II CORINTHIANS 1v1 Paul (an) apostle of-Jesus Messiah through-(the) will of-God and the brother Timothy to-the assembly of-the God namely-the (one) being in Corinth with all the holy (ones) namely-the (ones) being in the total Achaia:
II CORINTHIANS 1v2 Favor to-YOU and peace from God our Father and Jehovah Jesus Messiah.
II CORINTHIANS 1v3 Blessed (is) the God and Father of-our Lord Jesus Messiah, the Father of-the pities and God of-all comfort,
II CORINTHIANS 1v4 The (one) comforting us upon all the tribulation of-us, with-reference-to our being-able to-be-comforting the (ones) in all tribulation through the comfort of-which we ourselves are-being-comforted by the God.
II CORINTHIANS 1v5 That according-as the sufferings of-the Messiah (are)-exceeding with-reference-to us, thus through the Messiah our comfort also is-exceeding.
II CORINTHIANS 1v6 But whether we-are-being-oppressed in-behalf-of YOUR comfort and salvation, the (one) operating-for-itself in perseverance of-the same sufferings which we ourselves also are-suffering, and our hope (is) firm in-behalf-of YOU; or we-are-being comforted (it-is) in-behalf-of YOUR comfort and salvation;
II CORINTHIANS 1v7 Knowing-absolutely that as YOU-are partners of-the sufferings, thus also of-the comfort.
II CORINTHIANS 1v8 For we-are not willing (for) YOU to-be-being-ignorant, brothers, in-behalf-of our tribulation, namely-the (one) having-come-to-pass in the Asia, that we-were-weighted according-to (a) surpassing-manner above power, so-that we despaired even to-be-living;
II CORINTHIANS 1v9 BUT we ourselves have-had-and-still-have in ourselves the answer of-the death, in-order-that we-might not be (ones) having-relied-and-still-relying on ourselves BUT on the God namely-the (one) raising the dead (ones);
II CORINTHIANS 1v10 Who delivered us out-of so-great death and he-is-delivering, with-reference-to whom we-have-hoped-and-still-hope that also he-will still deliver,
II CORINTHIANS 1v11 And of-YOU cooperating in-behalf-of us in the petition, in-order-that out-of many faces he-might-be-given-thanks through many in-behalf-of us (for) the bestowed-favor with-reference-to us.
II CORINTHIANS 1v12 For our reason-to-boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, because in holy-character and sincerity of-the God, not in fleshly wisdom BUT in favor of-God we-were-turned-about in the world but more-excessively toward YOU.
II CORINTHIANS 1v13 For we-are not writing other-things to-YOU BUT than what-things YOU-are-reading or also YOU-are-coming-to-know-thoroughly, but I-am-hoping that YOU-will-come-to-know-thoroughly-for-yourselves till (the) finish,
II CORINTHIANS 1v14 According-as also, from part, YOU-came-to-know us thoroughly, because we-are YOUR boast even-as also YOU of-us in the day of-our Lord Jesus.
II CORINTHIANS 1v15 And in-this reliance I-was-purposing to-come to YOU formerly in-order-that YOU-might-have (a) second favor,
II CORINTHIANS 1v16 And to-go-through, through YOU, into Macedonia, and again to-come from Macedonia to YOU and to-be-sent-forward by YOU into the Judea.
II CORINTHIANS 1v17 Therefore purposing this, so ever-at-all used-I the levity for-myself? Or which-things I-am-resolving am-I-resolving according-to flesh, in-order-that there-might-be beside me the yea yea and the no no?
II CORINTHIANS 1v18 But the God (is) trustworthy that our word, the (one) to YOU, is not yea and no.
II CORINTHIANS 1v19 For the son of-the God, Jesus Messiah, the (one) having-been-preached among YOU through us, through me and Silvanus and Timothy, it-became not yea and no, BUT it-has-become-and-still-is yea in him.
II CORINTHIANS 1v20 For as-many-as (there-are) promises of-God, in him (is) the yea; on-this-account also through him the amen, toward glory to-the God through us.
II CORINTHIANS 1v21 But the (one) making us firm with YOU with-reference-to Messiah and having-consecrated us (is) God,
II CORINTHIANS 1v22 The (one) also having-sealed us for-himself and having-given the down-payment of-the Spirit in our hearts.
II CORINTHIANS 1v23 But I myself-am-calling-on the God (as) witness upon my soul, that sparing YOU I-came no-more into Corinth.
II CORINTHIANS 1v24 Not that we-are-exercising-lordship of YOUR trust, BUT we-are fellow-workers of YOUR joy; for YOU-have-stood-and-still-stand by-the trust.
