10:30 Worship
Rev .Chase Page, Guest Pastor
Communion will be March 8th / 2
Cub Scouts / 3 / 4
Girl Scouts
6:30 PM
Bell Choir
7:30 PM
Choir / 5
Bible Study
6:45 PM / 6 / 7
Boy Scout
Blue & Gold
5:00 PM
10:30 Worship
Communion Sunday
Day Light Saving Time / 9
Scouts / 10
Boy Scouts / 11
Girl Scouts
6:30 PM
Bell Choir
7:30 PM
Choir / 12
Bible Study
6:45 PM / 13 / 14
10:00 Worship / 16
Scouts / 17
Boy Scouts
7:15 p.m.
meeting / 18
Girl Scouts
6:30 PM
Bell Choir
7:30 PM
Choir / 19
Food Prep for Clam Chowder
Bible Study
6:45 PM / 20
Clam Chowder Sale
Take-out times
11-1 PM
4-6 PM / 21
10:30 Worship
Boy Scout Sunday / 23
Scouts / 24
Boy Scouts / 25
Girl Scouts
6:30 PM
Bell Choir
7:30 PM
Choir / 26
Bible Study
6:45 PM / 27
Boy Scout
Pasta Fagioli Dinner in Fellowship Hall. / 28
10:30 Worship
Palm Sunday / 30
/ 31
Boy Scouts
Bible Study
7:00 PM /

March 2 Pastor Ken Forbes

David Casal

4 Andy Richards

6 Patricia Alyce Bowen

9 Clark Bowen

15 Marilyn Casal

17 Gwen Levy

20 Ralph Metzgar Jr.

21 Krista Frank

23 Sarah Palermo

24 Diane Tomcykoski

29 Barbara Keller

March 29 – Mary & Courtney Close

Special Dates

World Day of Prayer, March 6,

Daylight-Saving Time Begins, March 8,

First Day of Spring, March 20,

Palm Sunday, March 29,

Holy Week, March 29-April 4,

April 1 – Holy Thursday

April 2 – Good Friday

April 5 – Easter Sunday

The Boy Scout Blue and Gold Dinner will be held in our Fellowship Hall on Saturday, March 7th, at 5:00 p.m.

Boy Scout Sunday will be held on Sunday, March 22nd. Members of the troop will take part in the morning worship service.

Boy Scout Troop #66 will hold their annual pasta fagioli dinner on Friday, March 27th, from 4:00 to 7:30 PM in our fellowship hall. Tickets are $8.00 for take-out or dine in. The meal is all you can eat, including salad, bread & butter, beverage and dessert. If interested in tickets, please call the church office.

Clam Chowder and Bread Sale

Friday, March 20th - Take-out ONLY

Tickets: $10.00 for a quart of soup and a small loaf of fresh baked bread.

Times for pickup: 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Volunteers are needed to help with food preparation (peeling/cutting vegetables) and will meet at 9:-00 a.m. on: Wednesday, March 18 and Thursday, March 19

This year the Outreach Committee has decided to reach out and donate proceeds from the dinner to the Keystone Rescue Mission Alliance in Scranton which will help them purchase much needed supplies to run their kitchen and help feed those in need.



Barbara Keller Nancy Walsh Linda Bourbeau

John Frank Don Williams Connie Richards

Dick Loessy Linda Muracco Frank Stieler

Clerk of Session: Linda Bourbeau

Financial Secretary: Connie Richards

Treasurer andSecretary: Sue Cantarella

Treasurer of Endowments: Richard Loessy

The next Session meeting will be Tuesday, March 17, at 7:15 p.m. in the chapel.

The Presbytery Cluster meeting scheduled for March has been postedponed for a later date to be announced.

A certificate was received at the January Presbytery meeting in recognition of our full per capita payment for 2014.


Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017

Mary Grace Donati Georgie Levy Danny Clark

Bonnie Forbes Lisa Price Bobbie Goldberg

Myrna Watkins Howard Miller

A $100 grant was received from the Thomas and Eleanor Gillespie Fund to support the work of the Board of Deacons.

Thomas Gillespie was the brother of Betty Skorec.

The Board of Deacons continues to collect canned goods and non-perishable food items for the Safety Net in Scranton.

Monday thru Friday 9:00 to 12:00 Pastor Forbes is in the office Tuesday thru Thursday most weeks. Office phone: 570-343-6807

Church email: Pastor Ken:

Should anyone need pastoral care for any reason at any time, please contact Pastor at home: 570-344-3145 or if Pastor Ken is away, contact Sue in the office during office hours or after hours at her home: 570- 383-9298 or Cell: 570-954-5846

Church Directory: Please let Sue know if there is any change in your address or phone at any time or if you would like to give an email to the church office.

Directories are available in the Fellowship Hall for anyone who needs a new one.

New members please update our church birthday calendar and give Sue those dates of birthdays in your family.

If you or someone you know have a special birthday or anniversary or any kind of event in the future, please let the church office know so we can share it with your church family.

Church website: dunmorepresby.org



If you have any type of prayer need request for a friend or family member, please contact Pastor Ken at 570-344-3145, Sue Cantarella at 570-343-6807 (or after hours) 570-383-9298 or let a prayer chain member know. Our chain:

Bonnie Forbes Danny Clark

Betty & Everett Fitch Betty Lamm

Georgie Levy Norma Mecca

Lisa Price Eleanor Metzgar

Nancy Walsh Doris Keller

Liz Hamborsky

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Leo Buscaglia

Don’t forget to set your clocks forward before you go to bed on Saturday, March 7th !

