Australian National Maritime Museum
Australian National Maritime Museum
Section 1: Entity overview and resources
1.1 Strategic direction statement
The mission of the Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM) is to lead the promotion and conservation of Australia’s maritime heritage and culture through:
• developing and sharing its collections, knowledge and expertise
• motivating learning through research, educational programmes and products
• supporting community participation to retain Australia’s maritime heritage
• exploring contemporary issues of public interest and maritime relevance.
In 2015–16, the ANMM’s work will be guided by Shaped by the Sea: ANMM Corporate Plan 2015–19, which sets out the ANMM’s priorities and strategies to preserve, promote and share Australia’s maritime heritage over the next four years.
During 2015–16 the ANMM will focus on activities and programmes to:
• share the national maritime story across Australia through museum programmes and exhibitions, and support community maritime initiatives across the regions
• rejuvenate the ANMM’s site by completing the Warships Pavilion and progressing the master plan
• design and deliver two major and three small exhibitions
• deliver Indigenous programmes to engage with and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to practice their culture and share their knowledge
• acquire, care for and display ANMM collection items
• increase the visitation by schoolchildren to the ANMM and to the ANMM’s regional outreach programmes and exhibitions
• develop and distribute educational resources to support the national curriculum
• engage in business and commercial activities and partnerships to promote the ANMM in local, national and international markets and to create alternative revenue sources.
1.2 Entity resource statement
Table 1.1 shows the total resources from all sources.
Table 1.1: Entity resource statement—Budget estimates for 2015–16 as at Budget May 2015
Source / Actual available appropriation2014–15
$’000 / Estimate of prior year amounts available in 2015–16 $’000 / Proposed at Budget 2015–16 $’000 / Total estimate 2015–16 $’000
Opening balance/reserves at bank / 21,370 / 14,107 / – / 14,107
Ordinary annual services(a)
Outcome 1 / 22,309 / – / 22,211 / 22,211
Total ordinary annual services / 22,309 / – / 22,211 / 22,211
Other services(b)
Non-operating / 1,729 / – / 1,709 / 1,709
Total other services / 1,729 / – / 1,709 / 1,709
Total annual appropriations / 24,038 / – / 23,920 / 23,920
Total funds from government / 45,408 / 14,107 / 23,920 / 38,027
Interest / 704 / – / 612 / 612
Sale of goods and services / 8,166 / – / 8,791 / 8,791
Other / 2,345 / – / 2,345 / 2,345
Total / 11,215 / – / 11,748 / 11,748
Total net resourcing for entity / 35,253 / 14,107 / 35,668 / 35,668
All figures are GST exclusive.
The ANMM is not directly appropriated as it is a corporate Commonwealth entity. Appropriations are made to the Attorney-General’s Department which are then paid to the ANMM and are considered ‘departmental’ for all purposes.
(a) Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2015–16.
(b) Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2015–16.
1.3 Budget measures
The ANMM has no new budget measures.
Section 2: Outcomes and planned performance
2.1 Outcomes and performance information
Government outcomes are the intended results, impacts or consequences of actions by the government on the Australian community. Commonwealth programmes are the primary vehicle by which government entities achieve the intended results of their outcome statements. Entities are required to identify the programmes that contribute to government outcomes over the budget and forward years.
The ANMM’s outcome is described below together with its related programme, specifying the performance indicators and targets used to assess and monitor the performance of the ANMM in achieving government outcomes.
Outcome 1: Increased knowledge, appreciation and enjoyment of Australia’s maritime heritage by managing the National Maritime Collection and staging programs, exhibitions and eventsOutcome 1 strategy
The ANMM’s strategic direction is to lead the promotion and conservation of Australia’s maritime heritage and culture. Key strategies for the ANMM are identified in section 1.1.
Outcome 1 expense statement
Table 2.1 provides an overview of the total expenses for Outcome 1, by programme.
Table 2.1: Budgeted expenses for Outcome 1
Outcome 1: Increased knowledge, appreciation and enjoyment of Australia’s maritime heritage by managing the National Maritime Collection and staging programs, exhibitions and events / 2014–15 Estimated actual expenses $’000 / 2015–16 Estimated expenses $’000Programme 1.1: Management of maritime heritage
Revenue from government
Ordinary annual services (Appropriation Bill No. 1) / 22,309 / 22,211
Revenues from other independent sources / 11,215 / 11,748
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year(a) / 1,922 / 1,873
Total expenses for Outcome 1 / 35,446 / 35,832
2014–15 / 2015–16
Average staffing level (number) / 108 / 115
(a) Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year are made up of depreciation and amortisation expenses for heritage and cultural assets.
Contributions to Outcome 1
Programme 1.1: Management of maritime heritageProgramme 1.1 objective
In the budget and forward years, the ANMM’s objectives are to:
• share the national maritime story across Australia
• be a must-visit museum
• support and promote Indigenous maritime heritage
• conduct research, share knowledge and inspire
• forge a strong financial future
• enhance its organisational excellence.