II CORINTHIANS 2V1 But I-judged this for-myself, not again to-come to YOU in grief.
II CORINTHIANS 2v2 For if I myself-am-grieving YOU, who also is the (one) causing me to-be-being-merry if not the (one) being-grieved out-of me?
II CORINTHIANS 2v3 And I wrote this same-thing to-YOU in-order-that having-come I-might not be-having grief from whom it-was-essential (for) me to-be-rejoicing, having-had-and-still-having-reliance on YOU all that my joy is of-YOU all.
II CORINTHIANS 2v4 For out-of much tribulation and holding-together of-heart I-wrote to-YOU through many tears, in-order-that YOU-might not be-grieved, BUT in-order-that YOU-might-come-to-know the charity which I-am-having more-excessively with-reference-to YOU.
II CORINTHIANS 2v5 But if someone has-grieved-and-still-grieves, he-has not grieved-and-still-does not grieve me, BUT from part, in-order-that I-might not be-putting-a-weight-on YOU all.
II CORINTHIANS 2v6 This rebuke, the (one) by the most, is adequate for-the (one) such-as-this,
II CORINTHIANS 2v7 So-as on-the-contrary rather YOU to-bestow-favor and to-comfort (him), lest-perchance the (one) such-as-this might-be-swallowed by more-excessive grief.
II CORINTHIANS 2v8 On-this-account I-am-entreating YOU to-validate charity with-reference-to him,
II CORINTHIANS 2v9 For with-reference-to this-thing I also wrote, in-order-that I-might-come-to-know the proof of-YOU, if YOU-are obedient (ones) with-reference-to all-things.
II CORINTHIANS 2v10 But to-whom YOU-are-bestowing-favor (for) something, I-also; for even (for) what I myself-have-bestowed-favor and-still-bestow-favor, if I-have-bestowed-favor-and-still-bestow-favor (for) something, (it-is) because-of YOU in face of-Messiah,
II CORINTHIANS 2v11 In-order-that we-might not be-taken-advantage-of by the adversary; for we-are not being-ignorant of-his thoughts.
II CORINTHIANS 2v12 But having-come into the Troas with-reference-to the good-news of-the Messiah, and (a) door having-been-opened-and-still-open to-me in Jehovah,
II CORINTHIANS 2v13 I-have not had-and-still-do not have relaxation in my spirit in my not finding Titus my brother, BUT having-bid-farewell to-them I-went-out into Macedonia.
II CORINTHIANS 2v14 But favor to-the God to-the (one) always triumphing us in the Messiah and manifesting the smell of-the knowledge of-him through us in every place;
II CORINTHIANS 2v15 Because we-are (a) fragrance of-Messiah to-the God among the (ones) being-saved and among the (ones) perishing.
II CORINTHIANS 2v16 On-the-one-hand to-the (ones) (a) smell of-death with-reference-to death, on-the-other-hand to-the (ones) (a)-smell of-life with-reference-to life. And who (is) adequate toward these-things?
II CORINTHIANS 2v17 For we-are not as the many adulterating the word of-the God for-filthy-lucre, BUT as out-of sincerity, BUT we-are-speaking as out-of God completely-in-sight of-God in Messiah.
II CORINTHIANS 3v3 Are-we-beginning again to-be-commending ourselves? Or are-we-needing as some, of-commendatory epistles to YOU or out-of YOU? [No! is the required answer]
II CORINTHIANS 3v2 YOU yourselves-are our epistle, having-been-written-and-still-written in our hearts, coming-to-be-known and being-read by all MEN,
II CORINTHIANS 3v3 (Ones)-being-manifested that You-are (an) epistle of-Messiah ministered by us, having-been-written-and-still-written not with-black-ink BUT with (the) Spirit of-(the)-living God, not in flat-tablets of-stone BUT in flat-tablets (of) fleshy hearts.
II CORINTHIANS 3v4 But we-are-having reliance such-as-this through the Messiah toward the God.
II CORINTHIANS 3v5 Not that we-are adequate from ourselves to-figure anything as out-of ourselves, BUT our adequateness (is) out-of the God,
II CORINTHIANS 3v6 Who also made us adequate ministers of-(a)-new-quality covenant, not of-letter BUT of-spirit; for the letter is-killing, but the spirit is-making-alive.
II CORINTHIANS 3v7 But if the ministry of-the death having-been-and-still-engraved in letters in stones came-to-pass with glory, so-that the sons of-Israel (were) not to-be-being-able to-stare with-reference-to the face of-Moses because-of the glory of-his face, the (glory) being-rendered-inactive,
II CORINTHIANS 3v8 How will NOT rather the ministry of-the Spirit be with glory?
