7thGrade Civics and World Geography class


First of all, I would like to welcome all of you to the 2016-2017 school year!! I hope you had a great summer!! I am excited about getting started and I am looking forward to a very productive school year.

Seventh grade history is made up of two parts: (1) Civics and (2) World Geography. With Geography, we will be learning about the countries, governments, religions, and cultures of the Eastern Hemisphere of our world. We will look at some of the United States closest allies such as Japan and Great Britain, as well as some of today’s most publicized countries like North Korea, Russia, Iran, and Israel. With Civics we will be learning about our nation’s founding and our most important documents like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. We will also work to develop a basic understanding of the workings of our government and what their jobs are as well as what rights with have as citizens.


3 ring binder with pockets or one folderinside to keep up with handouts, reviews, and vocabulary

Pencil bag

2 ink pens ( 1 red or green to grade with, 1 blue or black to work with)

2 pencils (#2 for tests and quizzes)

Colored pencils (TWISTABLE)


Glue sticks (several!!)

Student Agenda


I. Beginning of Class

  1. Enter quietly andBE ON TIME!!

2. Go straight to your assigned seat and check the board for your homework


3. Take out your notebook and textbook and begin working on the “Bellringer”

questions written

up on the left hand side of the board.

4. Roll will be checked while the “Bellringer” questions are being worked on.

5. After the roll is finished, the questions/assignment should be completed and we

will go overand discuss theanswers.

6. Objectives for the day will be reviewed and the day’s lesson will begin.

II. During Class

  1. Copy into your notes everything I write or point out as being important. I will always let you know the key points.
  2. Raise your hand before you speak.
  3. Do not get out of your seat without my permission.
  4. No eating, chewing gum, or drinking in the classroom.
  5. Treat everyone and everything in the class with respect.

(If it’s not yours DON’T TOUCH IT)

III. End of Class

  1. Stay seated when the bell rings.
  2. Always check the board for homework and or assignments again before you go.
  3. I will dismiss you from class.NOT THE BELL.
  4. WALK out of the room.


Points are earned from homework, quizzes, tests, classroom activities and projects.

Homework is graded on effort and accuracy. The homework must be completed and in the classroom to receive points. A ZERO will no longer be accepted for any work due to the schools Every Assignment Every Time(EAET)policy. It is very important for you to complete all of your homework assignments to avoid falling behind.


The work for each day will be placed in the class folder at the front of the classroom. The details of the assignment will be written on a clipboard located in front of the class folders. Students are responsible for checking the folders for any work they might have missed while they were absent. (Checktheblog or call a friend)


Students will be informed of upcoming tests several days in advance. There will be occasional pop-quizzes during the grading period. Classroom reviews for tests will be done the day before the exam is to be given.


