Renewal of a 5-year Instalment Purchasing Agreement for the on-going support of instructional technology
Building Construction Survey Update / Administration, Tech Team, BOE, Tim Bivens and associates / Technology needs for the next 5 years were incorporated into the buildings construction survey and will be tied back to the Technology Plan / June 2016