Lenten Bible Study

Thursday, March 5 6:45 p.m. Father, Forgive Them

Thursday, March 12 6:45 p.m. Today, You Will Be with Me in Paradise

Thursday, March 19 6:45 p.m. Behold Your Son….. Behold Your Mother

Thursday, March 26 6:45 p.m. My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Tuesday, March 31 7:00 p.m. It Is Finished …… Into Your Hands, Commit My Spirit

Sunday, March 29 – Palm Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m.

Thursday, April 2 – Maundy Thursday Tenebrae and Communion Service at 7:30 p.m.

Good Friday, April 3

Easter Sunday, April 5 Worship at 10:30 a.m.

Easter lilies AND tulips will be ordered and placed in the sanctuary for Easter Sunday.

Please fill out the information below and return with payment to Sue Cantarella by Sunday, March 15TH.

Lily or Tulip No color choice on tulips.

Given By:

In memory of:

In honor of:

Cost: $ 8.00 per plant Total: $

Jesus knew deep within his heart that the “Journey to the Resurection” needed to go through the wilderness and temptations by Satan. This is expressed in Luke’s Gospel chapter 4: 1 -13. The wilderness in this passage has a spiritual dimension in which we deal with who we are inlight of that which tempts us. The wilderness is where we deal with “what ifs in life” and make choices based on God’s will for our lives.

In the Old Testament, in the wilderness, Moses was on Mount Sinai following a forty-day fast. Like Moses, our Lord Jesus was led into the wilderness for forty days. Jesus had been baptized and had heard God’s voice from Heaven proclaim him the Son of God, the one whom John the Baptist had talked about. Full of the Holy Spirit, Jesus was led into the wilderness to wrestle with his indentity and was met there by Satan. Satan wanted Jesus to turn stone into bread, worship him in the exchange for power and jump from the top of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem to be resuced by angels. Jesus approved these temptations with God’s Word from the books of Deuteronomy which said:

“One does not live by bread alone; worship the Lord your God, and serve only him; and do not put the Lord your God to the test.” (Deut. 8:3; 6: 13 & 16). After that, Satan went away, and Jesus walked back into life from the wilderness. Later Jesus entered Gethsemane on a Thursday night. He sensed he was going to a cross to die - he might of thought that he might get rescued by a band of angels. Yet Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane went this way: “Father …..not my will, but thy will be done” (Luke 22: 42). Perhaps the experience of a major sickness, communication problems within your family, the loss of a job or loved one brings you to the wilderness. The only question that should come to your mind is this: What is God’s will for your life?? May the power of God’s Spirit within you as a believer, help you make decisions , enable you and me to walk back into living our lives and continue the journey, as faithful followers of Christ, our Savior and Lord. Allow God’s Spirit to lead you out of any wilderness situation you are in to continue the Journey to Joy with Jesus Christ. In His Love, Pastor Ken

Prayers and Concerns of our Church Family

Thoughts and prayers are extended to those of our church family and friends who are facing illness and to those who are now healing following surgery.

Jack Cross was admitted to Moses Taylor Hospital and moved to the Allied rehab unit during the week. Please continue to keep Jack and Joan in your thoughts and prayers.

Our deepest sympathies are extended to the family of Joan West following her death on February 23rd at Allied Skilled Nursing, Scranton.

Sarah Palermo will celebrate her 89th birthday on March 23, and if you wish to send her a card her address is: Greenridge Health Care, 2741 Bouelvard Ave, Scranton, PA 18509

The Dunmore High School Crimson Company will present the musical “South Pacific” in March. Matthew Muracco will play the part of Captain Brackett and we wish him the best of luck. A flyer with all the dates of the show can be found on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall.

World Day of Prayer

March 06, 2015

World Day of Prayer is a global, ecumenical movement of Christian women joined together to observe a common day of prayer each year the first Friday in March.

The Women's World Day of Prayer started in the USA in 1887, as Mary Ellen Fairchild James, wife of Darwin Rush James from Brooklyn, New York, called for a day of prayer for home missions. Through the World Day of Prayer, women are encouraged to become aware of the other countries and cultures and no longer live in isolation. They are also encouraged take up the burdens of other people, to sympathize with the problems of other countries and cultures and pray with and for them. They are further encouraged to become aware of their talents and use them in the service of society. The World Day of Prayer aims to demonstrate that prayer and action are inseparable and that both have immeasurable influence in the world.

Lord Jesus, help me to see others with Your eyes. Show me what it means to demonstrate Your love to those around me. Thank You for the love You give to me that I can share.

An Irish Blessing

May God grant you always

a sunbeam to warm you.

A moonbeam to charm you,

a sheltering angel

so nothing can harm you,

Laughter to cheer you,

faithful friends near you —

And whenever you pray,

Heaven to hear you.

Not 'OK' But 'Forgiven'

Since Thomas Harris’ popular self-help book I’m OK, You’re OK was first published in 1967, the title has become a cliché, thanks to knock-offs and parodies. One is titled I’m OK, You’re Not So Hot. Indeed, it’s often in our nature to be more accepting of our own behavior than of others’.

Yet at other times we’re too quick to dismiss a wrong done against us. When a wise Christian apologized to me for something she’d done, I immediately replied, “It’s OK.” But she responded, “No, it’s not OK, but you can tell me I’m forgiven.”

Lent reminds us that none of us is perfectly “OK” in our relationships with God and one another. But thanks to God’s unconditional love, demonstrated through Jesus’ willingness to suffer even death for us, we’re indeed forgiven.

—Heidi Mann