Herzlich Willkommen !
German 2
Department:World Languages
Instructor: Frau Tarja Wilson
Teacher Web page: You may access my personal web page through the high school web site.
Required Texts: Na Klar! 2 Spencer, Wesson; Nelson Thornes; California, 2004.
- Three-ring binder and your book
- Lined notebook
- Please bring your laptop and something to write with EVERY DAY.
Course Prerequisites: German 1 with a C or higher. This course will prepare you for German 3 next semester.
Be prepared for a highly interactive learning experience that will tap into your seven different intelligence areas to maximize language acquisition. You will work in various peer groups to practice new vocabulary and speak German from the very beginning. We will customize instruction to facilitate learning to meet your strengths as well as areas of growth. Songs, games, and videos help make learning the language enjoyable and fun. Communication is vital - Contact me if there is anything I can do to improve your time in the German class.
Topics covered:
Accusative and Dative Cases
Comparative and superlative forms
Present, Past and Future Tenses
All modal verbs (dürfen, können, mögen, müssen, sollen, wollen)
Word order
Likes and preferences
Free time activities
Money and jobs
*This is an approximation of what will be covered.
- Tests 75 points
- Homework - 5-10 points per assignment (no late credit given)
- Projects/Presentations - 25-100 points
- Oral grades/Participation 10-20 points
- Final Exam 10% of class grade as per school policy
Course Policies:
All rules in the school handbook apply in this class.
Do your best; do the right thing; treat others and property with respect.
Be in your seat and ready to go when the bell rings.
Be polite and do not disrupt class.
Raise your hand for recognition.
Listen to others without interruption.
Participate in class.
If another teacher needs to see you, she will sign your planner.
Make-Up Work:
You have three (3) days from your absence to make up the missed assignment. If you fail to make up the work within the allotted time, you will receive a zero (0) for that work.
Electronic Communication
I will be using electronic means such as emailing to communicate with your son or daughter. This communication will be limited to my role as your son's or daughter's teacher. If you do not wish for me to use this type of communication, please notify me in writing and I will no longer use this mean to contact your son/daughter.
Success in class:
Sprechen Sie Deutsch! Seien Sie nett! Lernen Sie die Vokabeln! (Speak German, be nice, learn the vocabulary!)
------Please cut here and return the bottom portion to Frau Wilson------
We have reviewed Frau Wilson’s classroom procedures.
Student name (print): ______
Parent /guardian signature:______
Telephone: ______
E-mail: ______