Serving Tampa Bay’s Manufacturing Community


Are you interested in speaking at a BAMA meeting?

We are always looking for speakers who have a following or some notoriety in manufacturing industry or can provide some entertaining resources. If you have an interest, please complete the following and our Programs Chair will decide if it is a good fit for BAMA.

All programs must be non-commercial in content and be educational and of interest to a broad range of manufacturers and small business owners. Scheduling must be coordinated with the BAMA Administrator and approved by BAMA Programs Chairperson. Please allow up to four weeks from date of submission for approval. Although BAMA makes the arrangements, speakers/sponsors must pay expenses for lunch and/or breakfast meetings.

What is your interest?

Breakfast meeting: ¨ Yes ¨ No Lunch n Learn: ¨ Yes ¨ No Dinner Meeting: ¨ Yes ¨ No

Please fill out the following information and email to .

Please allow a minimum of 4-week lead time for proposed date.

Provide any graphics to assist in marketing the event, including your company logo and head shot of the speaker(s).

Email as attachments, not inserted into this document.

Are you a BAMA member?

Contact Name:


Email Address: Telephone:

Do you already have a following/ database that you can share this event information with?

How many contacts do you have/ how many would you invite to this meeting?

Preferred Month:
Preferred Day/Date:

Event Title:

Speaker Name, Title & Company (please attach brief bio)

Speaker’s credentials:

Presentation Description (25-50 words) – not company bio:

BAMA doesn’t normally pay for speakers. Do you require a speaking fee?

BAMA may invite other associations to join and consider them “no charge” as a BAMA guest.
Do you work with any other associations/organizations?

Additional Comments:

If you have any questions, please contact Becky: , 727-754-3385, 727-536-5809.

Mailing address: 1050 Starkey Road #501 s Largo FL 33771 s (727) 536-5809 s