WWS Electives List by Policy Area
Spring 2017
Each Student must complete four electives from those included on this list. Courses have been classified into broad categories under three policy clusters: 1) Human Welfare and Social Policy, 2) Security and Sustainability, or 3) Institutions and Networks. Within each cluster are specific policy areas that bring together elective courses from several disciplines that address a related set of issues. Two additional types of cross-cutting courses on methodology/decision making and regional studies are also included as options for electives. The list of electives aims to help students create a coherent, interdisciplinary program of study in public and international affairs that buildsdepth of knowledge within a specific policy area. Studentsdeclare their cluster and policy area at the time of entering WWS. Studentsmay select any combination of courses from this list of approved electives, but they arestrongly encouraged to focus their course selection within their chosen policy area.Except for WWS and methodology courses, students may take no more than three electives from the same department or program.The courses listed here have been offered recently, but not all will be available in any given semester or year – the registrar website provides information on current course offerings.
Human Welfare and Social Policy – pg. 2
Gender, Sexuality, and Families
Health and Well Being
Housing and Urban Issues
Human Rights
Poverty, Inequality, Income, and Social Mobility
Race, Ethnicity, and Discrimination
Security and Sustainability – pg. 7
Conflict and Cooperation
Environment, Climate, and Energy
Technology and Security
Trade and Finance
Institutions and Networks –pg. 11
Communications and Media Influence
International Organizations and Global Governance
Law and Legal Systems
Political Systems
Science and Technology
Social Networks
Methodology and Decision Making – pg. 15
Regional Studies: Africa, East Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East,
United States of America, South Asia - pg. 1526002
Human Welfare and Social Policy
AMS 311Education and Inequality
ANT 368Ethnography of Schools and Schooling
HIS 487Women in American Higher Education
LAO 200Latinos in American Life and Culture
POL 333Latino Politics in the U.S.
PSY 254Developmental Psychology
PSY 307Educational Psychology
SOC 240Families
SOC 349Schools and Society: Race, Class and Gender in U.S. Education
SOC 359Higher Education and Society
WWS 307Public Economics
WWS 387Education Policy in the United States
Gender, Sexuality, and Families
AAS 302Political Bodies: The Social Anatomy of Power and Difference
AAS 351Law, Social Policy, and African American Women
AAS 404Intersectional Activisms and Movements for Social Justice
ANT 405Topics in Anthropology: Sexuality, Laws and Ethics in Africa
GSS 395Media Spectacles, Scandalous Citizens and Democratic Possibilities
GSS 345Pleasure, Power and Profit: Race and Sexualities in a Global Era
GSS 420Born in USA: Culture and Reproduction (WOM 420)
HIS 384Gender and Sexuality in Modern America
HIS 406Woodrow Wilson’s America
HIS 459The History of Incarceration in the U.S.
HIS 465Latino Urban History
HIS 488Intimacy Beyond Borders: Transnational Histories of Sexuality
NES 312Gender, Sexuality, and Modernity in the Middle East
NES 347Islamic Family Law
NES 374Global Feminisms: Feminist Movements in the Middle East and Beyond
PHI 316Social Philosophy
POL 420Seminar in American Politics: Interest Groups, Social Movements and the Politics of Inequality
POL 420Seminar in American Politics: Strategies of Governance
POL 422Seminar in American Politics: Gender and American Politics
PSY 329Psychology of Gender
PSY 403The Social Psychology of Social Change
POL 480Perfectionism and the Legal Enforcement of Morals
REL 328Women and Gender in Islamic Societies
SOC 240Families
SOC 310Gender and Development in the Americas
SOC 349Schools and Society: Race, Class and Gender in U.S. Education
SOC 354Contemporary Issues in African Societies
WWS 354Modern Genetics and Public Policy
Health and Well Being
AAS 403Race and Medicine
AMS 306Issues in American Public Health
ANT 335Medical Anthropology
CHV 331Ethics and Public Health (WWS 372)
EAS 312Mind, Body, and Bioethics in Japan and Beyond
ECO 332Economics of Health Care
ECO 355Economics of Food and Agriculture
EEB 328Ecology and Epidemiology of Parasites and Infectious Diseases
ENV 304Disease Ecology, Economics, and Policy
ENV 342Agriculture and Food Security
GHP 350Critical Perspectives on Global Health
GHP 351Epidemiology
GHP 400Global Health and Health Policy
GHP 403Health and Social Markers of Difference
GHP 404Science, Society, and Health Policy
GHP 405Energy and Health: From Exhausted Bodies to Energy Crises
GHP 408Public Health, Politics & Public Policy
GHP 409Mortality at the Margins: Race, Inequality and Health Policy in the U.S.
