Beresford City Council
November 7, 2011
The Beresford City Council met in regular session in the City Library Community Room on Monday November 7, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.
Members present: Mayor Jim Fedderson presiding, Gerald Dahlin, Troy Doeden, Tom Erickson, Teresa Kaltenbach, Gary Lambert, and Art Schott.
Also present: Kathy Moller, Finance Officer, and Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator, and Tom Frieberg, City Attorney.
Absent: None.
Adopt Agenda: A motion to adopt the agenda was made by Dahlin, second by Doeden, motion carried.
Minutes: Erickson made the motion to approve the minutes from the meeting held on October 17, 2011 seconded by Schott, motion carried.
Public Forum and Visitors:
Tom McKee and Chuck Beeler: Tom McKee and Chuck Beeler addressed the Council regarding Mr. McKee’s property north of the City limits. Mr. McKee’s goal is to annex the property into the City of Beresford. The electricity, water, sewer and telecommunication services were all discussed. Mr. McKee was advised to start the conditional use permit process with Lincoln County. The City will submit a letter to Lincoln County, supporting Mr. McKee’s change in use and will contact South Lincoln Rural Water for permission to connect to the City’s water.
Committee/Mayor Reports
Public Works Committee: Tom Erickson dispersed a handout to the Council on the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System. Erickson explained the contract between Lewis & Clark Regional Water System and the City, along with the amount of water the City is required to purchase monthly. Council discussed the life span on water meters and asked Moller to compile a history report to see where the City sits with the existing meters. Erickson mentioned that water rates will need to be discussed at length.
New Business
Appointment to HRC Board: HRC board member Jeff Thaler has completed his term. Due to his job requiring him to travel more, he has declined another term. Council thanked Thaler for his years of service. Erickson made the motion to appoint Steve Cain to the HRC board, term expiring November 2016, Doeden seconded the motion. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Accept Cities 2010 Audit Report: Lambert made the motion to accept the 2010 Annual Report, Dahlin seconded the motion, and all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
City Farm Ground Lease Renewal: Lambert made the motion to authorize Mayor Fedderson to sign a 3-year lease renewal agreement with Curtis Jensen for the City farm ground at $178.50 an acre. Schott seconded the motion, all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Employee Step Pay Increase: Finance Officer Moller requested the Council to approve the step pay increase for Finance Office employee Patti Bickett. Moller stated that Patti is doing a great job. Erickson made the motion to approve the step pay increase for Patti Bickett to $16.86/hr. Doeden seconded the motion; all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Consider Full-Time Hire for Dispatch/Water Treatment: Police Chief Christensen made a recommendation to the Council for the full-time Dispatch/Water Treatment position. Doeden made the motion to approve hiring Ruth Kennedy for the full time Dispatch/Water Treatment position at $13.76/hr. Doeden seconded the motion. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. Christensen also requested hiring a part time Dispatch/Water Treatment Plant employee. Doeden made the motion to approve hiring Brittny Gannon for the part time Dispatch/Water Treatment Plant at $10.50/hr. Schott seconded the motion, all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
Resignation from BEDCO Board of Directors: BEDCO Board Member Laura Archambeau submitted her letter of resignation. Dahlin made the motion to accept the resignation letter, Lambert seconded the motion, and all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. Council thanked Archambeau for her years of service.
Council Member Kaltenbach arrived at 8:45 p.m.
Resolution for CW-SRF Funding Application Sponsorship: Lambert made the motion to adopt Resolution #2011-13, Schott seconded the motion, all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.
RESOLUTION # 2011-13
WHEREAS, the City of Beresford has determined the need for the Sanitary Sewer Pipe Replacement Project; and
WHEREAS, loan assistance is necessary to enable the City to construct these improvements; and
WHEREAS, the City is desirous of obtaining a Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan from the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources in an amount not to exceed $834,735 at 3.25% interest for a 30-year term. The City will pledge its wastewater revenue towards repayment.
BE IT RESOLVED the City of Beresford hereby authorizes the filing of an application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program, and hereby designates the Mayor to act as signatory in connection with the application, loan agreement, payment requests, and other required forms, and to provide such additional information as may be required by the State of South Dakota.
Adopted this 7th day of November, 2011.
