Dnr FS 2.1.6-1577-17

Application for funding 2018

Insamlingsstiftelsen för medicinsk forskning

Instruction forApplication for funding 2018 from the foundations administered by Umeå University and distributed by the Faculty of Medicine.

Before youapply, please note:

  • The principle investigator must hold a PhD at the time of application and must be an employee of Umeå University or the University Hospital of Umeå
  • Only one project application per principle investigatorwill be considered. It may include one or two part-projects.
  • A division into two specific part-projects must be justified by explaining that donations to two different fields can be used for funding (must motivated in attachment I).
  • NOTE that the principle investigator of a project only have to submit a scientific report after the completion of the project, however no later than a new application for a new project is submitted. Previously, the scientific report was required to receive continued funding for years 2 and 3, which now is changed to apply only as a final report after year 3 (or if the full disposal period is used year 4). Please note, however, that a scientific report must be submitted for completed projects before submitting a new application.
  • It is the responsibility of the principle investigatorto consume research funds according to the submitted project application. If funds remain unused at the end of the project period, these funds will be reimbursed to the Insamlingsstiftelsen. If the principal seeks dispensation, the application must be made no later than 3 months in advance.

The application should be written in English or in Swedish and include the following attachments

  1. Cover letter signed by the principle investigator and approved by the head of the department (use the attached template)
  2. Summary of research program
  3. Summary for layman (in Swedish)
  4. Research program
  5. Abstract from one selected manuscript (not from already published papers)
  6. CV
  7. List of publications
  8. Budget and resources
  9. Motivation why the project is relevant relative the selected diseases

Applications that do not include all obligatory attachments will not be considered.

The application including the should be sentas one complete pdf-file to

,no later than 2018-03-12.

Mark the subject of the email INSAMLINGSSTIFTELSEN

Additional application information will not be accepted when the deadline has passed.

The following applies for applications for funding from research foundations:

”Rules for the distribution of funding from the foundations administered by Umeå University and distributed by the Faculty of Medicine”. Established by the Faculty Board on 28 April 2004, changed on 3 May2006, on 1 September 2006 and on 14 June 2017.

How are applications assessed?

All departments at the Faculty of Medicine appoint a researcher, qualified for docent, who grades all the applications (apart from obvious challengeable situations). The assessment is done using the same criteria that correspond to those used by the research councils and must cover purpose and aims, methods, competence and feasibility, and relevance on the basis of the purpose of the foundation.

At the next stage, a meeting with all reviewers is held and a ranking list of all applications is put together.Limits for funding are suggested.

The assessment model is described in more detail on the faculty’s website;

see the pdf document Statuter

BilagaA. Cover letter signed by the applicant and approved by the head of the department

I hereby apply for researchfunding for2018 FS 2.1.6-1577-17 from the foundations administered by Umeå University and distributed by the Faculty of Medicine

Project title

Name of Principle Investigator


Department (or unit orclinic, when appropriate)

I have received funding from the foundations


The Principle Investigator select the disease(s) that is/are relevant to the planned research.

If the project (s) is/are of broad relevance, or if subject 1 and 2 are in different subjects, please tick several boxes.)

Asthma/allergy / Diabetes / Rheumatology
Occupational therapy / Epilepsy / Thorax
Vitamin C / Cardiovascular / Eye
Cancer / Heart and lung / Ear, nose and throat
Cell membranes / Infection
ALS / Neurology

Is the planned research considered as medical research? The principal must tick yes or no


I have asprinciple investigatorreceived one or more grants from Insamlingsstiftelsen förmedicinskforskning or from any other of the faculty’s foundations during the last 3 years?

Sätt kryss för det som stämmer

Yes, from the following:


I hereby certify that all data included in the application are correct (include signature at X)

The application is approved by

Signature, Head of Department Signature, Clinical Manager “verksamhetschef”

(if applicable)

Printed name Printed name

AttachmentB. Summary of the research programme (max 1500 characters including spaces)

The text is aimed to give a brief overview of the purpose of the planned research and should be written that ensures researchers with another subject specialisationto understand.

The summary should include

  • the research to be done (aim and scope)
  • how the research is to be carried out (project organisation, time plan and the scientific methods to be used)
  • what is important about the planned research

AttachmentC.Popular science description(max 4500 characters including spaces)

Describe the project in such a way that a person who is not familiar with the subject can understand it. Describe what is to be done and why, and explain in what way the new knowledge may be important for research and for society.