Programme 1.1 expenses
2014–15 Estimated actual $’000 / 2015–16 Budget $’000 / 2016–17 Forward estimate $’000 / 2017–18 Forward estimate $’000 / 2018–19 Forward estimate $’000
Annual departmental expenses
Departmental item / 33,524 / 33,959 / 34,220 / 35,086 / 36,083
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year(a) / 1,922 / 1,873 / 1,883 / 1,881 / 1,883
Total programme expenses / 35,446 / 35,832 / 36,103 / 36,967 / 37,966
(a) Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year are made up of depreciation and amortisation expenses for heritage and cultural assets.
Programme 1.1 deliverablesThe ANMM’s targets for 2015–16 are a variety of educational and entertaining programmes, exhibitions and events focusing on Australia’s maritime heritage and a digital outreach strategy.
Programme 1.1 key performance indicators
Key performance indicators / 2014–15 Estimated actual / 2015–16 Budget / 2016–17 Forward estimate / 2017–18 Forward estimate / 2018–19 Forward estimate
Visitor interactions
Total number of visits to the organisation / 470,535 / 542,227 / 628,431 / 718,187 / 746,946
Total number of visits to the organisation’s website / 433,734 / 455,421 / 478,192 / 502,101 / 527,206
Total number of onsite visits by students as part of an organised educational group / 35,504 / 36,300 / 36,300 / 29,240 / 29,240
Participation in public and school programmes
Number of people participating in public programmes / 32,270 / 49,000 / 39,000 / 50,000 / 39,000
Number of students participating in school programmes / 32,611 / 35,000 / 36,000 / 36,000 / 36,000
Quantity of school learning programmes delivered
Number of organised programmes delivered onsite / 466 / 400 / 400 / 400 / 400
Number of programme packages available online / 23 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 45
Number of educational institutions participating in organised school learning programmes / 466 / 630 / 630 / 630 / 630
Visitor satisfaction
Percentage of visitors that were satisfied or very satisfied with their visit / 90% / 90% / 90% / 90% / 90%
Programme survey rating (by teachers)
Percentage of teachers reporting overall positive experience / 91% / 85% / 85% / 85% / 850%
Percentage of teachers reporting relevance to the classroom curriculum / 91% / 95% / 95% / 95% / 95%
Expenditure mix
Expenditure on collection development
(as a % of total expenditure) / 33% / 33% / 35% / 36% / 36%
Expenditure on other capital items
(as a % of total expenditure) / 22% / 21% / 21% / 21% / 21%
Expenditure on other (i.e. non-collection development) labour costs
(as a % of total expenditure) / 23% / 21% / 19% / 19% / 18%
Other expenses
(as a % of total expenditure) / 21% / 24% / 25% / 25% / 25%
Collection management and access
Number of acquisitions (made in the reporting period) / 545 / 200 / 200 / 200 / 200
Total number of objects accessioned (inthe reporting period) / 2,384 / 500 / 500 / 500 / 500
% of the total collection available to the public / 18% / 21% / 21% / 21% / 21%
% of the total collection available to the public online / 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% / 40%
% of the total collection available to the public on display / 1.43% / 2.00% / 2.00% / 2.00% / 2.00%
% of the total collection available to the public on tour / 0.07% / 0.02% / 0.02% / 0.02% / 0.02%
% of the total collection digitised / 48% / 50% / 55% / 60% / 65%
Section 3: Explanatory tables and budgeted financial statements
Section 3 presents explanatory tables and budgeted financial statements that provide a comprehensive snapshot of entity finances for the 2015–16 budget year. It explains how budget plans are incorporated into the financial statements and provides further details of the reconciliation between appropriations and programme expenses and government Indigenous expenditure.
3.1 Explanatory tables
3.1.1 Movement of administered funds between years
The ANMM has no administered funds.
3.1.2 Special accounts
The ANMM has no special accounts.
3.1.3 Australian Government Indigenous expenditure
Table 3.1.3: Australian Government Indigenous expenditure (AGIE)
Approp Bill No. 1 $’000 / Approp Bill No. 2 $’000 / Special approp $’000 / Total approp $’000 / Other $’000 / Total $’000 / ProgrammeOutcome 1
Departmental 2015–16 / 348 / – / – / 348 / – / 348 / 1.1
Departmental 2014–15 / 340 / – / – / 340 / – / 340 / 1.1
Total AGIE 2015–16 / 348 / – / – / 348 / – / 348
Total AGIE 2014–15 / 348 / – / – / 348 / – / 348
3.2 Budgeted financial statements
3.2.1 Differences in entity resourcing and financial statements
The entity resource statement (Table 1.1) provides a consolidated view of all the resources available in 2015–16. This includes operating appropriation, funds from other sources and cash to cover payables and provisions on the balance sheet. Operating appropriation is shown as revenue from government in the comprehensive income statement (Table 3.2.1)
3.2.2 Analysis of budgeted financial statements
Comprehensive income statement
The budgeted financial statements for 2015–16 do not show significant variations from the last published position.
