Why is Molly’s life in the UK, different from AkoSua’s, in Ghana?

TASKS - Open & read page 14 & 15 of Geog.3 “how developed is Ghana?”

1)  Answer Q1 on page 15 in your books

2)  Define the following key words to prepare you for the levelling task

Development indicator –

Gross Domestic Product –

3) Fill in the data from page 15 about the 4 babies for the UK and Brazil. Ghana has been done for you.

Deve______I______/ Ghana / Rank / UK / Rank / Brazil / Rank
Life expectancy in years / 62 yrs / 1 / 80 / 3
Infant Mortality in years (% that die before 5 years old) / 6.7%
Enrolment in primary school (%) / 68%
Access to safe water (%) / 65%
GDP per capita (US dollars $) / $1,980
Sum total of ranks

4) Now rank them, 1 being the worst country for that indicator, 3 being the best.

5) Add up the total score for each country & average person.

6) Discuss with your partner what this tells you about the country.

Data from atlas:-. .

Number of calories per day.
Health care (no. of doctors to look after a 1000 people).
Average number of babies per mother (fertility)
Your own


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Year 9 Mark scheme for Molly & Akosua

Using data from above to COMPARE how and EXPLAIN why Ghana and the UK are such different places to live and die!

You need to :-

·  Write 4 PEE paragraphs that use the evidence in the table.

·  Describe the differences and similarities in the numbers.

·  Link together the information you have chosen to explain why one country is more developed than another.

Write your 4 paragraphs in rough using the mark scheme, then in neat on the PC.

Level 3 / Level 4 / Level 5 / Level 6 / Level 7

Geographical Understanding

/ Describes and lists the data of the two countries. Some comparison of differences in the data / Describes and the data in detail and accurately of the two countries. Comparison of the differences and similarities in the data. Some basic explanation given. / The differences in the data explained and linked together in detail, with the numbers used as evidence.
Explains the data logically. / The different data is explained and linked together logically, supported with own evidence and examples.
The reliability of your explanation evaluated. / The data is fully explained and supported by facts and own data. Data used well to justify reasons for differences.
Literacy Skills / Write it using a few geographic words in a basic style. / Write it using many basic geographic words in a well-organised style using PEE paragraphs. / Write it using a good range of geographic words in a logical way that justifies your reasons. / Write it using an excellent range of terms and facts in an interesting and logical explanation. Own research is obvious. / Write it with fluently using loads of key words, research, and own clever ideas!

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Development Indicators Self Improvement Targets

L = literacy target

Level 2 and Level 3 Targets

1.  Organise your ideas and your reasons to show how they are connected.

2.  Use the task sheet and mark scheme to plan and organise your work.

3.  Use the data provided to add evidence to your answer.

4.  Do the rough copy in class and finish it for homework, including your own research (e.g. facts and figures).

5.  When describing what each place is like, describe and compare with good adjectives (e.g. whereas..., like..., similarly to...)

6.  Keep to the point of the task or the question so plan each point you want to say first.

7.  (L) Improve your written work by always writing in full sentences.

8.  (L) Make sure your sentences are meaningful and relevant.

9.  (L) You need to think more carefully about where paragraphs should begin and end in a piece of writing, asking your teacher when you are unsure.

10.  (L) You need to read the task carefully to ensure a full understanding before moving on to writing your essay.

11.  Ask for more help if you are unsure about what to do during a levelling project.

12.  Complete homework on time and thoroughly.

Literacy and Geography Targets to help you get a strong level 4

13.  Improve your descriptions by making sure you use keywords and terms (e.g. different development indicators)

14.  Organise you work with clear sub headings.

15.  Keep to the point of the task or the question, by following the task sheet.

16.  ACTUALLY USE the class information in your work – facts and figures on Ghana and the UK.

17.  Include more ICT research and MS Word in your work to add facts and help organisation.

18.  Describe and explain the links to the data, for example having a lower GDP means less money to spend on hospitals so the life expectancy is likely to be lower.

19.  Improve your written work by always writing in full sentences.

20.  Show a deeper understanding of the development indicators by using “because” more often.

21.  (L) Plan your writing and complete it in stages. If you plan, you will avoid forgetting good ideas and you’ll be able to use class-time and homework for more usefully.

22.  (L) You need to use planning aids such as spider diagrams to organise your thoughts before launching into a piece of writing.

23.  (L) You should be clear about the purpose of a piece of writing and the audience it is aimed at before you begin.

24.  (L) You need to read instructions carefully before beginning a task, so that you make sure you are doing what is actually being asked.

25.  (L) You need to improve your skills in finding information in texts. Understand and practise techniques such as highlighting, skim-reading and scanning.

26.  (L) You need to read texts more thoroughly and with a greater level of analysis in order to get beyond surface meaning. Lots of things in texts are suggested, not stated. You need to be able to see this!

Targets to help you get a strong level 5

27.  Use more ICT packages like MS Word to add structure to your work

28.  Use sub-titles and paragraphs to organise work and make it easier for the reader to understand

29.  (L) Do more of my own words, not copied and pasted from the internet.

30.  (L) Link together my ideas more with connectives like ‘which lead to...’ and ‘this could result in...’

31.  Use class information in my work and then research the ideas for extra information, which can be added to your essay to improve it.

32.  (L) I need to explain more - explaining why a country is poorer with supporting evidence.

33.  (L) I need to explain using point, evidence and explanation in clear paragraphs.

34.  Improve your explanations by using a range of evidence from the resources given to you, plus some from class work.

35.  (L) You need to recognise the value of drafting work and take more responsibility for checking accuracy, and that what you’ve written really completes the task set.

36.  Ensure every sentence and paragraph answers the questions set in the task sheet.

37.  When you are editing a draft to improve it, study the mark scheme and the task sheet.

Targets to help you get a strong level 6

38.  (L) I need to extend your explanations of why one place is more developed than another by giving 2 or 3 reasons in an explanation, each backed up with evidence.

39.  (L) I need to present a balanced argument in your extended writing using appropriate terms (e.g. discussing the similarities and differences between the lives of Molly and Akosua).

40.  (L) Every paragraph I write, I need to answer the question set in the task sheet.

41.  (L) Justifying my answers and opinions more fully with facts and quotes.

42.  (L) Formulate your own opinion on issues and justify it clearly using PEE paragraphs.

43.  Extend your research by reading articles in magazines/newspapers (e.g. ‘BBC news’ and ‘National Geographic’ websites.

44.  I need to break down my argument into a series of stages and processes and describe them in a logical order.

45.  I need to explain why impacts of development vary between scales of the world and to different groups of people.

Targets to help you get a strong level 7

46.  (L) I need to read around the subject through independent research, so I can use complex geographical terms correctly and with style.

47.  (L) I need to explain why one place is more developed than another and why the impacts affect different areas and people more that others by giving 3 or 4 reasons. Each reason should be backed up with evidence and a point of view.

48.  I need to fully understand the mark scheme and examine past examples for what makes a successful piece of writing. I should then use this information to improve my own essay.

49.  I need to explain and analyse the sustainability of the issue. In this case, what does the future hold for Ghana? This should be done through a balanced discussion and supported by facts.

50.  I need to discuss different views of this issue (e.g. Ghana is not as poor as people might think, not everyone in Ghana is poor and not everyone in the UK is rich).

51.  I need to explain why a development gap has grown between Ghana and the UK by

making reference to socio-economic, historical and environmental reasons.

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