GSS 420Born in USA: Culture and Reproduction (WOM 420)
HIS 393Race, Drugs, and Drug Policy
HIS 395History of Medicine and the Body
JRN 448The Media and Social Issues: Health and Science Journalism
LAS 372Public Health and Private Healing in the Atlantic World
LAS 405Latin American Studies Seminar: Health and Society in Latin America During the 20th Century
MOL 328Medical Research and Researchers
MOL 425Infection: Biology, Burden, Policy
PSY 317Health Psychology
SOC 366Social and Economic Determinants of Health
WWS 307Public Economics
WWS 330Population, Society and Public Policy
WWS 354Modern Genetics and Public Policy
WWS 393Health Reform in the U.S:
The Affordable Care Act’s Origins, Impact and Implementation Challenges
WWS 453Health and Human Rights
WWS 407Economics of Health in Developing Countries (WWS 476)
Housing and Urban Issues
AAS 350Rats, Riots, and Revolution: Housing in the Metropolitan United States
ARC 401Theories of Housing and Urbanism
CEE 475Cities in the 21st Century: The Nexus of the Climate, Water and Energy
ECO 331Economics of the Labor Market
ECO 341Public Finance
ECO 348The Great Recession
ENV 382Environmental Challenges and Urban Solutions
HIS 388Cities and Suburbs in U.S. History
HIS 456History of New Orleans: Invention & Reinvention in an American City
LAS 402Economic Analysis of Latin American Development
ORF 467Transportation Systems Analysis
POL403Architecture and Democracy
SOC 210Urban Sociology: The City and Social Change in the Americas
URB 200Urbanism and Urban Policy
URB 201Introduction to Urban Studies
URB 300Introduction to Urban Theory
Human Rights
AAS 345Race, Labor, and the Long Civil Rights Movement
AAS 351Law, Social Policy, and African American Women
AAS 362Race and the American Legal Process
AAS 477The Civil Rights Movement
ANT 329Doing Good, Doing Well: The Political Lives of NGOs
HIS 300History of International Human Rights
HIS 383The United States, 1920-1974
HIS384 Gender and sexuality in Modern America
HIS 387African American History from Reconstruction to the Present
HIS 404Roots of Human Trafficking
HIS407 Politics of Racial Violence in America
JRN 447Politics and the Media:Reporting on International Human Rights
POL 313Global Justice
POL 314American Constitutional Development
POL 316Civil Liberties
POL356 Comparative Ethnic Conflict
POL 380Human Rights
REL328 Women and Gender in Islamic Societies
WWS 331Race and Public Policy
WWS 394Rights and Security in the War on Terrorism
WWS 420International Institutions and Law (WWS 337)
WWS 453Health and Human Rights
AAS 323Diversity in Black America
ECO 331Economics of the Labor Market
HIS 270Asian American History
HIS 306Mexican American History
HIS 371Colonial North America
HIS 465Latino Urban History
LAO 200Latinos in American Life and Culture
POL 331Religion and American Politics
POL 333Latino Politics in the U.S.
POL 334Immigration Politics and Policymaking in the U.S.
POL 405The Ethics of Borders and Migration
SOC 227Race and Ethnicity
SOC 243Immigration, Citizenship and Identity
SOC 317Race & Ethnicity in Global Comparative Perspective
SOC 329Immigrant America
SOC 337Environment and Migration
SOC 340God of Many Faces: Comparative Perspectives on Migration and Religion
WWS 330Population, Society and Public Policy
Poverty, Inequality, and Social Mobility
AMS 311Education and Inequality
ANT 417Labors of Consciousness: Culture, Capital, Moral Economy
ECO 301Macroeconomics
ECO 311Macroeconomics: A Mathematical Approach
ECO 315Topics in Macroeconomics
ECO 331Economics of the Labor Market
ECO 341Public Finance
ECO 348The Great Recession
ECO 370American Economic History
ECO 385Ethics and Economics
GEO 499Environmental Change, Poverty, and Conflict
GHP 409Mortality at the Margins: Race, Inequality and Health Policy in the U.S.