K. James Fedderson, Mayor Kathy Moller, Finance Officer
City of Beresford City of Beresford
Resolution for DW-SRF Funding Application Sponsorship: Lambert made the motion to adopt Resolution #2011-14, Erickson seconded the motion; all present Council members voted aye, motion carried.
RESOLUTION # 2011-14
WHEREAS, the City of Beresford has determined the need for the Water Main Replacement and Extension for Looping LCRWS Project; and
WHEREAS, loan assistance is necessary to enable the City to construct these improvements; and
WHEREAS, the City is desirous of obtaining a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan from the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources in an amount not to exceed $960,985 at 3.00% interest for a 20-year term. The City will pledge its water revenue towards repayment.
BE IT RESOLVED the City of Beresford hereby authorizes the filing of an application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program, and hereby designates the Mayor to act as signatory in connection with the application, loan agreement, payment requests, and other required forms, and to provide such additional information as may be required by the State of South Dakota.
Adopted this 7th day of November 2011.
K. James Fedderson, Mayor Kathy Moller, Finance Officer
City of Beresford City of Beresford
Liquor License Renewals: Moller stated that a public hearing is no longer required for renewals only or transfers. There are no new licenses or transfers. Moller will bring the list of liquor license renewals to the November 21, 2011 Council Meeting.
City Christmas Party: Council discussed a Christmas party and decided on Saturday December 10, 2011 at the Bridges at Beresford.
Tour De Kota: Mayor Fedderson informed the Council that Tour De Kota, a bicycle tour of South Dakota will be visiting Beresford on June 17, 2012. A meeting has been set for Wednesday November 9, 2011 5:30 the Library Community Room to discuss entertainment, food and lodging.
Payment of Bills:
A motion was made by Erickson seconded by Doeden, to approve payment of the bills listed below, motion carried.
A & B Business Equipment, copier maintenance, $638.21; AFLAC, insurance, $1,665.47; A-OX Welding Supply, chemicals, $959.48;
A-1 Portable Toilets, rentals, $297.39; AAA Collections, employee garnishment, $77.84; Appeara, service, $995.16; Baker & Taylor, books, $813.97; Beal Distributing, beer, $11,387.10; Beresford Cablevision, monthly billing, $181.00; Beresford Municipal Telephone, monthly billing, $4,641.82; Beresford Municipal Utilities, monthly billing, $11,748.13; Border States Electric, pipe, $152.51; Brookings/Swiftel, toll, $4.75; Brown & Saenger, office supplies, $81.86; CDW Govt., office supplies, $254.89;
Centurylink, toll settlement, $198.67; Chesterman, resale, $299.65; CHR Solutions, Internet repair, $200.00; Christensen, Larry, refund, $65.48; City of Vermillion, tipping fees, $2,322.80; Conklin, Mike, postage reimbursement, $20.18; Consortia Consulting by Telec, consulting, $4,030.00; Cummins Central Power, repair, $736.33; D & D Pest Control, service, $185.00; Dakota Beverage, beer, $6,854.87; Dakota Data Shred, shredding, $64.40; DeRaad Heating & Cooling, repair, $1,188.15; DGR Engineers, engineering fees, $948.15; Diesel Machinery, shop equipment, $3,598.00; Ditch Witch of South Dakota, Bore machine repair, $744.16;
Dynamic Business Solutions, service, $405.00; Eastern Farmers Coop, fuel, $5,080.13; Farm & Home Publishers, office supplies, $57.24; Fiesta Foods, supplies, $633.16; First National Bank, TIF Revenue Bonds, $80,100.00; First National Bank, Certificate of Participation, $63,988.94; First National Bank, Certificate of Participation, $150,625.32; First National Bank, Certificate of Participation, $93,310.34; First National Bank, GO Bonds, $110,767.50; First Savings Bank, Fed excise tax, $1,473.94; Fedderson, David, install OH door, $558.60; Frieberg, ETAL, legal services, $1,756.81; Gale Group, book, $30.49; Gempler’s, safety gloves, $350.25;
