Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Address 4
Address 5
[Date] [THANK YOU letter - please delete before printing]
[Dear name, by hand in blue ink]
Today we have a promised increase of more than £100 per week in giving to [church name]. This helps to secure our financial future and the resources for our ministry and mission plans for the coming year. [local edit required – maybe, “as responses come in steadily” or “touched by the positive response to Giving in Grace]. So please accept my warm and grateful thanks to you for your part in this wonderful, generous commitment. Your prompt response to Giving in Grace, your support, concern and practical action are a real encouragement to me and will encourage others in our church as they make their own response.
I do not know the details of individual responses; that is confidential to our [planned giving officer]. But I am aware of who has responded and of the overall increase in giving and I trust that you will also be encouraged by what has happened so far.
[Edit this sentence as responses come in] It is early days yet but so far xx individuals or couples have responded to my letter in [September]. When Gift Aid is added to the promises received we will have an additional £xx per week, that’s about £x,xxx per year. I am delighted by this response.
This generous giving will do so much more than balance our budget for the coming year. It helps make us financially secure and we can grow both new and existing areas of ministry in the church. For example [edit to suit we can now offer training and resources for our new pastoral visiting team who visit the elderly, the housebound and the bereaved of the parish and refurbish the kitchen for use by our organisations]. You can be very confident that your giving is making a real difference to people’s lives in this church and in our community.
If you have made a specific request for additional information, such as planned giving envelopes or a Gift Aid declaration, please be assured that someone will be in contact with you within the next couple of weeks with the information you have requested.
Once again thank you for your generosity, support, encouragement and partnership in our ministry here in [Anytown]. It is greatly appreciated, never taken for granted and will help our church to move forward. If you would like to discuss any aspect of Giving in Grace or the ministry of our church please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
PS Thank you for your gift which helps make it possible for us to do all that we hope to achieve in the coming year.