HIS 481History of the American Workplace
POL 307The Just Society
POL 319History of African American Political Thought
POL 349Political Economy
POL 352Comparative Political Economy
POL 365Democracy
POL 420Seminar in American Politics: Interest Groups, Social Movement and the Politics of Inequality
PSY 400Topics in Social & Personality Psychology: The Psychology of Poverty
SAS 360Reporting Inequality: The Media and the Marginalized
SOC 210Urban Sociology: The City and Social Change in the Americas
SOC 220Inequality, Mobility, and the American Dream
SOC 310Gender and Development in the Americas
SOC 345Money, Work, and Social Life
SOC 349Schools and Society: Race, Class and Gender in U.S. Education
SOC 355Government, Poverty, and Inequality in Modern America
SOC 359Higher Education and Society
SOC 366Social and Economic Determinants of Health
WWS 307Public Economics
WWS 374Morals and Markets
Race, Ethnicity, and Discrimination
AAS 247The New Jim Crow: US Crime Policy from Constitutional Formation to Ferguson
AAS 302Political Bodies: The Social Anatomy of Power and Difference
AAS 323Diversity in Black America
AAS 345Race, Labor, and the Long Civil Rights Movement
AAS 350Rats, Riots, and Revolution: Housing in the Metropolitan United States
AAS 362Race and the American Legal Process
AAS 370Policing Racial Order: The History of U.S. Police Power from Slave Patrols to Drones
AAS 380Public Policy and the American Racial State
AAS 384Prejudice: Its Causes, Consequences, and Cures
AAS 404Intersectional Activisms and Movements for Social Justice
AAS 411Art, Apartheid, and South Africa
AAS 477The Civil Rights Movement
AMS 307Introduction to Asian American Studies: Race, War, Decolonization
AMS 311Education and Inequality
AMS 342Race, Racism and Politics in Twentieth-Century America
AMS 362“Yellow Peril” Documenting and Understanding Xenophobia
ECO 331Economics of the Labor Market
GHP 409Mortality at the Margins: Race, Inequality and Health Policy in the U.S.
GSS 345Pleasure, Power and Profit: Race and Sexualities in a Global Era
HIS 270 Asian American History
HIS 306Mexican American History
HIS 316South African History, 1497 to the Present
HIS 359Modern Jewish History: 1750-Present
HIS 376The American Civil War and Reconstruction
HIS 387African American History from Reconstruction to the Present
HIS 393Race, Drugs, and Drug Policy
HIS 402Princeton and Slavery
HIS 406Woodrow Wilson’s America
HIS 459History of Incarceration in the U.S.
HIS 465Latino Urban History
HIS 474Violence in America
LAO 200Latinos in American Life and Culture
LAS 401Latin American Studies Seminar: The Politics of Ethnicity in Latin America
NES 327France, Muslims and Islam Before and After the Terror Attacks
NES 338The Arab-Israeli Conflict
NES 411Human Trafficking and its Demise: African & European Slaves in Modern Islam
PHI 316Social Philosophy
POL 316Civil Liberties
POL 319History of African American Political Thought
POL 333Latino Politics in the U.S.
POL 344Black Politics in the Post-Civil Rights Era
POL 356Comparative Ethnic Conflict
POL 419The Diverse Society
POL 420Seminar in American Politics: Interest Groups, Social Movements and the Politics of Inequality
POL 421Seminar in American Politics - Racial Politics in the U.S.
