Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador
My Dear Friends,
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of our annual 40-day Lenten retreat, during which we are called to more intensive prayers, more generous charity and more genuine self-discipline. The Gospel for that day, provides us with the means of growing more fully into the image of Christ Jesus whose very life we began to share from baptism onwards.
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.... For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6: 19-21)
Last year at this time I asked you to think about your own mission work and how each one of us might help those who are less well than ourselves. It was a call to serve and so many of you responded. Action is the measure of our response to Christ—our mission. Across the parishes and deaneries of the Diocese, through our chaplaincies and Diocesan Council many thousands of you, led by the Spirit of God, responded with acts of compassion, kindness and charity. I wish to thank each and every one of you who responded to the call. We truly are a people of hope, a people of charity, a people of mission.
Lenten season is a time for meaningful prayer, reflection, self-examination, personal adjustment and renewal. It is an important time for us as Anglicans and Christians to renew our commitment to Christ. There are many resources available to help guide prayer during this time, including The Anglican Cycle of Prayer and the Tri-Diocesan Intercession List or from your Rector. In addition, the Diocesan Resource Centre has a wide variety of prayer books and other resources to help in your Lenten journey.
During Lent this year I encourage you to follow the example of Christ and daily “go away to a quiet place and pray”.
Every blessing,
The Rt. Rev’d Cyrus Pitman
Bishop of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador
Welcome to the Parish of
St. John the Evangelist
Conception Bay South, Newfoundland
The Seed is the word of God
The Bulletin is given to the Glory of God
and in Loving Memory of:
Fathers, Frederick Dawe & Reuben Rowe
& Brother, Reginald Dawe
Bob & Donna Dawe
Dear Friends in Christ,
The Season of Septuagesima is a prelude to Lent and a remote preparation for Easter. It serves as a time of transitition for the soul, which must pass from Christmas joys to the stern penance of the sacred forty days.
The church, manifesting the divinity of Christ throughout the first part of the liturgical year, shows us in the second part of what our Lord has done to merit for us and communicate it to us. We shall see a violent struggle-taking place between the Lord and Satan, and it will rage with increasing intensity, during the three consecutive periods called the Seasons of Septuagesima, Lent and Passiontide. For it is from this moment on that our Lord’s enemies begin to declare themselves, and we see their hatred grow even more and more until it reaches its full satisfaction on Good Friday in the Murder of God. Take this time to prepare yourself, to walk with our Lord in this Lenten journey.
Father John +
Anglican Cycle of Prayer
PRAY for South East Asia
Tri-Diocesan Intercessions
Parish of Heart’s Delight
Rector-The Rev. Canon Eli Evans, RD
Parish of Catalina
Rector-The Rev. Eric Squires
The sick
Mark MulcahyStephanie Richardson Chesley Tapp
Brian PenneyAlf HigginsNina Taylor
Annual Meeting Tonight at 7:00 p.m.
Cancellation of Church Last Sunday, February 20, 2011
Due to the lack of snow clearing of the Church parking lot, Sunday services had to be cancelled. We are working with the School Board to see that this does not happen again. In the meantime, we lost a full Sunday’s collection. If you were planning on attending Church last week, we would greatly appreciate if you would consider making your weekly contribution so that we don’t get behind in our commitments. Thank you for your consideration.
Installation of New Vestry
Will be held on Sunday, March 6th at the 10:30 a.m. service.
World Day of Prayer
The World Day of Prayer will be held at St. Edwards, Kelligrews on Thursday, March 3rd at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome!
… will be serving a Ham, Baked Beans & Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday, March 8th starting at 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Cost - Adults; $10.00; Children under 12- $5.00. A card game will start at 8:00 p.m. at the cost of $5.00 - lunch provided. Tickets are available from Maude Walters @ 834-2849 or Margaret Doherty 781-7310.
Thank you for continuing to save pennies. There are penny containers at the back of the church if you would like one. For further information call Sharon Smith @ 834-4102.
Confirmation is scheduled for Sunday, June 19th at 10:30 a.m. Registration begins on Sunday, February 27th. If you have a child/grandchild currently in grade 6 or above, they are eligible to be confirmed. Please contact Archdeacon Dinn @ 834-2336 if you have any questions regarding confirmation.
Queen’s College……
…… is pleased to invite you to their Lunch-time Lecture Series on Public Theology. The first Lecture will be “The Church in the Public Square” given by the Rt. Rev’d David Torraville, Bishop of the Diocese of Central Newfoundland, Anglican Church of Canada. The lecture will be held on Monday, March 7th from 1-2 p.m. in Room 3005 at Queen’s College followed by coffee and refreshments.
Bishop Pitman will confirm this year’s confirmation candidates on Sunday, June 19th during the 10:30 a.m. service.
Registration will take place today, February 27th and Sunday, March 6th.
A meeting of the parents will be held on Monday, March 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the church.
If you have any questions please contact Archdeacon Dinn at 834-2336.