The popular science description may be used when we inform about the research financed by the foundation. Thus, if your application is funded, we want to use the description for information purposes. Note:The popular science description must be written in Swedish,

AttachmentD. Research plan

(max 4 pages including references. Additional pages will not be included in the review of the project).

Attachment D is a brief but complete description of the planned research

Please include the following in you research plan:

Purpose and aims. State the overall purpose and specific goals of the research project or similar.

Survey of the field: Provide a brief summary of the research carried out by you and others, and any previous results within the research area. Only key references are included.

Preliminary results: Describe your own experiments and pilot studies within the research area. State if no preliminary results exist.

Project description: Make a summary of the project where you describe the theory, method, time plan and implementation. Describe the project organisation, and clarify the roles of yourself and any other researchers in the project.

•Significance:Describe briefly how the project relates to previous research within the field/area, and its importance in the short and long term. Describe how the project moves forward or innovates the current research frontier.

•Preliminary and previous results:Describe briefly your own previous research and relevant pilot studies within the research field/area that make it probable that the project will be feasible. If no preliminary results exist, please state that.

•Independent line of research: If you are working or will be working in a larger group, please clarify how your project relates to the other projects in the group.

•Ethical considerations. Describe ethical considerations of the project and include ethical permit when needed. Note - all applications must include an ethical consideration

Describe following objectives it they are relevant for you application

•Equipment Describe the basic equipment you have at your disposal for the project.

•Need for infrastructure: Specify the project’s need for research infrastructure.

AttachmentE. Abstract 1 manuscript.

Abstract of 1 manuscript can be attached if the applicant considered that the result is of significant importance for the reviewing of the application.

Note – upon request, you need to send in the complete manuscript to the review committee. Reprints of already published articles should not be attached to the application

Attachment F. CV

Include CV of the principle investigator andco-applicants. Each CV can at the maximum be two pages.

The CV has a layout according to the specified subjects. Any subject that is invalid is left empty.

  1. Degree(year, subject and institute)
  2. PhD degree(year, subject, institute, title of the PhD and name of the supervisor)
  3. Postdoctoral visits(year, department and institute)
  4. Docentship(year)
  5. Specialist degreeor equivalent(year, subject)
  6. Current employment (permanent or time for employment)
  7. Previous longer relevant employments(time and position).
  8. Interruption in researchthat have impacted on your opportunity to gain merits as a researcher. Specify purposes and dates.
  9. Supervision of PhD’s and Post doc’s with you as main supervisor (name and years (year for thesis defense)
  10. Additional information that may be of importance for the application

AttachmentG. List of Publications

List of published papers from 2010 to date divided in

  • Original publications (published in international journals with referee systems).

Note - include Impact Factor from the year that the article was published and number of citations until the application was submitted for each publication. All co-authors should be included and the main applicant marked with bold font

Andersson A, Bertilsson B, Carlsson C, and Davidsson D (2017)

Insightsintomedical research (Title). J Med Res (the abbreviated Journal name),

100(volume), 1001-1009 (pages) (alt e20171005) IF= 6.8 Citations 137

  • Reviews
  • Book chapters, book contributions

AttachmentH. Budget and research resources

Describe and motive the primary costs you intend to cover within the framework for this application in the total research budget (e. g. equipment; consumables;salaries, travels, publication costs). You can include direct and indirect costs. Any costs for depreciation of equipment is only valid if it associates to the usage of the equipment in the applied project. You cannot bring up depreciation of equipment if the equipment has been financed from other grants.

Total research resources

Describe your total research resources for this project and specify:type of grant; status of the grant; the funding source; Principle Investigator; grant period, and the total amount of the grant. Also state how this application relates to previous funding of the project.


Grant / Status / Funding source / Principle Investigator / Grant period / Total amount
Driftsbidrag / Beviljat / EU / Anna Andersson / 2012-2014 / 2 000 tkr
Projektbidrag / Beviljat / FAS / Per Persson / 2013-2015 / 2 400 tkr
Rambidrag / Beviljat / VR / Anna Andersson / 2013-2016 / 4 200 tkr
Projektbidrag / Ansökt / VR / Fernando Fernandez / 2014-2016 / 3 500 tkr

Attachment I. Motivation of the selecteddisease(s) and it’scorrelation to the research proposal(max 1500 tecken inklusive mellanslag)

Send the application in the format of onesingle pdf file to

the latest2018-03-12