PTA MonthlyQuick Reference Checklist

  • Attend NWC Region PTA Packet Orientation (bring officers/board members)
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  • Finalize goals for the new year
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  • Attend trainings
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w/Budget Comm /
  • Prepare a preliminary budget/publicize it to membership (then hold board meeting)
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  • Set PTA meeting dates for the upcoming year. General Membership & Board Mtgs.
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  • Distribute PTA procedure books
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w/Audit Comm /
  • Insure annual audit has been completed
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w/Membership /
  • Begin promoting membership enrollment – create membership campaign
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w/picture chair /
  • Be sure location, time and procedure is set for picture day (if applicable)
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Leadership Promotion /
  • Sign up for PTA trainings; at minimum include officers and board members. Check your bylaws for required courses that must be taken by the board.
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PTA promotion /
  • Set up a booth at open houses to display PTA materials and discuss the benefits of belonging to the PTA. Use this opportunity to build and demonstrate the partnership between the school and the PTA.
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  • Review the Illinois PTA Bulletin and local unit packet information for Illinois PTAConferences to be held in your area, and make plans for attending.
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w/Treasurer /
  • Pay your PTA liability insurance premium & send proof to Council/Region Director.
  • Submit membership dues to state office before October 1.
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  • Submit your audit to Council/Region Director
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w/Membership /
  • Promote membership enrollment
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w/Membership /
  • Contact principal and faculty with Reflections Project general rules. 2013/14 Reflection Theme: “Believe, Dream, Imagine…”
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General Membership Meeting /
  • Be sure your audit is presented and budget is approved by your membership
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w/Membership /
  • Ask the membership committee, with the help of the room representatives, to call on every parent and teacher to ask them to join the PTA.
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w/Membership /
  • Send letters of invitation home with all students, for their families to join PTA.
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w/Membership /
  • Invite past presidents and officers to rejoin your PTA.
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w/Membership /
  • Contact state board members, past presidents and officers, and community members to invite them to join your PTA.
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PTA promotion /
  • Set up an information table at all registrations, i.e., kindergarten, elementary and high school; classroom volunteer and parent orientation meetings. This is a prime time for recruiting members and encouraging others to help.
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PTA promotion /
  • Kick off a media campaign by providing information about thePTA and its activities to all your members and local media.
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Board Mtg/email /
  • Inform members about the Region/District Annual Meeting and urge them to attend. (delegate event; remember to include principal and assistant principal.)
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PTA MonthlyQuick Reference Checklist

w/Treasurer /
  • First dues must be received by the State Office postmarked no later than October 1st
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w/Membership /
  • Make sure all new families and teachers in your school have been invited to join PTA.
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  • Set up a booth at open houses to display PTA materials and discuss the benefits of belonging to the PTA. Use this opportunity to build and demonstrate the partnership between the school and the PTA.
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  • Put articles in PTA, school and community newsletters.
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  • Attend the Region Annual Meeting/Dinner – invite administrators as well
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  • Check with the high school principal to see if he received application forms for the Illinois PTA Scholarship. Inform your membership of this program.
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Recognitions /
  • Consider honoring an outstanding member of your faculty with the Local Unit Educator of the Year Award during American Education Week in November. You may present one of these awards each year at any time during the year.
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w/Reflections /
  • Continue promotion of Reflections. Check with district board for deadlines.

w/Treasurer /
  • Remind the treasurer to submit membership dues to the state office.
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w/Membership /
  • Organize a group to make personal contacts, either by visits or phone calls, to all parents, teachers and community members who have not joined your PTA.
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w/Treasurer /
  • Remind the treasurer to submit membership dues to the state office.
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w/Treasurer /
  • File tax return to IRS no later than November 15 if PTA year end is June 30.
  • Turn in copy of return to Council/Region Director.
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w/Membership /
  • Request additional membership cards from the state office, if needed. Don’t forget to use your Membership Card Request form.
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w/Reflections /
  • Reflections projects should be completed for judging at your PTA level.
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w/Reflections /
  • Reflections projects should be completed for judging at council or district level. Check with district directors for deadlines.
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  • Consult your PTA’s bylaws to determine whether this is the month to elect the nominating committee
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w/Treasurer /
  • Remind the treasurer to submit membership dues to the state office.
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w/Board /
  • Take stock of your unit’s achievements thus far and resolve to make the balance of the year count for the welfare of children and youth.
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  • Look ahead, February is a very busy month. Take some time to make sure you are on the right track to get all of your awards submissions in on time.
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  • Make plans to observe Founders’ Day. Invite Past Presidents, PTA board members, school board members, administrators, and retired teachers.
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w/Treasurer /
  • Remind the treasurer to send your PTA’s scholarship contribution to Illinois PTA and to your council if applicable.
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  • Consult your PTA’s bylaws to determine whether this is the month to elect the nominating committee.
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w/Treasurer /
  • Remind the treasurer to submit membership dues to the state office.
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PTA MonthlyQuick Reference Checklist