POL 432Seminar in Comparative Politics: Comparative Ethnic Conflict
PSY 403The Social Psychology of Social Change
SOC 227Race and Ethnicity
SOC 243 Immigration, Citizenship and Identity
SOC 315Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism in Latin America
SOC 317Race & Ethnicity in Global Comparative Perspective
SOC 349Schools and Society: Race, Class and Gender in U.S. Education
WWS 331Race and Public Policy
WWS 354Modern Genetics and Public Policy
SOC 366Social and Economic Determinants of Health
Security and Sustainability
Conflict and Cooperation
AAS 404Intersectional Activisms and Movements for Social Justice
AFS 427Conflict in Africa
ANT 329Doing Good, Doing Well: The Political Lives of NGOs
ANT 332Power and Politics in Southeast Asia
CEE 334Global Environmental Issues
ECO 353International Monetary Economics
HIS 283War in the Modern Western World (HIS 354)
HIS 300History of International Human Rights
HIS 341Between Resistance and Collaboration: The Second World War in Europe
HIS 342Southeast Asia's Global History
HIS 354War in the Modern Western World (HIS 283)
HIS 380The United States and World Affairs
HIS 419Topics in History of Modern Syria: Ba’athist Syria – Ideology, Literature & Film
HIS 428Empire and Catastrophe
HIS 478The Vietnam War
NES 307Afghanistan and the Great Powers, 1747-2001
NES 315War and Politics in the Modern Middle East
NES 338The Arab-Israeli Conflict
NES 406The Great War in the Middle East
POL 240International Relations
POL 313Global Justice
POL 356Comparative Ethnic Conflict
POL 380Human Rights
POL 385International Political Economy
POL 386Violent Politics
POL 387International Intervention and the Use of Force
POL 388Causes of War
POL 394Leaders and the Making of U.S. Foreign Policy
POL 430Seminar in Comparative Politics: Military, State and Society
POL 432Seminar in Comparative Politics: Comparative Ethnic Conflict
POL 440Seminar in International Relations: International Relations of South Asia (Spring 2014)
POL 440Seminar in International Relations - International Organization (Fall 2013)
POL 441Seminar in International Relations – Theories of International Politics
POL 442Seminar in International Relations – Contesting Globalization (Spring 2017)
POL 443Seminar in International Relations – Violent Non-State Actors in World Politics
POL 443Seminar in International Relations: The Military Instrument of Foreign Policy (Fall 2015)
PSY 400Topics in Social and Personality Psychology – From Collective Memory to Collective Action
PSY 403The Social Psychology of Social Change
SOC 250The Western Way of War
SOC 308Communism and Beyond: China and Russia
WWS 313Peacemaking
WWS 315Grand Strategy (WWS 475)
WWS 316China's Foreign Relations (WWS 461)
WWS 317International Relations of East Asia (WWS 462)
WWS 318U.S. Military and National and International Diplomacy
WWS 324Democratization and Human Rights in the Middle East
WWS 326The Arab-Israeli Conflict
WWS 353Science and Global Security
WWS 360Authoritarianism (WWS 478)
WWS 375The U.S. and Iran: Ghosts in the Room
WWS 394Rights and Security in the War on Terrorism
WWS 420International Institutions and Law (WWS 337)
AFS 320The Resource Curse and Development in Africa
ANT 376Charity, Philanthropy & Development
EAS 302Dilemmas of Development in Asia
ECO 301Macroeconomics
ECO 311Macroeconomics: A Mathematical Approach
ECO 315Topics in Macroeconomics
ECO 351Economics of Development
ECO 355Economics of Food and Agriculture
ECO 379The Chinese Economy
ECO 429Environmental & Natural Resource Economics
ECO 492The Rise of Asian Capital Markets
ECO 493Financial Crises
EEB 410Sustainable Development in Practice
ENV 407Feeding Africa
GEO 499Environmental Change, Poverty, and Conflict
HIS 317The Making of Modern India and Pakistan
HIS 32220th-Century Japan
HIS 325China, 1850 to the Present
HIS 377Gilded Age and Progressive-Era United States
LAS 371Cuban History, Politics and Culture
LAS 405Latin American Studies Seminar: Economics of Latin American Populations
LAS 406Latin American Studies Seminar: Development Strategies in Latin America from the 1940s to the Present
NES 265Political and Economic Development of the Middle East
POL 351Politics in Developing Countries
POL 352Comparative Political Economy
POL 366Politics in Africa
POL 367Politics of Latin America
POL 377Rise of Asia: Political Economy of Development
POL 385International Political Economy
POL 430Seminar in Comparative Politics: Political Economy of Africa
POL 432Seminar in Comparative Politics – Political and Economic Development in Africa
POL 433Seminar in Comparative Politics – Democratization and Economic Reforms AfterCommunism
