English ______

6th grade

Mr. Kowalick ______


When we speak literally we say exactly what we mean. When we speak figuratively we make comparisons or use sayings to make our meaning stronger or more visual. Many of the following sentences contain figurative language, but a few are just literal.


  • A simile is a comparison of one thing to another using like, as, or seems.
  • A metaphor is a comparison made by saying one thing is another unlike thing.
  • Personification is when a non-human thing or creature is given human qualities.
  • Hyperbole is an intentional grand exaggeration used to make a stronger point.
  • Idiomsare well-known expressions that mean something other than their literal meaning.

Read each of the sentences below. Identify each type of figurative language by circling S for simile, M for metaphor, P for personification, H for hyperbole, I for idiom, or Lit for literal meaning.

S M P H I Lit1. The train was a speeding bullet.

S M P H I Lit2. Romeo is the sun, and fair Juliet the moon.

S M P H I Lit3. The Chihuahua curled up on the fluffy mat and went to sleep..

S M P H I Lit4. The dry dust from the desert tickled our throats and choked us ‘til

we coughed and coughed.

S M P H I Lit5. “Wake up and smell the coffee Bita. He’s cheating on you!”

S M P H I Lit6. The freshly-cut grass ordered me to inhale and smell the springtime.

S M P H I Lit7. It really gets on my nerves when you have the TV up so loud.

S M P H I Lit8. The train shouted a warning for anyone in the way to, “Move, move,


S M P H I Lit9. Andrew’s hair looks like a sunset at the beach.

S M P H I Lit10. When the spring came all the trees turned green, creatures had

their newborn babies, and the sun smiled down with approval.

S M P H I Lit11. Hot chocolate seems like a warm cup of heaven.

S M P H I Lit12. Sit up straight and pay attention.

S M P H I Lit13. Kiera Knightly played Guinevere in the movie “King Arthur.”

S M P H I Lit14. The stars were a million sparkling diamonds in the night sky.

S M P H I Lit15. The vegetable soup bubbled and simmered on the stove.

S M P H I Lit16. My sister’s mean behavior and words were sharp knives stabbing me

in the heart.

S M P H I Lit17. The ugly, knarled, twisted tree looked like a shriveled old lady.

S M P H I Lit18. My husband is like a mountain; he is strong, stable, and solid.

S M P H I Lit19. My husband is peanut butter; you know he’s brown and nutty.

S M P H I Lit20. It was so cold outside that your spit would turn to ice cubes before it

hit the ground.

S M P H I Lit21. Sharks are predators that live in the oceans.

S M P H I Lit22. I know you think this is a bad situation, but remember every cloud

has a silver lining.

S M P H I Lit23. Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.

S M P H I Lit24. The lion is a king ruling through fear and respec