Occupational Course of Study Background Information Form

Students Name: ______DOB: ______

Parents Name: ______Date of Graduation: ______

If the IEP team is considering recommending a student for participation in the Occupational Course of Study the following procedures should be followed:

  1. Verification should be made that the student is functioning significantly below age and grade level expectations. All documentation should be within a timeframe that ensures validity of functioning level.


Primary Disability: ______

Secondary Disability: ______

IQ Score: ______

Academic Achievement Standardized Test Results:



  1. Describe the students level of adaptive behavior skills and social skills that indicate his need for the occupational course of study (reference daily living

skills, self determination, etc.):


3. Verification should be made that the student has a history of significant problems being successful in the NC Standard Course of Study even with modifications and accommodations.


GPA (7th Grade): ______(8th Grade): ______

EOG Scores: Math ______Reading ______Science ______

Computer Skills ______

Writing Test (4th and 7th): ______

Summary of Teacher Observations: ______

Interventions Previously Attempted (Please Check):

__ Modified Coursework__ Extended Test Time

__ Curriculum and Instruction__ Tutoring

__ Modified Homework__ Extended Learning

__ Summer School__ Read Aloud

__ Assistive Devices__ Alternative Materials

__ Grading__ Modified Assignments

__ Graphic Organizers__ Portfolio

__ Study Guide__ Large Print

__ Audio Tapes__ Braille/Braille Writer

__ Preferential Seating__ Video Cassette

__ Crammer- Abacus__ Dictation to Scribe

__ Interpreter/Transliteration__ Demonstration Teaching

__ Computer/ WP__ Student marks in book

__ Technical Assistance/ inserv.__ Multiple Test Sessions

__ Testing in a Separate Room__ One test item per page

__ Other ______

Note: In determining appropriateness for participation in the OCS remember that the need for accommodations and modifications in and of itself does not justify choosing the OCS as the student’s pathway to a high school diploma. The IEP committee must determine that “even with accommodations and modifications the students has not been successful in the standard course of study.”

4. Verification should be made that the Occupational Course of Study is in alignment with the student’s post-secondary school goals.

Documentation (Indicate the students post secondary goal in each of the following domains):

Post-Secondary Education: ______

Employment: ______



  1. Verification should be made that participation in the Occupational Course of Study matches the desires of the student and his or her parents or guardians.

Documentation (Summarize information obtained from the Student Dream Sheet or other inventory): ______


General Education Teacher:______

Counselor: ______

Principal or Designee: ______

Exceptional Children Teacher: ______

See IEP for additional signatures of individuals having input into this decision.

Copy this form to the EC Director at the EC Office. File this form with the Annual Review paperwork (DEC 4).

Note: Participation in the Occupational Course of Study is not a placement decision. It is a choice of a high school pathway leading to a diploma. The IEP team including the student and his or her parents should make this decision based on many considerations with the greatest weight given to the desires of the student and his or her parents. In North Carolina, choosing a pathway is ultimately left up to the student and his or her parents.

1McDowell County Schools September 2008