Chat Room Chat

Complete this ‘chat’ by answering the questions using as many chat room acronyms as you can.

Hi my name is Qtpie! Anyone out there want to be F?
 I love to meet my F at the cinema at the weekends, what do you like to do?
Where is your nearest cinema?
What kind of films do you like watching?
My little brother is nagging me to get off the PC because he wants to find some cheats for his PS2 games. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I go to Ysgol Caer Y Llwch. It’s ok cos I get to see all my M8’s – where do you go to school?
I love eating chips and chocolate (not together of course!) What is your favourite food?
I’m going to the cinema this weekend then round town with my M8’s! Can’t wait! W@ you up to?
I have been going to loads of house parties lately – they have been great! Do you ever go?
My mum and dad are away next weekend so loads of my M8’s are coming round, should be a laugh! Do you ever get the house to yourself? If you tell me your address I could call round when your parents are out!
PRW - Now my mum has come to see what I’m doing – I have told her I don’t go on chat rooms! Is your mum nosey?
My pc is in my bedroom so they don’t really know what I go on. Where’s yours?
This is my picture. Can you send me one of you?
Like I said I am going to the cinema this weekend. Do you fancy coming along?
What do you think about the latest number one?
We seem to have loads in common – LtsGt2gthr! Fancy meeting in the park at 8pm on Friday?
This is my mobile number 07790678543 – if you give me yours I’ll txt u!
I’ve got loads of IT homework to do so I’d better go and do it. H2cus. XO