HYHA Board of Directors July 21st, 2014
Meeting Minutes
10/3/2018 - Page 1 of 5
Hopkins Youth Hockey Association
Minutes of the July 21st, 2014
Board of Directors Meeting
Members Present:Mr. Winter, Ms. Quale,Mr. DeGiulio, Ms. Slattery, Mr. Hoschka, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Anderson,Mr. Hymanson, Mr. Goldenberg, Mr. Tim Greeley, Mr. Martin, Ms. Finn, Ms. Myers, Ms. Brodersen, Mr. Peterson
Guests Present:Mr. Steve Staack, Mr. Jeb Morrison, Mr. Andrew Pillsbury, Mr. Shawn Normandin, Mr. John Lucas, Mr. Brian Witte
Call to Order: Mr. Winter called the meeting to order at 6:50 pm.
Charitable Gambling Report
Angela Quale, Charitable Gambling Manager
June 2014 Tuttle’s site had gross receipts of $152,035.00 and net receipts of $22,694.00. Actual allowable expenses were $9,832.00 plus taxes of $8,218.00 a realized net gain of $4,644.00. Payouts decreased from 85.15% in May to 85.07% for June. Mainstreet site had gross receipts of $183,751.00 and net receipts of $24,117.00. Actual allowable expenses were $10,371.00 plus taxes and fees $8,888.00 for a realized net profit of $4,858.00 Payouts increased from 85.95% in May to 85.95% in June. The combined approved expenses were $37,309.00 (allowable expenses plus taxes).
August estimated expenses are as follows:
Compensation (3 pay periods) / 15,400Accounting/consulting Fees / 1,000
Gaming Purchases / 3,800
Gambling Taxes & Fees / 18,000
Site Rental / 3,500
Monthly Storage Site Fee / 206
Misc Expense & Bank Charges / 2,000
Total $43,906.00
Cash balance checking account as of June 30, 2014 $ 37,185.61
(before taxes paid on 07/20/14) Cash Balance 06/30/13 was 30,542.00
Copies of the June tax return, as well as supporting documentation, have been provided to the secretary, and are available upon request.
Ms. Finn made a motion to approve the actual May 2014 Charitable Gambling expenses. Mr. DeGiulioseconded the motion. Mr.Wintercalled fordiscussion. There was no discussion. Mr. Winter called for a vote. The motion passed by aunanimous voice vote.
Mr. Martin made a motion to approve the estimated July 2014 Charitable Gambling expenses. Ms. Finnseconded the motion. Mr.Wintercalled fordiscussion. There was no discussion. Mr. Winter called for a vote. The motion passed by aunanimous voice vote.
Mr. Martin made a motion to approve June meeting minutes as written. Ms. Brodersen seconded the motion. Mr. Winter called fordiscussion. There was no discussion. Mr. Winter called fordiscussion. There was no discussion. Mr. Winter called for a vote. The motion passed by aunanimous voice vote.
Old Business:
New Business
The board entered into a discussion of cost and timing of this season’s clinic and tryouts.
Mr. Winter introduced Mr. Morrison and Mr. Pillsbury from the Positive Coaching Alliance to the board. Mr. Morrison and Mr. Pillsbury made a presentation to the board about their program. The Positive Coaching Alliance would like HYHA to participate in their seminars for both coaches and parents.
Mr. DeGiulio made a motion to hire The Positive Coaching Alliance for up to a total of $2,000 provided certain members feel it is appropriate after more research.. Ms. Finn seconded the motion. Mr. Winter called fordiscussion. There was no discussion. Mr. Winter called fordiscussion. There was no discussion. Mr. Winter called for a vote. The motion passed by aunanimous voice vote.
Player Development Committee
No Report
Pavilion Improvement Committee
A final feasibility report will be coming soon.
Member Reports
Volunteer Coordinator – Ms. Finn
Ms. Finn let the board know that she is preparing a plan for volunteer sessions for this season’s tournament.
Fundraising – Mr. Hussey
Not Present - No Report.
Hockey Recruitment – Matt Lichty
Not Present - No Report.
Mite Coordinator – Dan Tompkins
Not Present - No Report.
Registrar – Ms. Slattery
Ms. Slattery let the board know that she is once again working with Letterman Sports on an apparel purchasing plan for this season. Ms. Slattery has coach registration for the upcoming season complete. Player registration is close. Player registration will include online installment payments for the first time. Travel families will pay at registration and ice costs will automatically be charged on October 15th, November 15th and January 15th.
Boys Travel Coordinator Report – Mr. Waggoner
Not Present - No Report.
Girls Travel Coordinator – Mr. Hoschka
Mr. Hoschka let the board know that there is a new girls varsity coach – Chris Erickson. Mr. Hoschka reported that girls clinics are going well. He also let the board know that he is looking for coaches at the U10 level.
ACE Coordinator - Mr. Martin
No Report.
Equipment Coordinator –Chad Goldenberg
Mr. Goldenberg informed the board that he has begun the task of having jerseys at all levels repaired. He is also working on new jerseys for one year from now. He is also working with Hanus Sports on a new design for socks. Mr. Goldenberg also ordered 24 sets of small gear for new players.
Outdoor Ice – Mr. Tim Greeley
No Report
Ice Coordinator – Mr. Hoffman
Mr. Hoffman let the board know that clinic and tryout sessions are almost complete. The board had already entered into a discussion earlier in the meeting regarding fees for clinics and tryouts.
Tournament Director – Ms. Brodersen
Ms. Brodersen let the board know that registration is open for this season’s tournament. Teams are already registering. There has been no pushback on the increased fees.
Communications – Ms. Myers
Ms. Myers informed the board that a planned website upgrade has been tabled due to a very high cost for a very small change. Mr. Myers also let the board know that all content on the site is being reviewed and updated.
C-league / Special Projects – Jason Anderson
No report.
Secretary – Mr. Hymanson
Not Present - No Report.
Treasurer – Mr. DeGiulio
Mr. DeGiulio let the board know that the ICA foodshelf has moved. They are having an open house at their new location the day after this meeting. Mr. DeGiulio let the board know that we had all been invited to the open house. Mr. DeGiulio handed out a working version of an operating budget for the upcoming season. Mr. DeGiulio reported that it is too early to tell, but the wrestling event should come around break even.
Vice President – Dan Hatzung
Not Present - No Report.
President – Mr. Winter
Mr. Lucas requested a few minutes to speak to the board. Mr. Lucas asked the board to consider granting his son a waiver for another year to play in St. Louis Park even though they live in and his son goes to school in the Hopkins school district. The family was given a waiver for the previous year with the understanding that last year would be the final year a waiver would be granted. Mr. Lucas asked the board to consider one more year. Mr. Winter let Mr. Lucas know the board would consider his request and get back to him.
The meeting adjourned at 8:47p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tom Hymanson
August 14th, 2014