SAS 350Development and Dissent in India – South Asia
WWS 302International Development
WWS 306Environmental Economics
WWS 314International Political Economy of East Asia (WWS 477)
WWS 407Economics of Health Policy in Developing Countries
Environment, Climate, and Energy
AMS 364Environmental and Social Crisis
AST 309Science and Technology of Nuclear Energy: Fission and Fusion
CEE 334Global Environmental Issues
CEE 475Cities in the 21st Century: The Nexus of the Climate, Water and Energy
CEE 490Mathematical Modeling of Energy & Environmental Systems
CEE 391Innovation and the Built and Natural Environment
CHM 333Oil to Ozone: Chemistry of the Environment
CHV 321Ethical Issues in Environmental Policy
ECO 355Economics of Food and Agriculture
ECO 429Environmental & Natural Resource Economics
EEB 308Conservation Biology
EEB 321Introduction to Population and Community Ecology
EEB 410Sustainable Development in Practice
EGR 277Technology and Society
ENE 202Designing Sustainable Systems: Applying the Science of Sustainability to Address Global Change
ENE 308Engineering the Climate: Technical & Policy Challenges
ENV 201Fundamentals of Environmental Studies: Population, Land Use, Biodiversity, and Energy
ENV 302Advanced Analysis of Environmental Systems
ENV 310Environmental Law and Moot Court
ENV 316Communicating Climate Change
ENV 327Investigating and Ethos of Sustainability at Princeton
ENV 340Environmental Challenges and Sustainable Solutions
ENV 342Agriculture and Food Security
ENV 382Environmental Challenges and Urban Solutions
GEO 362Earth’s Climate History
GEO 366Current & Future Climate
GEO 499Environmental Change, Poverty, and Conflict
GHP 405Energy and Health: From Exhausted Bodies to Energy Crises
HIS 431Comparative Environmental History
HIS 473White Hunters, Black Poachers: Africa and the Science of Conservation
HIS 491History of Ecology and Environmentalism
MAE 228Energy Solutions for the Next Century
MAE 328Energy for a Greenhouse-Constrained World
SOC 337Environment and Migration
WWS 306Environmental Economics
WWS 350The Environment - Science and Policy
WWS 373Welfare, Economics and Climate Change Mitigation Policy
Technology and Security
AST 309Science and Technology of Nuclear Energy: Fission and Fusion
CHV 411Free Speech in the Internet Age
COS 432Information Security
COS 433Cryptography
COS 445Networks, Economics and Computing
COS 461Computer Networks
EGR 277Technology and Society
ELE 386Cyber Security
HIS 295Making America: Technology and History in the United States
MAE 354Unmaking the Bomb: The Science & Technology of Nuclear Nonproliferation, Disarmament, and Verification
SOC 357Sociology of Technology
WWS 351Information Technology and Public Policy
WWS 353Science and Global Security
WWS 357Cybersecurity, Law, Technology & Policy
WWS 384Secrecy, Accountability & the National Security State
Trade and Finance
CEE 460Risk Assessment and Management
COS 445Networks, Economics and Computing
ECO 301Macroeconomics
ECO 311Macroeconomics: A Mathematical Approach
ECO 315Topics in Macroeconomics
ECO 317The Economics of Uncertainty
ECO 321Industrial Organization
ECO 325Organization and Design of Markets
ECO 342Money and Banking
ECO 348The Great Recession
ECO 353International Monetary Economics
ECO 362Financial Investments
ECO 363Corporate Finance and Financial Institutions
ECO 370American Economic History
ECO 372Topics in Country and Regional Economics: Economics of the European Unionand Economies in Europe
ECO 373What is the Euro Crisis Really About?
ECO 379The Chinese Economy
ECO 462Portfolio Theory and Asset Management
ECO 464Corporate Restructuring
ECO 465Options, Futures, and Financial Derivatives
ECO 466Fixed Income: Models and Applications
ECO 467Institutional Finance, Trading and Markets
ECO 468Behavioral Finance and Economics
ECO 491Cases in Financial Risk Management
ECO 492The Rise of Asian Capital Markets
EGR 492Radical Innovation in Global Markets
ECO 493Financial Crises
HIS 379The History of American Capitalism
HIS 380The United States and World Affairs
POL 352Comparative Political Economy
POL 385International Political Economy
POL 430Seminar in Comparative Politics: Political Economy of Africa
POL 482Money and Political Thought
WWS 301International Trade
WWS 307Public Economics
WWS 314International Political Economy of East Asia (WWS 477)
WWS 321Business, Politics & Public Policy (WWS 482)
WWS 327American Trade Politics and Policy
WWS 340Psychology of Decision Making and Judgment (WWS 312)
WWS 383Policy Aspects of Federal & State Budgeting
WWS 408Financial Policy
WWS 466Financial History
Institutions and Networks
Communications and Media Influence