w/Treasurer /
  • Pre-register for the Illinois PTA Annual Convention.
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w/Chairmen /
  • Send in application for awards. Deadline for all Illinois PTA Awards is this month
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  • Market District/Region Reflections Reception happening in March
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  • Begin plans for attendance at the annual state convention.
  • Check your PTA’s bylaws for selection of delegates.
  • Watch for the convention issue of the Illinois PTA Bulletin. Registration information will also be available on the Illinois PTA website (
  • Be sure housing and meals reservations for delegates have been sent in.
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w/Membership /
  • Conduct the second membership enrollment campaign in order to contact parents and teachers who might have been missed or have come into the school since the first enrollment.
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  • Celebrate Founders Day with activities related to the Illinois PTA anniversary
  • Honor the past presidents of your PTA.
  • Send Founders Day gift to the state office. This money is used to promote the work of the PTA.
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w/Treasurer /
  • Remind the treasurer to submit membership dues to the state office.
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  • Attend region/district Reflections Reception.
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Recognitions /
  • Honor an outstanding person in your community by presenting him with a Life Membership Awardor have a name placed in the Book of Recognition. Honor a faculty member with a Local Unit Educator of the Year Award if you have not already done so.
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  • Register delegates for Illinois PTA convention, if not already done.
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w/Treasurer /
  • Remind the treasurer to submit membership dues to the state office.
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Leadership /
  • Give full information about schools of information and/or special district conferences to new officers. Urge them to attend.
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Members /
  • Consult membership for evaluation of program of current year’s programs. Ask them for ideas for programs for next year.
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  • Consult your bylaws to comply with the proper time to hold elections.
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  • Attend Illinois PTA convention
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  • Plan to attend the annual convention of the National PTA in June. Visit the National PTA website to register online. Contact the Illinois PTA office for information on obtaining a National PTA credential card(s).
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w/Treasurer /
  • Remind the treasurer to submit membership dues to the state office.
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PTA MonthlyQuick Reference Checklist

  • Fill out the pink (or green, if you are a council president) registration form and sendit to the state office no later than May 15. You may also find these forms on the Illinois PTA Website.
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PTA promotion /
  • Plan a meeting for parents of children entering school for the first time in the fall. (possibly talk at a kindergarten welcome by the principal)
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  • Remind officers and chairmen to hand to their successors all materials pertaining to their offices.
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  • Be sure all End of Year Reports are turned in.
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  • Ask delegates to report on the state convention.
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w/Treasurer /
  • Remind the treasurer to submit membership dues to the state office.
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  • Honor outgoing officers and chairmen. If you are an outgoing president contact your district director about joining the district board.
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  • Plan for next year’s membership campaign.
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  • Plan your budget for next year.
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w/Treasurer & Membership /
  • Your final membership payment must be postmarked by June 25th and unused membership cards returned to the state office, along with the Membership Card Return Transmittal form and a copy of your final membership roster.
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Exec Committee /
  • Form your PTA board.
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Exec Committee /
  • Plan your programs for next year
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  • Elect your audit committee and set date for the audit.
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  • Set date of budget meeting
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  • Review and update committee procedure books, develop procedure books for new positions.
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  • Set deadline for Plan of Works to be turned in.
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w/Treasurer /
  • Remind the treasurer to submit membership dues to the state office.
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  • Conduct Audit
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  • Update procedure books
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  • Hold a board orientation for all chairmen and hand out procedure books. Include deadlines for Plan of Works to be turned in (prior to budget meeting)
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  • Conduct Budget meeting
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w/ Memberhsip /
  • Create membership campaign and goals for it.
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w/outgoing president /
  • Fill out and turn in Local Unit Honor Award Application to Region Director
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PTA Monthly Task Reminders: To Do