II CORINTHIANS 3v9 For if the ministry of-the condemnation (is) glory, by-much more the ministry of-the righteousness is-exceeding in-glory.
II CORINTHIANS 3v10 For even the (thing) having-been-and-still-glorified has not been-and-is-still not glorified in this part on-account of the surpassing glory.
II CORINTHIANS 3v11 For if the (thing) being-rendered-inactive (is) through glory, by-much more the (thing) remaining (is) in glory.
|v12 Having therefore hope such-as-this we-are-using much boldness-of-speech,
II CORINTHIANS 3v13 And not even-as Moses was-putting (a) covering on his face, toward the sons of Israel not to-stare with-reference-to the finish of-the (thing) being-rendered-inactive.
II CORINTHIANS 3v14 BUT their thoughts were-petrified. For until the today day the same covering is-remaining on the reading of-the old covenant, (it) not being-discovered that in Messiah it-is-being-rendered-inactive.
II CORINTHIANS 3v15 BUT till today at-which-time Moses is-being-read (a) covering is-lying on their heart;
II CORINTHIANS 3v16 But at-which-time if it-might-turn-around to Jehovah the covering is-being-lifted-from-around (it).
II CORINTHIANS 3v17 But the Lord is the Spirit; but the-place-where the Spirit of-Jehovah (is), there (is) freedom.
II CORINTHIANS 3v18 But we all, in-(a)-person having-been-and-still-discovered, (are) (ones) beholding-for-our-selves-in-a-mirror the glory of-Jehovah, we-are-being-transformed-(into) the same image from glory with-reference-to glory, even-as from Jehovah Spirit.
II CORINTHIANS 4v1 Because-of this, having this ministry, according-as we-had-mercy-bestowed, we-are not being-weary,
II CORINTHIANS 4v2 BUT we-renounced-for-ourselves the hidden-things of-the shame, not walking-around in craftiness nor adulterating the word of-the God, BUT by-the manifestation of-the truth commending ourselves to every conscience of-MEN in sight of-the God.
II CORINTHIANS 4v3 But if also our good-news is having-been-covered-and-still-is-covered, it-is having-been-covered-and-still-is-covered among the (ones) perishing,
II CORINTHIANS 4v4 In whom the God of-this age blinded the thoughts of-the unbelieving with-reference-to the enlightenment of-the good-news of-the glory of-the Messiah, who is the image of-the God, not to-dawn upon them.
II CORINTHIANS 4v5 For we-are not preaching ourselves BUT Messiah Jesus Jehovah, but ourselves your slaves because-of Jesus.
II CORINTHIANS 4v6 Because the God namely-the (one) having said: Out-of darkness light will-shine, who shined in our hearts toward enlightenment of-the knowledge of-the glory of-the God in (the) person of-Messiah.
II CORINTHIANS 4v7 But we-are-having this store in vessels made-of-clay, in-order-that the surpassing-manner of-the power might-be of-the God and not out-of us;
II CORINTHIANS 4v8 (Ones) being-oppressed BUT not being-in-anguish, being-perplexed BUT not despairing,
II CORINTHIANS 4v9 Being-persecuted BUT not being-abandoned, being-cast-down BUT not perishing,
II CORINTHIANS 4v10 Always bringing-about in the body the deadness of-the Jesus, in-order-that the life also of-the Jesus might-be-manifested in our body.
II CORINTHIANS 4v11 For invaluably we, the (ones) living, are-being-given-over with-reference-to death because-of Jesus, in-order-that the life also of-the Jesus might-be-manifested in our mortal flesh.
II CORINTHIANS 4v12 So-that the death is-operating-for-itself in us but the life in YOU.
II CORINTHIANS 4v13 But having the same spirit of-the trust, according-to the-thing having-been-written-and-still-written: I-trusted, on-this-account I-spoke; we ourselves also are-trusting, on-this-account we-are-speaking,
II CORINTHIANS 4v14 Knowing-absolutely that the (one) having-raised the Lord Jesus will-raise us also with Jesus and will-stand-(us)-alongside with YOU.
II CORINTHIANS 4v15 For the all-things (are) because-of YOU, in-order-that the favor, having-abounded through the most, might-be-exceeding the giving-of-thanks with-reference-to the glory of-the God.
II CORINTHIANS 4v16 On-this-account we-are not being-weary, BUT if also our MAN without is-being-corrupted-through, BUT the (one) inside of-us is-being-renewed day and day.