Graham Tire Co, tires, $228.14; Graybar Electric, Internet supplies, $582.17; Graymont Capital, chemicals, $3,840.77; H & R Roofing of SD, replaced roof, $18,200.00; Halls Safety Equipment, shop equipment, $176.15; Hawkins Water Treatment, chemicals, $2,871.75;
Hillyard, supplies, $413.77; HD Supply Waterworks, hydrant markers, $546.00; Heavenly Accents By Faith, clothing allowance, $30.00;
Homestead Building Supplies, OH door, $1,944.99; IBEW Local #426, Union dues, $575.00; Inland Truck & Parts Service, repair, $1,182.39; Institutions Services, supplies, $170.81; J H Larson Electrical, light bulbs, $44.20;
Jack’s Uniforms, clothing allowance, $119.90; Jensen Agency, insurance, $58,841.00; Jet Service Center, repair, $137.63; Jet Truck Plaza, Fire Dept. fuel, $101.12; John Deere Landscapes, maintenance, $237.69; Johnson Brothers, on/off sale liquor, $11,446.55;
Knife River Midwest, cold mix, $1,468.62; Kots, Katherine, refund, $10.99; Kropuenske, Keith, clothing allowance, $294.33; L G Everist, sand, $2,362.99; Larson Construction, curb, $204.00; Laurvick, Anthony, supplies, $476.77; Lewis Drug Stores, office supplies, $56.65; Loren Fischer Disposal, garbage hauling contract, $5,029.70; MACC, billing fee, $3,033.83;
Meridian Grain, chemicals, $3,914.50; MidAmerican Energy, natural gas, $130.02; Midwest Alarm Company, alarm testing service, $450.00; Midwest Tape, DVD’s, $769.19; Muller Auto Parts, repairs & maintenance, $874.33; Neves Uniforms & Equipment, clothing allowance, $99.99; New York Life Insurance, insurance, $172.70; Nordquist, Michael, mileage, $38.85; Norling, Jane, mileage, $477.30;
Office Elements, copier lease, $101.90; Olson’s Hardware, supplies, $452.04; Papa Murphy’s Pizza, resale, $534.45; Pitney Bowes, postage, $3,030.00; Pollman Excavating, lime removal, $12,240.00; Queen City Wholesale, supplies, $1,129.72;
Quill Corporation, supplies, $206.36; Rasmussen, Beth, clothing allowance, $102.89; Republic National Distributing, on/off sale liquor, $5,335.14; Sanitation Products, sweeper parts, $267.70; SD Assoc of Rural Water, annual dues, $545.00; SD Dept. of Health, lab fees, $274.00; SD Network, Internet service, $893.24; SD Supplemental Retire Plan, SDSRP, $400.00; Sebern, William, clothing allowance, $245.00; Sheehan Mack Sales & Equipment, loader lease, $1,300.00; Shegrud Backhoe Service, repairs, $178.50; Simplot Soilbuilders, chemicals, $1,831.80; Sioux Falls Humane Society, animal care fee, $20.00; Southeastern Electric Coop, electric, $984.34;
Stuart C Irby, underground wire, $4,457.50; Tessman Seed Company, chemicals, $232.80; Toshiba Business Solutions, copier lease, $236.99; Truck Towne, propane, $59.98; Truman, James, reimbursement, $43.26; United Parcel Service, shipping fees, $117.89;
US Dept. of Energy, trust billing, $4,400.00; Variety Foods, food, 716.62; Verizon Wireless, service, $699.70; Ver-Tech, baling wire, $497.87; Voegeli, Cameron, clothing allowance, $240.67; Walt’s Homestyle Food, resale, $83.00; WESCO, switch & line protection, $1,176.48; Zee Medical Service, supplies, $30.65; Zeimetz, Jerry, car allowance, $300.00; Zep Manufacturing, supplies, $241.40.
October 2011 Payroll Total:
Finance $4,772.80; Gov’t Bldg. $171.45; Police $16,195.79; Dispatch $13,661.15; Street $7,646.87; Parks $547.44; Liquor $6,122.64; Water $6,999.66; Electric $20,779.12; Sewer $4,231.86; Telephone $25,548.83; Rubble/Recycling $1,465.38; City Council $8,425.00; Library $6,242.18; Bldg. Inspector $240.00; City Administrator $5,915.20; Golf Course $6,325.99; Clubhouse $6,507.62; Event Center $397.77.
Executive Session: A motion was made by Dahlin seconded by Erickson to go into executive session to discuss a proprietary and personnel matter at 8:55p.m. Motion carried.
Regular session reconvened at 10:38 p.m.
Adjournment: As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:39 p.m. on a motion by Erickson, second by Schott, motion carried.
Kathy Moller, Finance Officer
Recorded by Elaine Johnson