Catholic Standards for Excellence Consultant

Role Description

Archdiocese of Indianapolis


A Catholic Standards for Excellence Consultant is a member of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis trained in the information, materials, and processes of the Catholic Standards for Excellence and capable of assisting parishes and other Catholic entities in the implementation of best church management practices.


Assist the Archdiocese of Indianapolis by working with parishes and other Catholic entities in the implementation of Catholic Standards for Excellence. This may include:

·  Facilitating 2 hour orientation sessions

·  Facilitating a half-day to full day implementation session

·  Responsive to questions and challenges related to the implementation

·  Follow up meetings/contact with parishes or other Catholic entities implementing practices

·  Some reporting/meetings with Archdiocese of Indianapolis

To maintain status as a consultant, individuals must:

·  Serve in a capacity in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, religious community, or Catholic nonprofit within the Archdiocese

·  Attend a two-day consultant training led by Leadership Roundtable in partnership with the Standards for Excellence Institute on May 3-4 2017 at Fatima Retreat House in Indianapolis

·  Remain updated on new support resources and materials

·  Abide by all copyright, intellectual property, and derivative work restrictions from the Standards for Excellence Institute and the Leadership Roundtable

·  Register as a forum facilitator on Catholic Standards for Excellence Forum

·  Register all Catholic entities that use the Catholic Standards for Excellence in the Partners in Excellence program


·  Appreciation of and support for a strong working relationship between the Archdiocese and parishes/Catholic entities

·  A strong appreciation of systems thinking

·  An ethos of service


·  An ability to lead group processes

·  The ability to work with a diverse group of people

·  Strong follow-through and attention to detail


·  2 day training on the materials and information of the Catholic Standards for Excellence on May 3-4 2017 at Fatima Retreat House

·  Resource and education materials

·  Orientation and access to Archdiocesan offices relevant to the Catholic Standards for Excellence

Archdiocesan contact/liaison

Matt Hayes, Director Empowering Leaders Project

Time commitment

This commitment is for May 2017 to June 2018 (13 months) and may be annually renewed if needed. It includes:

·  2 days of initial training for Catholic Standards for Excellence and Archdiocesan information ( May 3-4 2017 at Fatima Retreat House)

·  Equivalent of up to 2 days per year of workshops assisting parishes/Catholic entities implementing the Catholic Standards for Excellence

·  1-3 hours a month responding to questions related to the implementation of the Catholic Standards for Excellence

·  If a consultant has difficulty with these commitments in light of other responsibilities, he/she will enter into conversation with the Archdiocesan contact/liaison


·  Contribute to positive cultural change in the Archdiocese in support of good stewardship of the church’s resources

·  Have a real tangible impact on the day-to-day lives of church leaders and those they serve

·  Learn and use best church management practices

·  Develop and contribute to a greater understanding of how the Archdiocese can support parishes and other Catholic entities

·  Connect with a wider community of pastoral leaders in the United States with an interest in best church management practices and good stewardship

·  A modest stipend will be offered from the Empowering Pastoral Leaders Project (Archdiocese of Indianapolis) for facilitating a workshop assisting Archdiocese of Indianapolis parish/Catholic entities implementing the Catholic Standards for Excellence


Catholic Standards for Excellence
Role Description for Archdiocese of Indianapolis