The comprehensive income statement shows a minor net surplus, excluding heritage and cultural depreciation expenses that are not funded through revenue appropriations.
Budgeted departmental balance sheet
Equity is forecast to be $253.891m at 30 June 2016.
Financial assets are forecast at $13.289m against liabilities of $6.045m.
3.2.3 Budgeted financial statements tables
Table 3.2.1: Comprehensive income statement (showing net cost of services)
for the period ended 30June
Employee benefits / 13,293 / 12,874 / 13,164 / 13,489 / 13,831
Suppliers / 12,286 / 13,091 / 13,072 / 13,611 / 14,268
Grants / 115 / 115 / 115 / 115 / 115
Depreciation and amortisation / 9,752 / 9,752 / 9,752 / 9,752 / 9,752
Total expenses / 35,446 / 35,832 / 36,103 / 36,967 / 37,966
Own-source revenue
Sale of goods and rendering of services / 8,166 / 8,791 / 9,495 / 10,137 / 10,337
Interest / 704 / 612 / 462 / 412 / 562
Other / 2,345 / 2,345 / 2,345 / 2,560 / 3,150
Total own-source revenue / 11,215 / 11,748 / 12,302 / 13,109 / 14,049
Total own-source income / 11,215 / 11,748 / 12,302 / 13,109 / 14,049
Net cost of (contribution by) services / 24,231 / 24,084 / 23,801 / 23,858 / 23,917
Revenue from government / 22,309 / 22,211 / 21,918 / 21,977 / 22,034
Surplus (deficit) attributable to the Australian Government / (1,922) / (1,873) / (1,883) / (1,881) / (1,883)
Changes in asset revaluation surplus / – / – / – / – / –
Total other comprehensive income / – / – / – / – / –
Total comprehensive income (loss) / (1,922) / (1,873) / (1,883) / (1,881) / (1,883)
Total comprehensive income (loss) attributable to the Australian Government / (1,922) / (1,873) / (1,883) / (1,881) / (1,883)
Note: Impact of net cash appropriation arrangements
2014–15 $’000 / 2015–16 $’000 / 2016–17 $’000 / 2017–18 $’000 / 2018–19 $’000
Total comprehensive income (loss) excluding depreciation/amortisation expenses previously funded through revenue appropriations / 10 / 59 / 49 / 51 / 49
Less heritage and cultural depreciation expenses previously funded through revenue appropriations / 1,932 / 1,932 / 1,932 / 1,932 / 1,932
Total comprehensive income (loss) as per the statement of comprehensive income / (1,922) / (1,873) / (1,883) / (1,881) / (1,883)
Prepared on Australian Accounting Standards basis.
Table 3.2.2: Budgeted departmental balance sheet (as at 30 June)
Financial assets
Cash and cash equivalents / 14,107 / 12,242 / 7,586 / 5,358 / 5,345
Trade and other receivables / 1,052 / 1,047 / 1,047 / 1,047 / 1,047
Total financial assets / 15,159 / 13,289 / 8,633 / 6,405 / 6,392
Non-financial assets
Land and buildings / 147,819 / 148,620 / 150,728 / 151,328 / 151,007
Property, plant and equipment / 11,101 / 10,907 / 11,383 / 11,859 / 11,750
Heritage and cultural assets / 79,557 / 79,339 / 79,209 / 79,211 / 79,042
Intangibles / 5,650 / 7,096 / 8,488 / 9,605 / 10,522
Inventories / 241 / 241 / 241 / 241 / 241
Other non-financial assets / 444 / 444 / 444 / 444 / 444
Total non-financial assets / 244,812 / 246,647 / 250,493 / 252,688 / 253,006
Total assets / 259,971 / 259,936 / 259,126 / 259,093 / 259,398
Suppliers / 2,757 / 2,886 / 2,247 / 2,372 / 2,809
Other payables / 1,205 / 1,205 / 1,205 / 1,144 / 1,144
Total payables / 3,962 / 4,091 / 3,452 / 3,516 / 3,953
Employee provisions / 1,954 / 1,954 / 1,954 / 2,004 / 2,004
Total provisions / 1,954 / 1,954 / 1,954 / 2,004 / 2,004
Total liabilities / 5,916 / 6,045 / 5,406 / 5,520 / 5,957
Net assets / 254,055 / 253,891 / 253,720 / 253,573 / 253,441
Parent entity interest
Contributed equity / 12,224 / 13,933 / 15,645 / 17,379 / 19,130
Reserves / 186,783 / 186,783 / 186,783 / 186,783 / 186,783
Retained surplus (accumulated deficit) / 55,048 / 53,175 / 51,292 / 49,411 / 47,528
Total parent entity interest / 254,055 / 253,891 / 253,720 / 253,573 / 253,441
Total equity / 254,055 / 253,891 / 253,720 / 253,573 / 253,441
Prepared on Australian Accounting Standards basis.