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BIOLOGY I Course Code: 200031001

A. Human Genetic Disorders
1. Molecule to Phenotype
2. Chromosomal Disorders
B. Human Genome
1. Manipulating DNA
2. The Human Genome Project
C. Causes of Genetic diseases
1. Non-disjunction during meiosis
2. Damaged Chromosomes (duplication, deletion, inversion, and translocation)
3. Gene mutation (e.g. Tay-Sachs disease)
D. Chromosomal Disorders
1. Autosomal Chromosomes (Down Syndrome or Trisomy 21)
2. Sex Chromosomes (Turner’s Syndrome, Klinefelter’s Syndrome & other Trisomy conditions)
E. Sex-Linked Genes
1. Definition
2. Disorders (Colorblindness and Hemophilia)
3. Punnett square problems / · Recognize that DNA contains hereditary information and the importance & application of the Human Genome Project.
· Describe how chromosomes can be damaged.
· Identify the gene or chromosomal mutation involved in human disorders such as Down’s syndrome, Huntington’s disease, Hemophilia and Tay-Sachs disease.
· Recognize disorders caused by sex-linked genes and predict outcomes using Punnett squares.
· Identify chromosomal disorders by looking at a karyotype.
· Identify types of diseases and/or disorders and list their effects upon the human body (degenerative, deficiency, hereditary, and contagious).
· Describe the inheritance of a sex-linked gene such as color-blindness. / Core Text Book: Chapter 14
Vocabulary: (See p. 2)
DNA, Sex-linked gene, Nondisjunction, Sex chromosome, Autosome, Dominant, Recessive, Karyotype, Pedigree, Human Genome Project, Duplication, Deletion, Inversion, Translocation
Technology: (see p.2)
1. Untamed Science Video: What Color are My Genes?
2. Art Review: A Human Karyotype
3. Art Review: A Human Karyotype
4. Art in Motion: Non Disjunction Disorders
5. Bozeman Podcast: Chromosomal Genetics
6. HippoCampus Biology: Chromosomal Abnormalities
7. Edgenuity
8. Extended Learning Modules
SC.912.L.16.2 / Human Karyotyping
Standard: SC.912.L.15.15 / / Video / ·  The Human Genome Project
·  Heredity: How Our Parents' Genes Affect Us
·  DNA and the Human Genome Project
·  Nondisjunction / ·  Choromosomal Alteration That May Occur During Meiosis: Investigating the Process of Nondisjunction
·  Introduction: Chromosomal Alterations
·  Discovery of Down Syndrome / ·  Closing Remarks: Sex-Linked Inheritance
·  The Effects Produced by Chromosomal Alterations
·  Genetic Disease
/ Audio / ·  Evolution: Sources of Variability: Recombination
Standard: SC.912.L.16.2 / / Video / ·  Patterns of Inheritance
·  Survey and Data Analysis: Dominant and Recessive Traits for Hairline, Thumb, and Earlobes
·  Research Results
·  Introduction: Sex-Linked Inheritance
·  Research on the Genetic Make-up of the Fruit Fly Drosophila
·  Karyotype: A Key to the Study of Sex-Linked Inheritance / ·  Inherited Human Traits and Patterned Sex-Linked Inheritance
·  Color Blindness
·  Organizing Information About Sex-Linked Inheritance in Pedigree Charts
·  Hemophylia
·  Closing Remarks: Sex-Linked Inheritance / ·  Sex-Linked Traits
·  Single Gene Disorders
·  Incomplete Dominance in Snapdragons
·  Incomplete Dominance in Humans and Plants
·  Reviewing Key Terms That Relate to Patterns of Inheritance
·  Multiple Alleles and Co-Dominance in Human Blood Types
·  Rabbit Breeding
/ Audio / ·  Evolution: Sources of Genetic Variability: Mutation
·  Heredity: Sex-Linked Genetic Conditions in Humans / ·  Heredity: Sex Linkage
·  Heredity: Problems Using Sex Chromosomes & Sex Linkage
Standard: SC.912.L.16.2 / / Image / ·  Mosaic Down syndrome; nondisjunction in early embryo
·  Human trisomies
·  Mutation types; protein changes
·  Translocation Mutation
·  DNA sequence; nature of mutation
·  Base pairing errors; generation of mutations / ·  Base substitution mutation
·  Insertion and deletion mutations
·  Down syndrome; distinguishing between types
·  Mosaic Down syndrome; nondisjunction in early embryo
·  Down syndrome; mapping effects of extra DNA
·  Trisomy; gene dosage effects / ·  Human trisomies
·  X-linked dominant trait; pedigrees
·  Colorblindness pedigrees; X-linked recessive trait
·  Probability of colorblind child - Punnett square
·  Probability of colorblind child - answer
·  Karyotype
·  Chromosomes
Standard: HE.912.C.1.7 / / Video / ·  Multifactorial Disorders
·  Heredity: How Our Parents' Genes Affect Us
·  Basic Facts About Cancer
·  Obesity / ·  Hunting Down the Genes Involved in Disease
·  DNA and the Genetics of Cancer
·  Families and Genetic Disease
·  Genetic Case Study: Addison's Disease
·  Cystic Fibrosis
·  Diabetes / ·  Risk Factors for Heart Disease
·  DNA Screening
·  High & Low Risks for Cancer
·  High & Low Risks for Cardiovascular Disease
·  High & Low Risks for Diabetes
/ Video / ·  Mapping the Human Genome
·  No Interest in the Gym? It May Be Genetic
·  Gene Therapy Offers New Hope to Cancer Patients
·  Researchers Discover Genes Linked to Deadly Cancers
·  For Mixed Race Patients, Few Bone Marrow Donors
·  Researchers Map DNA of Fetus from Blood and Saliva of Parents
·  Genetic Test Can Help Tailor Breast Cancer Treatment
·  Cracking the Genetic Code: The First "Book of Life"
·  Human Chromosome #21 Mapped, Linked to Down Syndrome
·  Scientists Discover New Gene That Could Help Pinpoint Cause of Alzheimer's Disease
·  Searching Genes, Genome, for Health Predispositions
·  Researchers Map First Human Chromosome: #22
·  "Fountain of Youth" Anti-Aging Gene Found in Earthworms
·  Dawn of the "Genetics Age" May Help Those With Inherited Diseases
·  No Bull: Genetic Manipulation Lets Breeders Select for Female Cows
·  Scientists Isolate Specific Gene That Causes Muscular Dystrophy
·  Efforts Using Gene-Splicing to Develop Bacteria-Produced Insulin