II CORINTHIANS 4v17 For the momentary lightness of-our tribulation according-to (a) surpassing-manner is-working-out for-us (an) eternal weight of-glory with-reference to (a) surpassing-manner,
II CORINTHIANS 4v18 (As) of-our not contemplating the-things being-looked-at BUT the-things not being-looked-at, for the-things being-looked-at (are) for-a-season, but the-things not being-looked-at (are) eternal.
II CORINTHIANS 5v1 For we-are-knowing-absolutely that if our earthly house of-the tabernacle might-be-overthrown, we-are-having (a) building out-of God, (a) house not-made-by-hand, eternal in the heavens.
II CORINTHIANS 5v2 For also in this (tabernacle) we-are-groaning, longing-for to-be-ourselves-clothed-in-over (by) our dwelling, namely-the (one) out-of heaven,
II CORINTHIANS 5v3 If in-fact having also ourselves-been-clothed-in (it), we-shall not be-found naked.
II CORINTHIANS 5v4 For also we, the (ones) being in the tabernacle are-groaning being-weighted, over which we-are not willing to-strip-ourselves BUT to-be-clothed-in-over-ourselves in-order-that the mortal might-be-swallowed by the life.
II CORINTHIANS 5v5 But the (one) having-worked us out with-reference-to this same-thing (is) God, the (one) having-given to-us the down-payment of-the Spirit.
II CORINTHIANS 5v6 Being-confident therefore always and knowing-absolutely that inhabiting in the body we-are-being-abroad from the Lord;
II CORINTHIANS 5v7 For we-are-walking-around through trust, not through shape;
II CORINTHIANS 5v8 But we-are-being-confident and we-are-thinking (it) well rather to-be-abroad out-of the body and to-inhabit with the Lord.
II CORINTHIANS 5v9 On-this-account also we-are-loving-honor, whether inhabiting or being-abroad, to-be (ones) well-pleasing to-him.
II CORINTHIANS 5v10 For it-is-essential the us all to-be-manifested in-front of-the rostrum of-the Messiah, in-order-that each-one might-obtain-for-himself the-things through the body toward what-things he-practised. whether good or worthless.
II CORINTHIANS 5v11 Knowing-absolutely therefore the fear of-the Lord we-are-persuading MEN, but we-have-been-and-still-are-manifested to-God, but I-am-hoping also to-have-been-and-still-be-manifested in YOUR consciences.
|II CORINTHIANS 5v12 For we-are not commending ourselves again to-YOU, BUT giving to-YOU (an) opportunity of-(a)-boast in-our behalf, in-order-that YOU-might-be-having (it) toward the (ones) boasting in (a) person and not in-heart.
II CORINTHIANS 5v13 For whether we-were-made-ecstatic by-God; or we-are-being-of-sound-mind, (it-is) for-YOU.
II CORINTHIANS 5v14 For the charity of-the Messiah is-holding us together, having-judged this, that one died-off in-behalf-of all; so the all died-off.
II CORINTHIANS 5v15 And he-died-off in-behalf-of all in-order-that the (ones) living might no-longer be-living to-themselves BUT to-the (one) having-died-off and having-been-raised in-behalf-of them.
II CORINTHIANS 5v16 So-that from of-the now we ourselves-are-knowing-absolutely no-one according-to flesh; but even if we-had-come-to-know-and-still-know Messiah according-to flesh, BUT now we-are no-longer coming-to-know.
II CORINTHIANS 5v17 So that if anyone (is) in Messiah, (he-is) (a) new-quality creation; the ancient-things went-past, behold the all-things have-become-and-still-are new-quality.
II CORINTHIANS 5v18 But the all-things (are) out-of the God namely-the (one) having-reconciled us to-himself through Messiah and having-given to-us the ministry of-the reconciliation,
II CORINTHIANS 5v19 As that God in Messiah was reconciling (a) world to-himself, not figuring their offences to-them, and having-himself-placed in us the word of-the reconciliation.
II CORINTHIANS 5v20 In-behalf-of Messiah therefore we-are-being-delegates as of-the God entreating through us; we-are-petitioning in-behalf-of Messiah, YOU-be-reconciled to-the God.
II CORINTHIANS 5v21 The (one) not having-come-to-know sin he-made sin in-behalf-of us, in-order-that we ourselves-might-become (the) righteousness of-God in him.
II CORINTHIANS 6V1 But working-together we-are also entreating YOU not to-receive the favor of-the God in vain;
II CORINTHIANS 6v2 For he-is-saying: In-(an)-accepted season I-heard of-you favorably and in (a) day of-salvation I-helped you; behold now (is) (a) welcome season, behold now (is) (a) day of-salvation;