Shrewsbury Hillwalking Club

() - Sunday walks Jul/Dec 2015

For Sunday walks, we meet at north side of Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, at times shown below. We'll see how many cars are required, and who's happy to drive, then travel to the walk start. People wishing to meetat the walk start may do so if agreed with the walk leader.

Date / Place / Leader / Meeting time / Grade
5th July / Moel Penamnen / Bill Fowler / 08:00 / B
12th July / Sarn and Kerry Ridgeway / Carol Easthope / 08:30 / B
19th July / Black Hill (Herefordshire) / Mike Pemberton / 08:30 / B
26th July / Yr Elen / Christopher Machen / 08:00 / B
2nd August / Llangollen Round part 1 / Gill and Nigel Pursey / 08:00 / B
9th August / Llangollen Round part 2 / Gill and Nigel Pursey / 08:00 / B
16th August / Bucknell / Peter Brown / 09:00 / C
23rd August / Berwyns / Phil and Cheryl Johnston / 08:00 / B
30th August / Breiddens / Geraldine Lane / 09:00 / C
6th September / Knighton / John Ellerslie / 08:00 / B
13th September / Ruthin / Phil and Cheryl Johnston / 08:00 / B
20th September / Corndon / Jane Williams / 08:30 / B
27th September / UpperCeiriogValley / Bernard Crowhurst / B
4th October / Cwm Rheidol / Mike Pemberton / 08:30 / C
11th October / Malvern Hills / Dave Peters / 08:30 / B
18th October / Cadair Idris / Bill Fowler / 08:00 / B
25th October (GMT) / Creigiau Gleision / Colin Carson / 08:00 / B
1st November / Mynydd Nodol / Carol Easthope / 08:30 / B
Wednesday 4th Nov / AGM and planning meeting; Reabrook Club, Scott St. / 20:00
8th November / Cannock Chase / Dave Peters / 09:00 / C
15th November / Moel Siabod / Colin Carson / 08:00 / B
22nd November / Gop Hill / Mike Pemberton / 08:30 / C
29th November / Bishop's Castle / Shirley Pemberton / 09:00 / C
6th December / Shropshire Hills / Bill Fowler / 08:30 / B
13th December / Aran Fawddwy / John Ellerslie / 08:00 / B
20th December / Nesscliffe / Carol Easthope / 09:30 / C
27th December

Shrewsbury Hillwalking Club

Walk Leaders:Peter Brown01939 290482

Colin Carson01694 722784

Bernard Crowhurst01952 254004

Carol Easthope01939 260761 or 07981 005651

John Ellerslie01743 360115 or 07490272286

Bill Fowler01743 874298

Phil and Cheryl Johnston01743 241284

Geraldine Lane07826 857868

Christopher Machen01743 246634

Mike and Shirley Pemberton01939 210601

Dave Peters01743 232468

Gill and Nigel Pursey01743 272986 or 07854 937742

Jane Williams01743 244074 or 07746 111883


1 A named member leads each walk.

2 Any walk may be modified at the leader's discretion.

3 Most walks are for a full day of 6 to 8 hours, and are graded as follows:

D - easy walks at a gentle pace, several stops; rarely longer than 8 miles

C - walks that, while often involving mountains, are usually on obvious footpaths and with relatively easy gradients. This grade also covers lowland walks, and would not exceed 12 miles.

B - Mountain or moorland walks which don't include scrambles.

A - Any walk including a scramble.

4 Everyone must have footwear, clothing, food and equipment appropriate to the weather and other conditions. They should also carry a basic first aid kit, and a card with emergency contact details. Any medical conditions which may be a liability should be reported to the leader.

5 Leaders may refuse to allow anyone to join a walk or activity if they consider them to be inadequately equipped or unable to complete the walk.

6 Everyone is expected to keep together throughout the walk, and not to get ahead of the leader. Under no circumstances should anyone leave the group without first informing the leader and agreeing a safe route.

7 Children between 12 and 16 may go on grade C and D walks if accompanied by a parent/carer. Young people between 16 and 18 may go on all grades of walk with the writtenconsent of their parent/carer.

8 Dogs are not allowed on club walks.

9 In the event of an accident, leaders must give full details in writing to the secretary, including a list of all people on the walk.

Please note that it's usual to share cars where we can, and it is customary to share costs; 25p per mile shared between the driver and passengers.

Disclaimer: all sporting and leisure activities have inherent hazards associated with them, and hill walking is no exception. In spite of members' safety being of paramount concern, accidents will occasionally happen. It is important, therefore, that when rambling or hill walking, each member appreciates that they have a responsibility to identify any hazards, and to take reasonable steps to eliminate or minimise the potential for an accident to arise. Club membership has the advantage of civil liability insurance, but this does not extend to personal loss or injury.

Membership subscriptions: £8 single, £11 family.

Officers:ChairCarol Easthope

Vice ChairDave Peters

Hon SecGill Pursey

Hon TreasurerJane Williams

Committee:Geraldine Lane, John Ellerslie, Bill Fowler